Judge refuses stay for Packwood v\ ashim.ton (AIM A federal judge denied Sen Hob Pm.k wood's request lo keep his diaries from the Sen ate Kthu s Committee ponding an appeal of the panel's subpoena Pachwood now must rely on the I S C ourt of Appeals to keep the diaries out of the committee s hands is the i.(institu tional i hallenge is decided l S District lodge Thomas Penfteld laekson issued a one sentem e decision Wednesday on Packwoods request Ordered, that the motion is denied fur.kson on Monday established a t o day timetable for transfer of the diaries to the committee for its investigation of sexual misconduct, witness intimidation and obstruction of the inquiry I’m kwood lawyer Jac ob A Stein argued Tuesday that the challenge to the sub|>oena would be meaningless if the audio record mgs and transcripts were given to Inves tigators Indore the appellate < ourt ruled Stem on I'uesdav appealed |ai kson s earlier de< ision to uphold the subpoena Stem repeated his oft stated position that the subpoena violates I’m kwood s I ■mirth Amendment right of pnvm \ md Ins right to be free ol over-broad, general searches of Ills personal papers iiie i ommtttev also \ lolated l’a< kwood s J-'iflh Amendment right against self-mi rim •nation, Stein argued Pai kwood could fm it i riminal charges because thit Justice Department is con ducting mi investigation of the job oilers The committee subpoenaed the diaries last Oi ! ill, after entries showed that loti livists and businessmen ottered the semi tor's wife a |ob wtide the I’ai k.woods were going through a divort e Pai kwood who tiad provided diarv entries until the discovers then cut oil act ess to muteti ds from t'lH'l to the pre sent [he i Dilim11tee responded with the subpoena, saving the diaries were nei es sarv to determine whether the probe should In- expanded Jury considers charges against Jackson SANTA BARBARA (AI’) A grand jury convened Wednes day to i onsider molestation charges against Mi< hnel Jackson, and the first witness was actor Marlon Brando's adult son, a former Jackson employee Miko Brando, who has worked for Jackson as a bodyguard and valet, met with the grand jury behind closed doors He ignored questions as lie passed reporters No charges have been filed against the .tr> year-old Jat kson Prosecutors did not comment Wednesday as they entered the grand jury room. A boy. now 14 years old. has act used the pop superstar of sedut ing him with lav ish gifts, then sexually molesting him last year He sued Jai kson in September seeking unspecified monetary damages Tin* entertainer has demect wrongdoing. mourn. m* ONit hod an out-oft ourl selflenient in the t ivii Inw suit brought by (us nr i user. Sources \%ho spoke on t omiilion of anonymi ty loir) llio Associated Press it totaled St '< million 1 he settlement was thought to diminish the state s i ase iti the child molestation investigation las ause. in (California, \ u tims of sexual abuse ran't ixi foo eti to testifv against their will |a< kson abandoned Ins /Jo/tgerotis world concert lour in Novemlier amid tile media fren/v over the allegations, sa\ mg he was forced to retreat to a drug rehabilitation r enter in Kurope to kn k an addiction to painkillers |ac kson and Ins lawyers have claimed the teen's allegations resulted from a failed $20 million extortion attempt hv the boy's father and lawyer Gillooly asks to testify before panel in Norway I’OHTI-ANI) (AP) I'unvn Harding s ex-husband asked a court today to U*t him go to Norway to tastily belore a t S Olympic Committee p.mi'l tb.it will decide what liar to kick her otl the figure skating team leffGillooK , who lias pleaded guilty to racketeering in the attack on figure skater Nancy Kerrigan and implicated Ins t*y wife, also asked Multnomah County Cir cuit Court to release results ot a lie-detei tor test he took ns part of bis plea bargain The USOC’s Caines Administrative Hoard ill conduct the hearing Tuesday hi Oslo to deterinine whether Harding failed to live up to its < ode of ethics I larding has denied any inv olvement ill the attar k in which Kerrigan was struck on the knee hetore the l S Figure Skat mg Championships in Detroit on Ian t> Gillooly has told authorities she approved the attack Gilloolv. who lias agreed to serve two years in prison and pay a .$ 1(M),000 fine in exchange for no further prosecution, sought permission to attend the UN(X. htMflllg III Oslo its III! UVVUltS sUlUflll.lllg Hi’ .ilsii said he wants to inak*• the results ol his In' detei tor hist in tin' cast' avail able In I S( 1C iuvestigators ll was not iinmi'tlialvlv known il Haul mg hersell would lake ilw opportunity to show up to the hearing to defend horselt Hob Ucai in . Harding's attorney. said he would have .1 statement today or Thursday on whether she would patina pate in the US( M hearing I le noted that lie had only rei eived the US(X. at a usa lions 4H hours earlier Court revives accusations against officer ( barges Against ( HIh er Rev tved SAI.f.M iAP) I'he Oregon Court ul Ap(>*vils restored i rimmal i harges Wednesday against .1 stale police man an used ol improperly touch mg iviminn during searches I'hi’ ruling reversed the Miirion (anility Dislru t Court, vs hit h had dismissed the i harges against Daniel lleugh on grounds he had immu nitv from prosecution het a use he w . i retpured to answer ij nest ions ill in internal polii e investigation 1 lie dev isitm returns the i ase lo the lower court lor new [ins codings Heiigli. .i senior trooper assigned lo dutv in Marion County, was in,t used by four women ol unsuit able tout liing during seart lies in i«mn The State Police coiuiiu led an internal administrative investiga tion and Inter a < rimimil prohe The Marion County district attorneys of fit e in !‘M>1 i hargtul Heiigli with sexual abuse, official itlisi omliicl and harassment District lodge William Horner dropped the charges, ruling that lieugli vvas uiicoiistitiitionallv fon ed to incriminate himself dur mg the internal investigation The state i out eded th.it Hough's right against self me rimiimtioil vvas violated when he was ordered to answer questions in the investiga tion Hut the state argued he did not gam immunity from preset utinn in ex< Iialige lor the answers, ami tIII* Court ol Appeals agreed I lie appeals i ourt ruling leaves it to the trial court to del tde anew whether Hough's statements i an lie used against him He i aiiimt i l.iim immunity hut instead would have to argue cm other grounds that the statements should not he allowed as evident v Attention All Catholic Faculty & Staff The Newman (enter invites you to .1 wine and cheese and alternative beverage reception on l rtd.iv, February 1 1 from 4 00 5 00 p m. Please come to the Dominican Resident v on the corner of 18th N. Emerald. You are most welcome to bring .1 guest. MOUSEPADS <£$ MOUSEPADS CAPS CAPS CAPS ft H SHOW SOME HEART this Valentine's I)ay \\ ith a TShirt from Kinko's or 5 Or I kinko's , the copy center ' s'jniM sonix sonix Or 5 Chinese (Veo) Year CELEBRf) T(QM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1994 LUCKY M0N£Y fOR £0£RYON£ While supplies IdSt (Come t drly!) Cover Charge: before 9:00 pm.free 9:00-10:00 pm.$3.00 10:00 pm-3:00 am...$5.00 ^Q9 THE HOT TEST PLACE TO BE THIS CHINESE Nl W Yi AH 2222 Centennial Blvd. Eugene* — 343-4734 Q«t results. Advsrtiss in ths. ODE