EDITORIAL Leaders can’t afford sloppiness like this Leadership. There's b lot more to it th«r» showing up to meetings, banging gavels, and drawing up “agendas." Being a loader means having integrity and common sense; it means being trustworthy and responsible, especially when it comes to other people’s money. Two groups on campus this year have failed to display most, if not all. of these characteristics. In doing so. they have been a disappointment to their constituents and between the two of them, that's a lot of constituents In fact, that’s even student on campus. They are the United States Student Association and the International Students Association. The ASl () fin.im e coordinator announced on Mon day that he would freeze ail accounts for tho University's branch of the IJSSA. to allow for an investigation into charges of financial mismanagement Among the alle gations leveled against the USSA are < laims that the organization overspent thousands of dollars to pay for conventions, and that members of the USSA's "leader ship’’ used USSA funds to make hundreds of dollars' worth of personal long-distance phone calls. The ISA’s funds have been frozen since Jan. 24. when the finance coordinator decided that there was no clear leadership in the organization that could be held accountable for the group’s $28,000 budget. One of the ISA's two co-directors. Douffy Youm. who had been most knowledgeable about the organization's finances, stepped down on Jan. 18. The resignation came amid allegations that the other co-director. Chia-VVei Shing. was abusing his position with ISA for personal advan tage. It would be highly premature, and possibly inaccurate, to claim that something willfully underhanded has been going on. The investigation of the USSA has just begun; the examination of the ISA has cleared Shing of any wrong-doing. No evidence has surfaced in either case which can prove any out-and-out stealing. But that hard ly means that the loaders of these organizations are free from guilt. Being responsible for a group's finances involves more than just not stealing those finances. If the finance coor dinator has to go to all the trouble to conduct an investi gation and freeze funds, then something's not right. That something may not necessarily he dishonest, but it must be sloppy. The USSA's been given $16,000 this year, the ISA. $28,000. That's too much money to be sloppy with. Perhaps the ele< ted leaders of those and other ASUO groups, along with members of the 1KC, should he required to take some basic accounting classes, or a crash course in money management. Maybe the IFC could budget some money to pay a couple of accounting (H Fs to oversee the accounts. Something, anything. Student incidental foes are controlled by students, and it should remain that way... as long as the students in charge can consistently demonstrate that they know what the hell they're doing. If not. then we might as well hand the money over the administration, and see if it can do a better job. own*, Emerald PO 601 fUGCNt. OftfGON Tk« Otrgoi P*:y t'ne’M * put**shod da*‘y M. *nda> though f **day during !*© Ktv>o y«»af and Tuesday and Thursday during !^»e* sum^pt by the Oregon Da>iy Emerald PuW»sh*ngCo tnc al the Unrvt* vty ol Oregon Eugene. Oregon The Iiratfinut optwal«*i> - 'dependent‘y ol th* Un*vers*ty wth oMn/e» at Sort© 300 o* the Eft) Memorial Un*on and ■» a member a! the Associated Pt«M T he tn\*teM 19 pf-v.it* property The unlawful removal Of umi ol papery *» pro*ecuUi£>*e by taw Editor-In-Chlef: Jane Berg Managing F cfctc* Editorial Editor Graphic* Editor Fraaianca Editor Caftay And^rsor Oavtd Thorn joH Paaiay J«t1 Wrntais Sports Editor S'crve fcfcm% Editorial Editor J«tt P*cfchardt Photo Editor Mchaol Shmdtor Supplements Editor Kaly Soto Night Editor Have uha/oonneau Associate Editor* f dward KloplenM«n Student Government Ao'rvdes Ratiacca Mf 'i Commtymt) Jutw Swenson EAgher Education Aitnrrirsfrafron Newt Stan Mandy ilaucum Enc Buckhattar Wilson Chan. Dav* Chartionneau Jim Dams Mag Dadolph Amy Davenport. Caia f chevan n Ma>a t aid* Man n Fisher Sa>an Henderson. Heathens Himes Ym Lang Leong, Manus Me and Tnsla Nm I 1 sabaih Maanstiorna. RoOPwi Reevos l at Satacoa. Scott Simonson Slopn*me Sisson. Susanna Stations Jute Swenson Mrchela Thompson Aguuu, Kavin !npp Amy Van Tuyt. Oamai West Ganaral Manager Judy Urd Advertising Olractor: M.w Wetter Production Manager '.Ui»« Ross Advertising Sotm IXitta Nicole Hertmark. Teresa isaPene Js« Ma-« • Jararny Mason Mu.''am M. rf'e Ita. cam t'u * marry *»» Angie Wndhwm Classified I lack y Merchant Mu i agar Victor Maya Sun tte r*c» Distribution: Andy Harvey. John Long. Graham Simpson Business. Kathy ■ artione Supervisor. Judy Connolly Production: Dee McCoCC. Production Coarttnattx Shavyna Abate Greg Desmond. T ara uauitney B> ad Joss Stacy Macho!: Jenn.rer Round. Matt Ihangwtit. Clayton Yae New»r oom 346*5511 Bu*ine»» Office 346*5512 Display Advertising Classified Advertising *4*3712 34*4343 r you can fXPEcr to CHANGE. JOBS H T/ME-S IM THE COURSE or: you/? woPkia/6 LiPf. ) Employee Su.rfi.rjcj >■»! MBrnvj uneo£‘s we MOrf'fii/OW7 OPINION The Universitas is a neat place Jkkf Bmt, Tht* Universitas Oregonen sis has ii lot of neat people who do funm things Many of thus** nuat things are when students of the Universe tas Orogonunsis consume bever ages of alcohol products. 