UNIVERSITY Todd Barnhart criticized for emotional leadership style Todd Barnhart By Edward Kloptenstein As the oldest candidate in the rat e (or AM ’() president. Todd Bamliart. 37, calls himself the candidate for stu dont families and non traditional stu dents Yet. many doubt that Barnhart's emotional leadership style will sit well in student government's high est offu e In a November l‘ifl.3. Westmore land Tenants'Council meeting, Barn hart stormed out when Amazon and Westmoreland representatives want ed to form a joint task, fort e on the Amazon Housing issue Pat Saisi. an Amazon resident who wrote a letter to the editor against the candidate, said Barnhart, "stomped Ins ftsit, sprang from his seat, threw Ins IxMlks. sill ked his teeth, mumbled to himself, stormed out of the room and slammed the door” at the meet ing. off« lively hint king n vote for the lai k of a quorum A WTC officer. who did not want to lie identified. said Barnhart is a very passional** student representa tive who defends his cause to the point of oslrar i/mg other students Barnhart's passionate side was again seen last Wednesday when he nearly cried after being asked why he didn't attend the Asst* iated Students Presidential Advisory Council meet ings that fie was voted to. savins that the mooting time conflicted with the time he has for his children. My [Mission overcame me," Barn hart said about the Inst November meeting "I know how to go to pao ple and apologize " Barnhart said he made a mistake at that meeting and wasn’t trying to block a vote, but instead try mg voir e Ins dissent Barnhart, who said he can take (Tit le ism on such issues, was also i riti ciznd by currant AM JO President Kric Bowen Barnhart a< > used Bowen of with holding his application to the Uni versity's Child Care and Development (‘.enter committee, which Barnhart said is illegal, instead of forwarding it to the appropriate Student Senate selection committee Bowen said he held the applica tion and would do it again "Todd is. well. Todd." Bowen said "I don't think. Todd is representative of students on this campus Bowen said it's not his responsi bility to get an application to the appropriate committee With all this criticism. Barnhart said he still has a large group of stu dents who support him and believe he would make a good student gov ernment representative Barnhart's platform c enters around fighting the effect* of ItBkO's Ballot Measure 5. If ele< ted. Barnhart wants to join fortes with schools statewide — including public schools — in lob bying Salem for revising their fund ing priorities Concerning issues of diversity. Barnhart said that as a white male, he can't represent minorities, women or lesbian, gay and bisexual students His role on tins issue would be to allow those groups freedom to rep resent themselves, be said Barnhart also said that bet ause the role of ASUO vice president has changed by having that offit er chair the Student Seriate, he didn’t believe choosing a running mate was important now Me said he would change the way a vice presi dent is chosen in student govern ment. if elected. Barnhart also said that if elet ted. he would advocate for the Family Housing Board to become a deci sion-making body instead of the advisory role it now holds. Lecturer at art museum describes medieval texts By Gayte Forman I o/ lf» Oregon Oaiy I mmttkl It is sometimes difficult to do< ido whet her the Hooks of Honrs are prayer or picture* books. Hie Hooks of Hours, though used for private) worship, were modeled after the church's practices, Father Hugh Feiss said at a lei Hire at the Uni versity Art Museum Sunday Feiss. n native Oregonian, has been the Mount Angel Abbey library director for the past seven ytsirs and first went to Mount Angel in SOSIl His lecture at t ompaniod an exhibit titled "Margins and the Medieval Imagination." which has been running at the art museum. The liooks of Hours, named after the eight rlnily prayers prosenhed in the Bible, are a collection of psalms, savings, prayers and pic tures Feiss describes them as "a way of sanctify mg the hours of the day by interspersing them with prayer.” These books have the typi cal! Latin calligraphy found in hooks of medieval times, but around the margins of these text are illustrations in colors so bright, the ink seems ns though it is still wet. The writing is an intricate calligraphy, and certain words, such as the names of holidays, are highlighted