Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 07, 1994, Page 6, Image 6

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• Performance urtist Tim
Miller will perform at tonight 8
p.m. in the Robinson Theatre,
1 100 Old Campus Lane Miller,
one of the "NFA Four" artists
who challenged the National
[•Endowment for the Arts' der ision
to rescind funding already appro
priated, brings censorship issues
to the forefront Tickets are $10
for general admission and $(> for
students and seniors For more
information, rail! 348-4373.
• A snow camping clinic that
will teach techniques needed to
travel deep into the snowy
wilderness will be 7:30 p ill
I uesdav in LML Room 17, 1 I'll
K 13th Ave The free clinic
offered by the l inversity Outdoor
Program will dis( uss gear, safety
and snow shelters l or more
information, call 340-4303
• Maria Lugones of the Latin
American and Cariblxian Studies
program from SfJNY at Hing
liamton will give a lecture tilled
"Hoomerang Perception and the
Colonizing («i/c" from 7 to <) p m
Tuesday in the KMC C.umwood
Room l.ugones has written
extensively on feminist philos
ophy and the philosophy of race
and gender, and is the author of
/Vregnnn/rs/P//grim ages hssoys
in Pluralism hrmimsm The
event is part of the "Ratio Theo
ry Women’s Voices. Now Para
digms" lecture series
• Cheryl Marshall, soprano,
and Caroline Almonte, piano,
will perform at H p in Tuesday
at Beall Concert Hall The per
formers will play mush by
Charles Ives, John ( age. Milton
Babbitt. Joan l-alfarbare and oth
ers Tickets are $<> 50 for gener
ill admission and $3.50 lor stu
dents and seniors For more
information, call 34fi-5fi7H
• N V M (amzele/. considered
by academics to be the dean of
modem Philippine literature, will
present a talk titled "Philippine
Literature: Work-in-Progress" at
11 a m Wednesday in KMU Ceil
turv Room I For more informa
tion. (all 34(i-1 'il 1
• Brian O'Neill, assistant
aniiaeologist for the ()regon State
Museum of Anthropology, will
give o talk titled Mountains and
Rivers Upland Occupation of
Southwest Oregon" at 4 30 p m.
Thursday at the University Muse
um of Natural History A St
donation is encouraged For more
information, ( all 340 (024
• Author N V M (kmzaler. will
sign copies of his new honk, 1 hr
Hrrad of Salt and (>thrr .Stones
at 4 to p m Thursday at the 1 in
versits Bookstore A pollock din
ner in his honor, which is open
to the public, is si heduled for
0 ft) p m at lO'U Roland \\ .i\ in
l.ugene The potluck is sfKinsored
bv the Philippine American
Association id Kugenc Spring
field I-or more information. ( all
• Odessa Ramirez, chair
woman of the Southwest Net
work of Citizen's Alert w ill give
,t free lecture on native sover
eignty .in<l environmental degra
dation at !) p m Thursday in
Room 260 Condon For more
information, call 146-5015
• Visiting artist David Shaner
will talk alKiut ceramic s and his
own work at 7 30 p.m Thursday
in RtMim 115 Lawrence The free
lecture is port of the Fine Arts
Visiting Lecture and Workshop
Series For more infonnation. call
• Members of the University
Opera Workshop will perform
si enes from well-known operas
at K p in Friday at Beall Concert
Hall Musical selections include
Mozart s "Don Giovanni." (k>un
od's 'Romeo and Juliette,”
Menottl s Hie Old Maid and the
Thief and the Opera Workshop
will present the selections with
light staging and costuming,
accompanied by piano, rickets
are $4 for general admission and
S2 for students and senior citi
zens For more information, call
the University School of Music
at 346'5678.
• The University Museum of
Natural History will present
"Skeletal Artie illation with Will
Peters" at to a m Saturday. Feb.
12 Peters will teach various ways
the articulators reconstruct bones
into a skeleton that accurately
represents the living animal Fees
for the ‘ Clot Art" workshops arc
SIS per session per person for
non •members and $12 for mem
bers. For more information, call
• The University Jazz Studies
program will present a second
round of jazz combos at H p in
Saturday. Feb 12 in Beall Con
cert Hall. Two jazz quintets and
a jazz sextet will perform at the
program under the direction of
Assck late Professor Steve Owen
and Assistant Professor Ciorv Ver
sace Tickets are $4 for general
admission and $2 for students
and senior citizens. For more
information, call 348-5878.
Yu are invited to attend a public forum to discuss
Multicultural Education and the future of the Race,
Gender and Non-European-American requirement.
Thursday, February 10 from 12-2pm
Walnut Room, EMU (Across from Post Office)
Please bring ideas, comments, and criticisms.
Sponsored by the Assembly Committee on Multicultural Curriculum
I anclM ape Architecture Studio
489 ’>89 will hold a community design
mooting for htidmli of Amazon tiudoiil
housing (NW neighborhood) tonight
from 7 to 9 at the Amazon Community
Room. For more information, ( ail Stan
lone* at 346 Hi 19
ASI () will hold « program* confer
once (open forum) today at 5 p in in
I Ml < >*Ur Room f
Chi Alpha ( hnstian fellowship will
hold a worthip service and bible study
tonight at 7 in Room 105 Ksslinger For
more information, < «t11 34b 0910.
MISt .1.1 l.ANM MtS
Department of (irrmamc language*
and literature will sponsor a S< andina
vian film titled Northern Lights (subti
tied) tonight at 8 in Room 115 Pacific
1 nr more information, call 34b 406b
lapanrsr Student Organization will
sponsor a Japanese language table today
from 4 JO to 5 30 p.m in Room 115
Par*fic Lor more information, call .143'
Oregon lluinanitie* ( enter will span
*or a lecture demonstration by Cheryl
Marshall, soprano. and Caroline
Almonte, pianist, on Collaborations
between Singers and Composers Idea*
regarding Tec hniques am) Interpreta
tion today at 4 p m in the (.erimger
Alumni Ixrunge for more information,
call 14(. 1934
Career Planning ami Placement Ser
vice will liwiiwir a presenilation by Pets
Mart tonight from b to 7 in KMlr ( auitury
Room A
Career Planning and Plai emeiil Ser
vice will conduct an mlorvum workshop
today from I to 4 10 p m in KMC (c*«iar
Room F
Career Planning and Placement Ser
vie e will ( unduet an office orientation
today from J to 4 p.m in Room 221 lieu
Career Planning and Placemen! Ser
vile request that bid i ard* and resume*
. ”.-.i ti 'i.ty through. Wednesday
m Room .'•♦4 Mcmdrn k* Tor interview*
with the follow ing organizations f nlo
Uv ! Hid* : bn.- Software PIK(, ARIS.
Mont g W ard. Olde Disc mint Corp
and Idle Prudential
/Jr., ihnr for submitting Ht Al\ In the
f tu« ra.d f: ait desk Unite 100 £ Ml' i*
. > ;i t/ip da* heiure pobtu ution £t Al%
run the tin* of the event iifiini thr event
take* pku v before noun and i* nequestvd
/,• he published earlier
No//, r* of event* »»ith a donation or
adnmsunt charge *%iII nut be o< < voted
( ain/'iii event* and those scheduled
nearr*! thr puhlu atom dote will he go
cn priori!v The Kmerald reserves the
right to edit for grammar and style
£t At* run *tru tly on a spine available
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