Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 09, 1994, Page 6, Image 6

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Class gets shot at solving real mystery
SAN fOSfi. Calif
(AI'J — Amateur
sleuths in a commit
nity college seminar
vs ill get a chance to
help polic e unravel a
real-lift* murder mystery that has gone
unsolved for 11 years
"Hopefully, tins ( lass will lead into new
areas of inquiry." said Campbell Police
Sgt Russ Patterson, an instructor for the
Fell. 2t. seminar. "WHODUNNIT An
Unsolved Mystery
Patterson is one of the Investigators
working on the c ase of Cynthia Munoz, a
l't-year-old Campbell woman who was
fatally stablied in 1983
The four-hour Seminar offered by San
Jose 1 vergeen College District's Institute
for Business and Community Develop
ment will ( one entrate on the < ase
Munoz was last seen alive leaving a hos
pital w here she had visited her boyfriend
who had been injured in an automobile
accident Her bodv was found several
hours later in a bedroom of the home she
shared with her boyfriend and his family
Those taking the seminar will !«• briefed
on bow a homicide investigation is con
ducted and then the crime w ill lie re i re
ated Kvidence developed from the si etie
and Inter in the investigation will be pre
Afterward, the participants write a
paper on what tiles think happened Who
ever comes up with the most plausible s< e
nario wins a $50 i ortideate toward anoth
er class
There already has been a good deal of
interest shown in the seminar. After a sto
ry appeared about the offering in Mon
day's San lose Mercury News, school offi
< nils reported getting more than 20 calls
from people wanting to take it. said Marie
Schaefer, the school's community educa
tion spei ialist
1Hopefully this class will
lead into new areas of
Russ Patterson,
Campbell Police Sgl
Tin* < lass is pottered after one offered
last year through Hartnell Collage's Com
munity Educ ation program in Salinas and,
police said, helped < rat k the August
shooting death of a taxi cab driver outside
a conference center Three people were
arrested in the case.
One seminar partic ipant submitted an
essay that was so good, police said, that it
would have led them to the suspects.
However, the publicity generated by the
class led one of the suspects to turn him
self m before police could act upon it.
Man arraigned in teacher shooting
ShAITIJ-. (Al’J - A man who said he was sexu
ally abused by oin' of his former middle si hool
Iliai tiers pleaded innocent Tuesday lo first-degree
murder hi the tenchet s stiooting death.
Diirnill Allen Cloud, 24 dressed in sandals and
a red jail jumpsuit, mitered the plea in a brief
appearam e before King County Superior Court
Judge Joan K DuHuque She scheduled a hearing
l'eb 22 to set a trial date
Cloud said he understood the charge, read In
deputy prosecutor Timothy Bradshaw, and in a
strong voice replied "not guilty" when asked for
a plea.
Defense lawyer Karen O'Shea said Cloud cried
after they left the courtroom .is fie was led bai k to
Cloud, n standout high si hool and college ath
lete, was charged last Friday with first degree mur
der in the Jan 31 slaying of Whitman Middle
Si hool teacher Neal Summers Summers, 4.r). was
shot once in tlie back as he entered the school
Cloud told police he shot Summers with nil
ARIfi rifle from a distant e of about ISO feet, court
papers showed
Cloud was unable to give police a reason for his
actions, court papers said Hut lie dew titled wak
mg early the day of the shooting, dressing in com
bat gear anti driving to the si hool. where he wait
ed for Summers, then aimed for tus heart and fired
one shot.
Cloud (old polo •• Summers initiated a sexual
relalmnship with him onto Cloud left middle
school for high school Cloud described a 10-year
sexual relationship between the two
Cloud is held on $250,000 cash-only hail
Bradshaw s.uil prosecutors have asked Cloud's
defense attorneys for permission to conduct a psy
chological examination of Cloud Prosecutors have
retained Jon K Conte, ns associate professor of
six ial work at the University of Washington for an
examination. Bradshaw said His expertise
includes adult survivors of sexual abuse
"If there is a mental defense the defense needs
to establish that there w as an imminent fear" of
harm, Bradshaw said
Cloud's law yer, John Henrv Browne, has said he
plans to have Cloud examined by a neuropsychol
ogist to see whether head injuries Cloud suffered
during m hool sports could have damaged his men
tal abilities Cloud also w ill he examined by a psv
i hiatrist who is an expert m the area of abused
child syndrome. Browne said
II i divided of first-degree murder. Cloud faces
a sentencing range from 20 years to 20 years, eight
months Under the state Sentencing Reform Act,
o judge is allowed to impose a lesser sentence if a
defendant has suffered a continuing pattern of
abuse and the offense was m response to that
convicted sex abuser has
chosen prison over a treat
ment program that includes
looking at pornography
because he doesn’t want to
sin any more.
Ron Paul Brown, 53, of
Glide was sentenced to 16
months in prison on Mon
day after turning down a
chance for probation that
includes a sex offender’s
treatment program.
Part of the program tests
a person's reaction to sex
ually explicit material to
see if they should remain
under treatment.
“1 don’t believe that 1, as
a Christian, can knowing
ly expose myself to pornog
raphy," Brown said at an
earlier court hearing.
Judge to rule in rape, kidnapping of teen-ager
COl.VU.Uv, Wash (AI’) — A judge will rule next month whether a
man who admitted raping a teen-ager in front of her mother will lie
sentenced under the stale’s new "three strikes" law.
An attorney representing Mil hael Elton Johnson. 35, said Tuesday
he will argue that Johnson has only two Class A felonies, one fewer
than necessary to qualify for a mandatory life sentence without
Johnson pleaded guilty Monday in Stevens County Superior Court
to two counts of first-degree rape and one of second-degree kidnap
ping Stevens County I’rosis utor Jerry Wetle said he will ask Supe
rior Court lodge Fred Stewart to sentence Johnson to life in prison as
a habitual violent criminal
A hearing scheduled Mari h - t before Stewart yvill determine
whether a judge or jury considers Johnson’s criminal background.
Sentem mg yvas tentatively scheduled April 6.
both Welle and publii defender John Troberg agreed that while the
intent of citizens who approved Initiative 593 last November is clear,
there is difficulty in implementing it
"The courts are going to have to take a look at the procedure."
Wetle said.
Troberg said the first issue he yvill raise in challenging Johnson's
potential sentence is the prix ess used to determine which prior i on
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<>Nj I I Cli \w <.K tim hum Yu. Kvi Hi .1(1 I lospil.ll)
1 i«tin\ \l«»n Vu *) OO.im *> (Hipm
victions am counted toward the three "strikes."
"Under the old habitual criminal statute, the jury would make spe
cifh findings on prior history. Under the Sentencing Reform Act,
that's a function for the judge alone." Troberg said "Under Initiative
593, there is a complete void there."
Welle said he will ask for an exceptional sentence of nearly 70
years, should the three strikes law not apply in Johnson's case, or
lie overturned.
Johnson agreed to plead guilty in order to have some charges dis
missed and to spare the victims the trauma of a public trial, hut
retained the right to challenge the sentence, W'etle said
Troberg said he will contest inclusion of some of Johnson's prior
convictions and will appeal any sentence alune a standard range of
20-25 years.
In court Monday, he admitted raping the Springdale girl in her
home Christmas Day while her mother watt hed, then kidnapped the
girl and her mother the following day and raped the girl again in Lin
coln County.
As part of the plea agreement, tint Lincoln County rape and kid
napping charges would tie dropped, as well as a rape charge stem
ming from an accusation that he sexually assaulted a woman in
Waldport, Ore . last September