in different colors In the mar gins around the texts are s< ones from the Bible, sue h as Mary and her newborn child surrounded by the three is ise jnen with flow ers and angels and dueling knights abound. The Hooks of Hours rvpre sent (i change in the commer cial use of books in medieval Europe. Feiss said The first books were made for and used bv monks and the clergy. The Hooks of Hours however, were intended for private devotion. INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY! -Wilh theU° Athletic Departrnor,7n The Dnlversltv ol Oregon Athletic Department is looking tor people who are d interested in sports, who have good commiinicaflons skills and are dedicated. sports Marketing * Public Relations Fundraising • Recruiting - AND MORE! Applications are available at McArthur Court or the Casanova Center. Please attach your resume to a completed application and return the materials to the Casanova Center by Monday, April 18th. tf you have any questions, please call 346-5367. Go Ducks! Todd Hamilton no laughing matter By Edward Klopfenstem (Vegoe IXtily Frrvtax 1 Some students say Greg Hamilton is a joke, and others might believe it if they saw him Inst Wednes day campaigning under his Nixon mask and parad ing his Hunter S Thompson, pro-beer platform Hut this ASUO presidential candidate is seri ous about his run and serious aliout generating inter - esi into a political process buried by student a pa thv “Students are paying $111 with every (tuition) cht*ck and many don't even think about where that money goes." Hamilton said in a Sunday interview "Hey, that's groceries.” A true outsider to politics, he compares his race to that of famed “gonzo" journalist Hunter S Thompson who tried to run lor sheriff of Aspen, Colo . in the mid-1970s Hamilton, unlike Thompson, doesn't support most aline use and is shying away from shaving his head and wearing the American flag in publii Beer is this man's motto, and a vote for Hamilton is a vote for a mtt robrvwerv in the IMG, he said "Beer is something to a campus that students have a past-lime with. Hamilton said and a micro brewery would put the University on the map lust think, we could have classes in brewery science It would be a pat ked bouse every term Hamilton's political resume is short, filled with just one high si hoot race w here he lost miserably, he said I'he journalism major, who transferred from Mount Hood Community College last year, said joining this year’s political rat e started its a joke when a friend wrote a mock news release on Hamil ton for a journalism ( lass. Then the idea of a get-out-the-vote platform gained steam, and now he's put his beer bottle down long enough to talk issues. On incidental fee increases: "Wo should keep fees as low as possible I think there's enough mon ey at hand," Hamilton said. On the new multicultural curriculum: “I don't think tins solves the problem of racism on campus,” he said, adding that classes on multicultural issues should be taken voluntarily. "This docs more to bring up a multicultural agenda than solve racial i onflict." On keeping student power with students: "1 would let students know about the goings on on campus," be said, "to make people aware of those trying to take the power out of student hands." Hamilton ulso sees the student government posi tion as tieing a watchdog against government waste, noting the United Stales Student Asscx iation's illic it phone expenditures last fall term. Whether he will win or not. Hamilton still sees his run as having purpose bv getting the Univer sity's unpolitical student population to think about politics Hamilton said many students compare college elections to those hi high school and then carry that political attitude through their post-college life. "If that (my campaign) promotes them to vote, whether for me or for somebody ulso. then I've done my job." Hamilton said "That's what is satisfy ing for me " Upi. tstfi $3 W9WI9 Th« Carpet Boggan The Qaardlans WtA $3 DogbM fhgiyDablts IMiihow Dob ( (cutunw memievA of AltWUXMA ) Elgin Hugh QlU'AtA Mm te 21 or iter HMltl WBicareitJlp | University of Oregon Athletic Dept. CLAlD_y£L* £/m* April 16 (10-2) April 18. 19. 20 (9-6) McArthur Court basement, Rm B-37 and B-38 Used equipment/clothing/shoes, etc. NO EARLY SALES! CASH ONLY All Items will lx* offered for sale to State/Local Agencies and qualified non profit organizations prior to tlx* public sale. Please Recycle This Paper