Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 11, 1994, Page 3A, Image 3

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    Group whines away budget chances
By Edward Kloptenstein
on 0*Y tmiyak}
The Incidental Fee Committee voted for several
modest increases in program budgets Thursday
night, while < utting all funding to one organiza
The National Lawyer's Guild r*t eived no money
for next year because main IFC members voiced
concern about the group's lack of activities
The IFC originally tied in a vote on the group's
goal statement, which would have denied the
group IFC recognition
But, Committee Member Samir Kumar later
i hanged his vote and allowed the group to be
An obviously tense Dan Keitman, co-director for
the law group, told the IFC that little fundraising
had been done. The IFC has emphasized this year
that that programs need to fundraise to be consid
ered for budget increases.
"For the fourth or Fifth time, no, I didn't,'' Kelt
man said about fundraising.
The group’s budget includes about $500 collet t
oil from dues
Keitman said that money came slow to the group
and would lie hard to replai e
Committee Member Caitilin Twain said those
hinds would lie enough ftir the group to operate on
through next vear until the group can reorganize
"You didn't even know who your speaker was.
Twain said
Keitman said earlier that as a member last year,
he couldn't remember who the group requested to
There are no assurances that the group's lack of
activity wouldn't be repealed next year. Twain
said. with Keitman adding th.it hr plans to i hange
that by providing good training for the next group
I havo some concern if vou are going to lie tin*
people doing that." I'w.im said
Committee Member Kris Cornwell motioned
that the group have no budget next year
The motion was passed unanimously
Didn't you tell them about the fraud tase."
Andrew Koss. a member of the law organization,
said to Keitman as the two left
"OK. 1 forgot about that. Keitman said, adding
that another Nl.C. member was at fault for not
bringing that information.
"Don't mention other people It’s rude," Koss
In other IFC business, hand. Air and Water, an
environmental laxv organization, received a JH
percent increase after several IFC members ques
tioned whether the group couldn't afford a small
decrease instead
I he law group organizes n yearly environmental
laxv conferem e which attrni Is up to 2.500 people,
said representatives of the group.
Though the group had $2,000 left over from
donations from the last conferem e. they ret eived
a special request last summer for over $700 for
new phone lines
Francis Neo. ASl'() Imam e coordinator, said the
52.0(H) washed over into the IFC "s general ai < ount.
the same account that the !F(. took the money to
fund the new phono lines
The group ret.eived a $7,221 budget for next
The Philosophy Club also received n modest
increase Thursday. The IFC added 12 [>eri cut to
the group's budget, bringing it to SH.'i2
(hrwtian S* irm e (idle** * frganualion will
meet today from 1 to 2 p m m KMl * Ontu
rv Hoorn 0 For morn information, tali J42
821 r>
Hillel Nhabbal wrvii n will begin at ’> 10
in at 2475 Mcmillan St ami a vegetarian
potluc k will follow For more information
i .ill J4 J 8920
Pat tfu a forum wiii meet todav from 11 45
.i m to 1 15 pm at the VY.Foundation
1236 Kincaid St Lunc h tune duo u«iion
group will foe. ut on the relia.ation of )apan
!-.*• \nieru an# during World War II It is free
and open to the public For more information
.til )4b 4694 or .14 4 048 1
Survival (cntei will a pi.uu; :.s
• ewting for Karth Week 1994 todas at 2 p m
. i; dn- Survival C -elite: KMD Suite l lor more
information call 34b 4J5b
I Ml (raft (enters >pe: * ■* 14t ?. \:.i .
