Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 10, 1994, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
MM MAf t SH»NOl ^ FVCmc
Shane Graves, senior, takes a practice run down the course at Willamette Pass Wednesday Graves
will be traveling to Winterpark, CO next week with other members ot the UotO Ski Team to compel
in the Western Division Regional Championships
Journal’s room grab
raises Muslim brows
By Edward Klopfenstein
A request hv the ( Vrt’on Com
mi’iitutor for .1 larger room
prom pil'd ill least out' memlier of
l(ii' Muslim Sludt'til Asmm i.iIioii
lo insinuate no ism lu'i auso
mmorilv .students run tht' offit e
Micluittl Shaheed (darns. offi
1 or of 1 ullurnl idt.iirs for tho MSA.
sold iho In weok.lv University
journal made >i "territorial
demand ' when they requested
KMl' Room Jll^. vvhu h the MSA
shares with the Singapore Stu
dent Asst* iation. Iranian Student
Asst* iation and the Japanese Stu
dent Assoc iation
l he Comilwnlator is housed
next lo the student unions in
Room JUt
I Itelieve tile trtir motives for
tht> move. besides lonquermg'
our I.irv;«• r ofltr i\ art' to get the mi
lt* live four student assm nations
as far away as possible from the
white student union,'" (darns
said in a letter to the Emerald.
Owen Mremian Rounds, pub
11sli»*r for the Commentator,
rei ently referred to the |t*tirnal as
tfie "white student union” on a
radio show after tfie show's t o
fiost Itohfiy la;e made the same
statement, Rounds said.
I lie KMM Hoard House (aim
mittee wiled unanimously against
tfie Commentator's request
Wt'dnestlay and instead agreed
Turn to ROOM. Pago 8
Signatures needed
for center’s petition
Ballot: Measure would ban Iwo hunting
By Nalasha Shepard
The Survival (Tiller is i iri elating a petition tli.it would ban
hunting prui In ns the (begun Hear ami (longer (utalition i alls
Use petition, vs tin li is sponsored hv the Portland based Hear
and ( ougar ( audition, needs tiH.(HM) signatures to a|rpear on the
general elei turn ballot in November it would ban beat baiting
and bound bunting of liears and i ougars
A i outainer of rotting meat and sweets is left out to bait a
bear Hunters wait for the bear to i ome to feed and then kill
Hound hunting uses hightei h electronic dog collars to trai k
down i ougars and bears The bounds are set out to tree a tiear
Turn to HUNTING, Page 8
ASUO President Bowen
speaks on racial issues
REPORT: Official
updates community
By Rachel Miller
fix Oregon [Xuty f
ASIJO President Krit. Bowen
addressed the monthly meeting
of tho Eugene chapter of the
Alumni Association last night as
part of an ongoing effort to make
the AMU) more visible
"There is ;i real feeling of hos
tility and lock of well omeness for
students of i.olor on campus those
days," said Bowen in Ins spuei h
Bowen told the Alumni that in
order to combat the rise of rai ial
tension, the ASUC) is in the
proi ess of i renting a imiltii ul
Turn to ALUMNI. Page 8
^ Schedules lor spring term
registration are now available lor
25 cents each at the L MU Main
Desk Store and the University
► Watch lor a mind-boggling
story on nipple piercing in
Rhythm <X Reviews and an
l O w
exclusive Valentine's Day sup
plement. both in Friday's