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UO Student Health Center Health Education Program Coach takes leave after odd acts CHICAGO (AIM — Kicky Byrdsong i.aim* lo Northwestern with a lough approne h for a slrug gling basketball program, promising an opportuni ty for his players to show they were better than their record Now, tiie rebuilding is on hold, and Byrdsong has taken a leave of absent e after a weekend game that saw him roam the stands, slapping hands with fans and the opponent's mascot When Bvrdsong took over, he removed Path* k Baldwin ns team captain, made Dion hoc < hange his name and ran tough prod it os The Wildcats initially responded, opening with nine victories Indore reality arrived in the form of the Big hen season Now . after eight straight loss es. the Wildcats are hack in their familiar spot in the t.onferent e basement, and Byrdsong has asked for some time off Both athletit director Kick Taylor and assistant coach Paul Swanson, now in i barge of the team, say they are not sure why Byrdsong asked for the leave of absence. "I didn’t see any more strain than any other coach has gone through," Swanson said Tuesday, the day after the leave of absence was announced "He'd been very for used in practice Other than that 1 can't see any additional strain. Swanson and Tavlor declined to divulge where Bvrdsong was staying or what he was doing Nei ther was sure how long the leave would last "All I can say is 1 truly and honestly don't know." Swanson said. Swanson actually did the t oat hing Saturday night when Ityrdsong turned the team over to him and spent most of the game sitting on a chair at the end of the bench Bvrdsong twice went on the floor to argue calls and was assessed a tut him al Ten minutes into the second half, he went into the stands, then returned to the bench and later went hat k to the stands He was sitting in the aisle w hen an usher asked him to move. Bvrdsong stretched the limits of that family ear ly on He not only mode l.ee change his name back from Dion to his first name of Kenneth hut switched his uniform numlier from 24 to 10. "We didn't like anything about No. 24 Dion Leo,” Bvrdsong said at the time RIM RESULTS Ha%krlball Mr/i * 1 Han#mu* 52 (Md Sh/w* Bad Habit 44 4 'B 1 illm l ikw ( ha kr*f; 4 4 |liith«r|i« ken > 4 Phi Pm A 53 S«st mid 2 N ■ i' <**'! li«’! 4 1 * Oregon A if 3 , i < .1 1 . i Mr/: ' k Marks 4H AN-. t !>V11 « '4 fata 7A 6! A1D2H-21 ft»« k*W*n»»oi IWmh Ku>f, f» S * •'• > .- A ’•*• ! astilnia 1 >u I Irit^r.Nu*; A V.-.r* \ Moll J 1 flow Ii> M«-)i 41 : Itt-*% j I *1 *« ' ■„ Ift Aartiv*?k» ditfoaiml Phi P*i H4 by ■ Holla Ujwijon A 34 Ni*| i.p ) 1.‘ The No Narmn 4 J Wttfrui; t- 2B Nlonn tmo|wr« 3 7. On I’m 2r» MBA s ft) Shei{i.i .4 Tnfe* t« b). hi#;u* On 5 '»4 Httmictfxm lO. On Pii Pirate 22 SAT I *t < UTSVA H 4 . The Hw!Ui ik, \N > !«n •■ n < Phi P*. !*• 1 * M.B 41 Wnhf.M i VVa'r-, s 14 Kajijw Sterna . 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Signal kappa b% |i ir f**i 1 HuiKl 44 IHXll’S lb Coed loam Namw&b, Hamms 70 Hr-. :i(> Ku: K<-f% W.ii n\ !iV fofhut Met inn ii-V ias •,*•:*. in . * ( ^i'w . hy fa t«lt Hand lira I /aiaii 40 ftfrta kappa 48 Thr HnmiwKlinrs 82 Impropw Cr«mm■.!? to Rat ij netball OfMtitui 1 Sh«lbv Kogailad boat A Zim'm»rm»n by Kvan Vogue Imat.L Kongo by forfait Jf»*h Robon dofwatiMi Kolw'.i Oh k hart 15 ft. 15 6 CifHi)OUon d«?f«at»*d |ns>h htthank, 2-0 A Rader defeated B (Shamtxtrlam. 15 2, 15 5 M (Ttn^umscui defeated } Hodman, 15 > 15 0 ( hfis Alia:d»*{*-a|eni 2 1 Spike 1 UlYlihiJI i/2 Dicing V’H defeated KM. bv forfeit Vivuk&n 2 Out To Lunch 2. Alter Schwede G {hvitton 2 j Mi Alluter 2. Pit St.niis-0 kappa Alpha I beta 2. Knuckle The University of Oregon’s Review Workshop for the Medical College Admission Test For the seventh year this spring, the University of Oregon will offer its comprehensive review workshop for the Medical College Admission Test. This program, developed by the University to assure that students have access to the very best materials and instruction at the most reasonable cost, will reflect the latest revisions to the exam. Before registering for an MCAT Preparation program, consider the University of Oregon's. Inquire about our... Faculty: University faculty from biology, physics, and chemistry as well as test preparation experts from Academic Learning Services Materials: Official practice exams and manuals from the American Association of Medical Colleges and review materials from the highly respected Harvard Health Sciences Summer Program. These matenals are authored by medical educators and physicians from some of America's best universities and medical Colleges Over 800 pages of review materials with guidance for preliminary study are provided to each participant poor to the workshop Videotaped Sessions for Review: All instructional sessions are videotaped to allow workshop participants to review sections or to make up sessions that they might miss Fees: The low $200 fee reflects the service motivation behind this workshop. Unlike the pnvate companies that provide workshops, the University of Oregon is not seeking to make a profit; it is providing this top quality program as a complement to its educational mission Schedule: Seven Saturday sessions Feb. 26. Mar. 5,12,26; April 2, 9.16 9:00 am -12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm For more information or to register, contact Academic Learning Services at 346-3226 in 68 Prince Lucien Campbell Hall. w A