a I f amity Album Miow \ tniay won a mh ep
lion from 5 lo 7 p m in the FMU Kir Room
The Craft (’.enter % instructors and staff will
exhibit artwork in ceramics. wiKjdworktng
photography. |awelry and more For more
information, « all 346 4361
Srwman (’.enter will sponsor -i SbirdtCra*
party today from M d m In noon a! the New
man (filter 1B5.G hmerald St The iwrtv wdl
offer free food. motktads and Creole music
Student Conservation Awmm tattoo will pr»‘
yen! a slide show and informal!on session
today at 2 p m in FMU Cedar Kmmu A and
B for more informal ion. call (2061 B<>0 1054
l akr- A Dui k lo l.um h .ippltt a! tons are
«ivdttable in Room 2(>4 Johnson Mall Applt
< ation deadline is i(Kla\
I S Peace Corps and PPPM liepartment
will present Angela Churchill. health pro
gram specialist for Peace Corps. lo speak
loditv from 11 10 a rn to 12 30 p m in FMt
Cedar Hoorn A For more information, rail
Career Planning and Placement Ssrvitr
will offer sian up for interviews with Nabis
i o. v i i ir r uiim uh » n ••
KnMMrch. I'»um Ufa Hi» | <»*1W> and hiji
Siiyiia ( JwtnKal til Hoorn 24 4 Hrmdntk*
Sign up for mlervvpwt wulh Tniu t.ay. Tun
twrlin* Softwtrs. I’lHt. ARTS Mi*nt(jnm«fy
Ward. Otdr Oi<u mini (iorp ami I h*’ l*fwd«m
lull will \#> offimnt UkIus and Monday
I S l*ra«r ( orps v%iil i ondu< ! 4
Hon today from 11 TO a in to 12 JO p m in
1 Ml ’ Koom ( odar A
Deadline for tubrmttwg; H Ah to the Km«r
aid front desk Suite 100 h’MI ;» n< t n the
t tus herfore fwbUt ution ft Ah run the i/u> ot
the event un/m the ewnt hikes plot e before
noon and is requested to tun puhUthtui eorh
W'tie r% f eivfntt ssith a donation or
admission i har$t will not be <u t rftted (Min
pm events and those *« heduhd nearest the
pubin allot! dale tsnll be ^i\en pn -rity t he
KittpraUl resets r\ the ng/if to edit for ^ratti
war and style
ft Ah run strictly on a space available
We’ll ask you to do
unusual things
Well, not exactly dancing hall naked
but many other interesting tasks
Be a Resident Assistant
l Diversity I lousing is looking tor jliivc,
enthusiastic [iconic who would like to till the
Resident Assistant [msitions in the residence
halls tor the -94-'95 academic year.
Room and board plus $(>00 per year.
Must have Junior standing by tall term
1994 and have a cumulative Cil’A ot 2.5 or
You must also attend this orientation session
Monday l eh 14th, 7pm, Housing OfJice
(Walton ( omplex).
Application deadline:
Friday, Feb. 11 th, 5 pm
h>f more information contact: University flouting
or call 546-4277
By the way, if vou like dancing half
naked, don't hesitate to come.
•An AAi O institution committed tocuituraJ
J.'.cf .tv and in compliance with the AIM
Continued from Page 1
increased. however Big Town Hero, a sandwich shop located
on hho K 13th Avo., will soon fat e new competition from the
Taco Hull nest door.
'It's really hard to tell il the new store will hurt business,
although initially it probably will." said Big Town Hero own
er Mike Brooks "We do pretty well, but because of their low
er prices, the food (.arts on 13th Avenue will be affected. It's
|ust another person tocompoto with.”
Although Toco Bell's chief competitor. TacoTime. recently
expanded its franchise to rater students and faculty in the EMU
Fishbowl, Weber contends that Taco Bell is not looking for any
significant competitive gains or detraction from other businesses
"1 don't know what the general impact will bo. but I don't
lielieve it will affect surrounding businesses that much,” Weber
said. "By offering another choice, we hope that we are doing
a service to the community and surrounding areas."
The new express store expects to have a 12 to 15 person seat
ing capacity with a limited menu featuring Taco Bell’s most
popular items. Although the new store is smaller than the four
other Taco Bell restaurants in Eugene, Weber Enterprises plans
to prosper from profits received from students passing through
the area during school.
"The pricing is structured to help students." Weber said.
"Prices will lie the same as they are at our other locations."
With the opening target date set for this spring, Taco Bell's
Eugene franchise is accepting applications for employment at
the new store lieginning March 1
Continued from Page 1A
res! of Kugene The University
spent more than S4.1KK) alone last
year on i leaning ti|i grulfiti I'lus
year looks to U> even worse, with
the hill more than $(>00 sun e the
beginning of January
The Kugene police department,
along with other t its workers, has
the same polit y of cleaning lip
graffiti hut isn’t as silt a essful
hei ause of the mm h larger area
that il lias to c.over
Department spokesman Tim
Htrr said graffiti lias a negative
effort on u neighborhood It
makes people living there feel
unsafe and possibly invites an
unwanted element into the area
1 loang ugreeii with this in that
she now fears that her ear would
make an easy target to the same
offenders who hit the corner of
her apartment building The coin
pies is well lit and is at the ( or
nor of a busy intersection, Mast
IHth Avenue and Alder Street
Join us in the
following events
sponsored by
the Student
Health Center:
Target Heart Dance Aerobicf
A dance fund-raising event for
the American Heart Association.
Participate by collecting pledges
or donating a dollar.
Saturday, Feb. 19th
Registration 1:45pm
2:00pm High Impact Funk Aerobics
3:00pm African Dance
4:00pm Power Step
Room 220 Gerlinger Gym
Come for just one, or stay for all events!
There will be prizes, raffles
it gift give-a-ways.
Target Heart 514 Fun Hun
Sunday, Feb. 20th, 10:00am
Meet at the Amazon BBQ pits
Register the day of the run
For more infotmalion call the
Health Education Office*. 346-4456.
UO Student Health Center
Health Education Program