ROOM Continued from Page 1 to ri-lix ale the group to the near by piano room, who h is twice as large as the magazine's current room The < ommittee's vote is non-binding and must be ap proved by the larger KM I ’ Hoard "! find this to he an afront." I latum Kamahi. the MSA s media affairs offic er said referring to the i ommittee's consideration of the journal's request "Don’t lie upset that this issue is raised. Committee Member Ken i ahnbullah said in response to Kamahi "You have the room I oday. we re just listening This is just the procedure we follow Other members of the student assoi lotions defended their right to keep the room by telling the committee how valuable that spai e is to the several hundred members i omprising the four groups The Japanese Student Assoi lalmn alone has over 100 members The journal lias a si.d! of about Members of the said they didn't have a problem with the student groups' defense or with the committee's dei ision Many said Glares' letter was the problem " This is a callous, baseless attack. " Scott Camp, one of sev eral members of the Comrne/ifo (or who angrily talked aliout the letter after the meeting I lus had zero to do with what's going on Comp continued, "It's inap propriate to turn an official meet ing into a race war." Many members said only four staff members ran efficiently work in the present room at one time, meaning only atxml 10 w ill be able to work in the piano room As the journal pushes to pub lish every two weeks instead of every month, spate is a premi um Rounds said lid ( arson, editor for tin* jour nal agreed the letter was twid, but emphasized that there was little tension during the meeting Most of the people in the room that spoke said positive things about staying ill their room ( arson said about the stu dent association members 'There was just one or two pim ple that spoiled the pot tensions between mouthers of the student association and members of the magazine have been increasing in the past weeks, with memliers of tile (Join inmtnloi staring at people walk ing by and making noise espei rally during the MSA s reli gious ( eremonies. Claros said (.arson said those allegations are not true, adding that there was an "Adios Comnirnlator" sign on the associations' door. "If we look, it's just out of curiosity. Carson said "l ook ing is a natural thing." lictii Hri’r contributed lo this story WUNDERIAND 5th STREET 5e PUBLIC MARKET VIDEO ,»«,,« _oames 633.8464 A i - I VIDEO ADVENTURE < WIVEW PlAI* I.... JSS-I2 1 .^UUWWUUUUU'WWgg* *V first is a com in it toe called ARC (Administra tive Review Committee) where vari ous student BbwfR focus groups and committees are working to change the wav the University is administered Bowen believes the second pr<>< ess. dubbed "productivity'' is the most important because it deals with finding a wav to edu i ale more students with less funds and at the same time not sacrificing quality of education I hope there is a i oncern out there to make sure the integrity of the institution remains in tact throughout this process." Bowen said After speaking, members of the ussim lation asked questions as to the how effort the ASUO was making to enhance student par ticipation us Alumni after they graduate. Kim Heiney. Director of Con stituency Relations, said that Bowen's siieech was a great idea Itecause it helps the Alumni stay in touch with the students. She said that they work with students but often don't have u chance to fiear from them THDRSDAT NIGHT SOCIAL 1 C” I lien. ur emeritus of Eng luh at California State University Hayward, to give a reading from hit book. The Bread of Sail and Other Stand today from 3 to 4 p m in Room 159 PIC (Humanities Center t onlrffjw r> room) For more inioitnilioa, call 346-1521 t mtrrsilv Bookstore will also present N V M (ionrale*. professor emeritus of Ena hth at (California State Un»ver*it% Maywaru to sign hi* book, The timid of Sait and Othet Stones today from 4 30 10 5 30 p m on the w orn! floor of the lhx»k#lore For more information, adl 346 1521 ASl O will offer "How to Run a More Sue caiiful Program today at 5 p m in EMU Cedar Room K Career Planning and Plateroent Service will conduct an internship opportunities workshop today from 4 to 5 p m m Room 221 Hendricks For more information, call )46 3235 t S Marine* will have a table in the KMl lujbbv today from 10 am to 2 p m For more information, call 346 3235 Headline for iubtmttitiji ti Ah to the Fimtr aid fixmt desk Stale JVC EMIu noon liu- das be ton pub! tea turn H Ah run the day of the e%ml unless Ihe rsent take* fiber before noon and is rtHfuested to be published writer