Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 10, 1994, Page 11A, Image 11

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on yow intwn
tkip Jultn. Party
witfc Hm boil of
thorn in P-Town!
TO* Wll (MM I*
contort «tl)i jntl
tortww I Ml m Dm
to sofa* plan (w ■
artid nd crarj
The ttart or*
aligned and
youi moon! ora
In order - to go
hog wild Hilt
1 Someone dote
to you it e«pe<t
ing o turpdie
•kit week. Get
: buty on tbot
When Wec
was out on the
farm he waddled
and toddled and
tumbled around.
lout setret is
oul and every
one n desper
ately waiting to
see yout neirt
Stand la front of
tfta lakrowovn
wftiio popping
corn and jump
up evoty tim a
karaei pop*.
You're about to
com* in contact
wilt a lit* long
wbnfbei la lotre
or nrealtfc.
iometimes tri
better to |ust
ikvt up and
accept the
Tim week on
undent warrior
will haunt four
dreamt. Eat
I pitta.
Juit knock it. like
the mighty condor
you're o magnifi
cent anachronism
that will soon be
Occasionally do
your laundry
from now on ...
your romantic
interne! (ha-ha)
will dig it.
Federal judge indefinitely
delays Harding’s hearing
1 \\v mdrfmih
\ t-<l ‘i sk»;it in^* cj Mf
: \ h«- if Illy ?h,>* -• bill
tu'.i- t larding (I nil. 1 ini.'
■ -n. nigh ‘ Mill' In pi open* her i i-e
Harding s membership in (he
N !• igure .Skilling Association
• in itnipartlv because of the
in tt i jii Nam \ kerngau who
'•V,1S I bibbed oil tile knee lull H
at tin- national championships
m Detroit. Harding inis lumn
implicated ti\ tier ex-hnsband
l oss ol tu«?mi>t*rsiiip would
end Harding's amateur career,
nirting with tile World Figure
Nkulmg Championships. which
an Man ii ll m (Ihiba la pun
Funner granted .1 ttimporrirv
, :,uruin; irder bio* k r ft'-;
! hof&duv s hearing in i oloi^do
Springs ( tiiii and urged the
| (.1 1 I | : M 1,1 VV Vf! , Bui*
V\* avei stopped short ut saying
fit.i1 Wednnsdov s ruling means
il.tiding 1 .111 skate in the world
I humpionships
A grand pin, is exptti ted tu
issue indii tinents in the kerng
an < use and its linul report on
Mm h J 1 the day before the
i humpionships begin Harding
1 mild lie in lapan by then
Hu- figure skating iissoi lutioil
did not plan to 1 omment on its
lies! step until Ihursday.
spokesiiiiin Matt I’onsinger said
342 - 3358
136 E. 11th • Eugene, OR
smokmg prrferred
‘Divorced’ girl picks birth parents
ii\ ing w i!h them
For fivn soars kimlmiU NI.i\ s
msistod ploas from her timing
u.n1 parents lo Inavo she man
who rnisod her mhtm she was
| swapped at hirth Now sho s
after running aw av
lost siwcii months ago. a |u<igt> roll'd that Kohort
Ma\ s w ,is thi* 1 ’ \ ar old girl's Inga I I at h nr and
said that 1 most anil Kogma Twigg had no right
nv nn i" v isit hor KiiiiIhtU who had gonn to i ouii
to disorio hur hiolugn al parniit' w as ovtir|o\ ed
Now shn has movnd in with till* 1 wiggs in
ight ol her spm nil needs together with . urrnnt
■arniit tii'ii onlm t with Boh ai o tlai ■ i May
aol Das o', I, Donkin attorney lot kimberls s
tiardian Fnstin t ntt
I .is! month k mborit ran awav from homo to a
'I \t( \ v out h stie I tor a ml Man appro.u hod the
I w iggs about kindwrly hum; \v itli thorn as i tom
porart and infonn.il" platomont Donkin s.mi
Iho rvviggs and I hr Mass mot luesdat with
attormns and tlio guardian. and thtm talked with
kimherlv Indore dot uling sho would lite with lIn*
I w iggs in Sohring afloat ’ll rnilos oast of Sarasota
Mat s and his w ifo will maintain parental ion
trol and < oinmunn ato w ith tho I w iggs and Iho
guardian Donkin said it a nows t onforom • ■
Donkin took no ipiostioiis Init noddotl w hon askod
II k imbei It w as all right
kimiierlt was expet tod to onroll at Sohring High
Si hool, sourt os i lose to tho l w iggs told l hr him
()<: Irihunr Hut si,hool offii nils said Wodiiosdat
thin had no know lodgo ot tho (dans
Mat s w is not i m modi at td t a t ai la Ido for i nm
tnoiit. hut his fathor said his son was ill torn up
alter tho last lit e t ears ot fighting Si keep fiei
I km>u we re .ill disappointed." Hubert Mays
Sr said I ilon l know lor sure what's going on.
