-Oregon om/vEmerald Sports Anderson trying to stay optimistic By Dave Charbonneau lor jifflim Anderson, this is the tvpe of season nightmares .ire made of As i.oar.h of the Oregon State men's basketball team. Anderson has been fin ed with the gruesome task of Irving to make the best of a season with a team virtual!) destroyed by ui|ur\ Three of the Beavers' top sis players went down with injuries before the season had even begun, fori mg Anderson to use a ( ast loaded with fresh men. inespeneni ed veterans and ev en a Ke< ( en ter gym rat to try and compete in the Pa< ific-10 Conference The result has been a season that has seen the Beavers finish the first half of the Pac-10 season with a 1-8 record, tfie start for an Oregon State team sun e 10ri2 The scenario is not unlike the story of Don Man son. former Oregon coach who was fired two years ago after going (i J 1 with a team riddled by injuries and lacking in talent Last season, media spei ulalion was that Ander son would fie gone following the Beavers disap pointing 1 t 14 season Anderson however shrugged off the rumors and athlete director Dutch Baughman kept Anderson on as head coach. Without the injuries that hit the Beavers this s.-.t son. Oregon State may have had a rhance to at least crack the upper tier of the I’m 10 Instead the Beavers ha\ e been lumped in with perennial t el lard wellers Oregon and Washington. Anderson, a diehard optimist, continues to insist that some good can come out oi this season It's nightmarish in that we re not winning ..is games, but we re constantly improving, he said ' You never giv>- up on the season you're involved in. but you also have to look toward the future and realize that a lot ol players are getting some good experience that t an only help them and our program in the future For much of the season, the Beavers starting lineup lias consisted ol two freshmen, center Innihn Brown and guard David Drakelnrd, mid a junior college transfer Stephane Brown, m ins lirs! season w ith tin' team All hast* play ml wall at turn*, but their mexpe riant e has taken its lull on the Beavers at times Stephane Brown, for instance. is the set ontl leading scorer for the Beavers, averaging 14 f> and 5 .! assists a game, but has also averaged over four turnovers a game As for the veterans, juniors Kareetn Anderson and Brent Barry have been looked to carry the team Both are averaging over 14 points a game, hut Anderson said the season has worn on them "They’re good competitors who like to win, he said "They get frustrated when they can't i arrv the team as mut h as they would like Mustapha Hoff and J II Vetter, both expei ted starters this season went down with injuries before the season started Freshman Sonny Ben jumin wont dow n as well Benjamin was expei t ed to lie the sixth man lor the Beavers this season ( Tuning into ()regoo State s game with the I tucks Saturday at (.ill Coliseum, the Beavers lineup is made up of six walk-ons and seven freshmen \iuferson. a former assist mt under former head t i.e :i Ka !ph Mi Her has \\ iti h*'d t lie (Ire g< i ite program slowly deteriorate since M;ii*-r • * *■ merit following the I‘1HU-mt i-a-.oi During Miller 1 seas . it On*.,on Sr.ir. tnc Beavers failed to finish above ’0(1 seven time , in Anderson’s tout seasons as bead . o.u h Ins team has finished .dime r>00 only'out e. and this his fifth year is quickly turning into his worst seasur. as head coach The Beavers are now a I l overall this -.eason In l'laj. Oregon state finished <1 10 and t lit in the I’m in With games remaining at home against Arizona. Arizona State. I (.LA and CSC. and road games against Washington State. Washington Stanford and Cal, the Beavers are in jeopardy of finishing worse off than the Cl .2 team nit Oregon Slate head coach Jimmy Anderson is trying to remain positive about the Beavers 18 start in the Pac 10 this year Arizona State booster investigated by Pac-10 TIMI’I. An/ (AP) The family of a former Arizona Stale toOlt)illl pla\ er has filed a grie\ mice w ith the Pat ifit 10 Confer illicit, alleging that the universe PACIFIC 1 IN 0 T I Sj tv violated NCAA rules Samieh Wood, the mother oi ex-Sun Devil wide rei fiver |olm Livingston, said the grievance includes allegations that Ari zona State committed ret tinting violations and provided improp er benefits to players ASl’ Athletic Director Charles Harris said Monday that school WOMAN IN MIND MAKE MONEY a A 10 *'< SfiomJ HunJ Ciotbimf WE BUY. 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RIGHT ON TARGET Emerald CALL OUR ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT 344-3712 • RECYCLE • RECYCLE • RECYCLE • RECYCLE • RECYCLE » RECYCLE « officials have looked into the allegations and found nothing improper Livingston, from San Mari os, (.all! transferred to Arizona State from Palomar Community College hut played in just two games lor the Sun Devils last season He lias sinr e transferred t c ■ Nebraska The Arizona Republic report ed Tuesday that the Livingston family's grievance alleges an Arizona State booster provided improper housing benefits to some football plovers The booster. |ohn Babbling, was interviewed last Friday by David Price, assistant commis sioner of the Pat -10. and |errv Kingston. A SI s fai ulty athlet ie representative bubbling stud he shows no favoritism to athletes in renting apartments at lus two I empe ( umplexes ami rci entK eve tod two football players for non pay moot of rent Rubbling denied offering U nod Inn- in kcts or hottd a. i ommodations to sim her son p|,iv at Arizona State tint did admit inviting her to vs .iti h a game from his luxury skybox at Sun Dev il Stadium "That's the one that could get me in trouble. Rubbling said It is against Nt.AA rules for a booster to provide an athlete or his family with benefits not available to the general student iKk1\ I’rn t! (In-11neti i ommnnt oil I he I ’,11 His inv ustigation, citing conferenr c polit v WAl.N't I ( Kl-.I.K. ( -ilit (AI*) U ashington - enter Maurn »• WtMills lus been named Pm ifit 10 C.lll'll>rvlH e plavef 1)1 tin- Week, tilfn nils iiuiouni nl Woods a si'IIIDi, totJled It) points and a i amor-high It rebounds in a I mb I loss to Ari zona State Two days Inlei ho hit a i aieer high it) points and had ID retKiunds in a vn lory over Ari zona I or the week, he shot (>l) per i »nt Irimi the field. Woods Ihm ,nne Ihi) firsl Wash ington athlete to warn plnyer of the week honors since March I'he f’ai 10 is now M 10( 07'/) in non i onferem n i wnpetition tin-, season, which is ahead of last .e ison’s showina ol 71 I'M n-tri) and against tougher competition than in re< ent years I ivo out id league i olllesls ivinain during the regular season (.alifornia vs ( inciniiati on Sunday. I ehrimry 70 at the '( )’ Shoot Out m (trlan do. I’lorida and Louisville at I ( I .A on Sunday, Man h f ith