1 r>*< t*nt 1% witnessed u student of the Universitas Oregonunsis **\itmg a fine drinking establish ment who vvus having difficulty making her feet walk parallel to eac h other, but it appeared that her many friends were helping her feet stay parallel 1 like friends who help each other because they care for them, hut they did not do a very neat job The Universitas Orego nensis student s feel met a neat yellow, * emeiil parking hump, * ausing her to lose her equilibri um and land on her face Many people began laughing, in* hiding her neat friends, and 1 did not believe the student would arise from the concrete ground of the streot But she did. and 1 begun to laugh a lot because she was laughing, too. 1 thought that was neat It was very funny. Everybody was laughing and nobody was cry ing. I like happy people. They are neat. Another happy student was a gentleman celebrating the 21st anniversary of the day of his birth He seemed very happy. That made me happy, so I began to sing a song in celebration of the 21st anniversary of the day of his birth. That made other people hap py, too. so they began to sing a song, too That was neat The student of the Universitas Oregonunsis celebrating the 21st anniversary of the day of fii birth was feeling quite happy, too. no he began to consume .1 beverage of alcohol because many people were requesting that he do so They did not request that he vomit, but he did anyway. That was pretty neat I have not had many people sitting next to me vomit inside of fine drinking establishments Many people did not like it. though, and Ins friends began to Ins orne unhap py and began to leave I liked it a lot. It made me laugh, especially when another neat person stepped in the vom it two times, even though 1 informed him upon two separate w 1 asions that vomit was on the carpeted floor Sometimes people aren’t so happy after consuming bever ages of alt ohol, though. 1 think that is too bad. because I think all people should be happy all of the time One student of the Universitas Oregonensis. who was leaving .1 fine drinking establishment, began to become involved in an altercation because someone told him they did not enjoy lus white cotton T-shirt. The Universitas Oregonensis student of the white cotton T sbirt enjoyed Ins T-shirt a lot and began to become involved in an alienation over it I thought that was kind of silly, and the neat person who did not like the white cotton T-shirt used his hand to hit the face of the Universitas Oregonensis stu dent of the white cotton T-shirt. The Universitas Oregonensis student of the white cotton T shirt lost his equilibrium and soon was on the concrete ground of the street. Other neat people tried to help the Univer sitas Oregonensis student of the white cotton T-shirt, but he began veiling that he wanted to Ire left alone. Sometimes 1 think that these silly people are just trying to get into the Emerald police beat. A Me,it friend of mine who was vis iting from the Oregonensis Sta tus Universitas once spent a night in the local facility to hold criminals He got into the police heat That was neat, Most people would probably i rv if they got into the police beat That would not bo very nice. 1 saw someone else crying recently when something not very nice happened to her. This woman was riding her bicycle down 13th Avenue when some one began to pass her on his bicycle, but she began to turn the front wheel of her bicycle the wav he was passing. So. they began to collide. She fell down, and he rode by on his bicycle I believe she may have hurt herself, so she began to i rv Manv other students of the Universitas Oregonensis were also witnesses, and. like myself, thev ail began to laugh Hicvcle wrecks are a neat thing. I like them a lot Thev relieve a lot ol tension that many students experience at the Uni versitas Oregonensis Ikk ause we have our studies to attend to. Actually, though, enough ten sions of Universitas Oregonensis students is not released because there are not as many collisions of students on bicycles this year as there have been 1 lielieve this may l>e because the weather has not been as indecent as it has been in years past. I like bad weather a lot It is neat. Ice and snow and rain cause many neat bicycle colli sions that make me laugh and relieve my tensions. It relieves the tensions of other students of the Universitas Oregonensis who witness it, too. 1 think that is neat. 1 like peo ple who laugh That means peo ple are happy. I like people who are happy. It makes the Univer sitas Oregonensis a neater place lake flerg is editor-in-chief of the Emerald