ind ih.it s whs 11 an t s.is too nun h
Tho baby swap at the rural hospital whtirv Kini
l>erl\ vi .is horn (.inn* to light in l‘)HH when blood
tests on tho girl tlit' I'sviggs had raised as their
own. \rletta. showud she wasn't their daughter
After Arlena died, the Ivsiggs trm ked down
KiihIhtIv uni determined she was their biologu a I
daughter Ibes spent the next live sears battling
lor i istotis and visitation rights
I ast |it 1 s < olt os onunended that ( in mt judge
Stephen I)akan sev er KiiiiImtIv s ties to the I vsig
gs sav mg tiiev had shown a total I at k ol t oih em"
for the girl
I ilu not feel it would he in himberlv s best
interest to he Ion ed into visitation w ith people tor
whom she nO'tonge: has any feelings or resins t "
(olt w iote in her report In t oiltr.isl to her harsh
assessment of the I vsiggs she said the Slavs had
show II great i out el n for kimherly s welfare
knilbi'rlv r.m .m ,n to tin* stndlot Im him' sln>
was I'vpi'rii'iH him tt'i'ii ngi> dilfit uitlt'S th.it had
nothing In t!i> with tin' i iinrt i iisi', said uni' of lift'
atlorni'vs. ta'orgi' Ktiss Thi* dtrm lor of tho youth
shi'llitr i onfmiii'il linin' fi.nl ht'i'ii no .illt»gations
of.tbiiM' in tin' voluntary admission
I lif voutli sfii'llt'r h'Iom'i! lo rt'liMsf uny infor
111.11ion \Vfclm'sif.iv mil ntiissagi'S li'tl with Ktiss.
tin'Mays itiorniiy Art (onshtirg .ami I fn • lulls'
iitoriii'y. |ohn lll.ikfly with not iiiirni'iluilt'ly
In Ins ruling I.ist August Dukati siil*isl('|ijind
klilihi'rly . ri'i|ui'sl lot a tin on >• from tint Tw ig
.s. s.iy ing il w is itioof in light ol Ins otlurr rulings.
()n Wi'iIiihmIcU , I Ilf jutlgo said lif know nothing
about tlm situation
We'll | >ay you (>()%
c >t the iu'\v, slue k'i it | tric e•
tor 1 x K >ks we i ic'ec 1 Ic >r
s| >rii ty term!
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M-F 7:43-0, Silt 10-5
March 14-18
M-Tll 8:30-5:30, Fri 8:30-4
You c an win $20 Cash!
\ < ui'ro selling 1 )o< >ks
rinj.*s. you'll win
(1 )< )nnte< 11 >v
where the alarm ( lock
$30 Cash!
Not M ask, i B< x )ks).
lire < rirxiv! • 1 ast.c'ompiucri/cd scanning
34(^433 1
• M-Sat
IS > () l K
13th & Kiru aid