Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 07, 1994, Page 3, Image 3

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Sticks and stones may break my bones, but I like hate mail
fter having written this
column for two months
X JL or so now I thought that
it might he interesting to share
some of the responses that 1
have received
Probably one of the tilings that
1 have heard people most often
snv is something like "Robbie,
von look like you are having
some sort of a neck (shoulder,
etc ) spasm in the picture that
runs with vour i olumn Not
exactly what I have been looking
for as far as feedbni k goes, hut
thanks for noticing.
However, I really do enjoy
hearing yvh.it people think about
my column No. I'm not on tin
knees begging "please, please
write to me. please " as I'm not
that interested
It could he said that im
favorite tvpe of mail is the hate
mail No. I haven't reieived any
death threats quite vet (I've
hired Tonya Harding's hit man
just in i ase, so watch your knees
if you send threats), hut the anti
Robbie and anti column letters
are my favorite
Most of the letters are letters
to the editor. Actually, about a
week or so ago, a string of them
referred to me as either "igno
rant" or some variation of unin
telligent or the like I loved
them. I'm getting them framed
next week.
Some people think that letters
to the editor that disagree with
my column somehow hurt
either me or mv column. Non
sense! Spoil the name right and.
hopefully, you might get me a
few new readers How could I
disagree vvith that •’
I'he mail I find most interest
ing is nnom mous mail ('.ranted,
anonymous mail won't get you
anywhere in life and makes you
look like a wimp, hut it is occa
sionally fun
One letter I ret eived last week
was from someone at a military
rec ruiting ollu c here m F.Ugene
who was responding to my col
umn on im persistent military
recruiter in Portland I would
love to have mentioned this man
In name, hut he neglec ted to
leave Ins lull name on the letter
Any wav. he sent me a recruiting
brochure along with a note that
said "nice column " Finally!
Someone in the military agrees
with me!
I enjoyed the letters about my
Packwood column. "Warm kiss
es and cold showers." in whic h
I recounted the kiss-and-tell sto
ries of Sen Hob Packwood and a
(ampaign aide
I rei eived a letter m which .i
person stated that my opinion
was tvpnal ol that of a man
Well, las! lime 1 < hei lout I was
staunchly anti Pin kwood. and
male, for that matter 1 would
hope that my > olumn was roprv
sentntive of men. hut then again.
1 don't speak for all men. just
me Hut thanks for writing
Another letter was published
from someone who said that she
would stop reading the Emerald
if she saw another Pat kwood
column Wow1 1 guess I'd better
stop writing I’ai kwood columns
then! I might lose one of my
three readers
However, more than anything,
I have been surprised about
what hasn't brought in anv mail
Nobody here seems to i are
about the l onva Harding fiasco
Granted. lonva is more of a
Portland figure, but I thought
that more people.would la* writ
ing to say something like "How
dare you badmouth Tom a! She
hasn't been convicted ot any
thing vet! Phis is all probably
some coincidence! Tanya
couldn't have known anything!"
Well, I think I'll respond to
the letters that never came
Tonya is beginning to look a lit
tle more guilty lust a little more
Noyv. the attorney for Harding’s
ex-husband has revealed that
Tonya was asked to approve the
idea for the hit (no pun intend
Most of the letters
are letters to the
editor. Actually,
about a week or so
ago, a string of
them referred to
me as either
“iignorant" or some
variation of
unintelligent or the
like. I loved them.
ed) while t!ri\ ing her husband
somewhere I'o hr even imire
exact, she wax tuld about th«>
idea near the intersei lion of
OJnd and Hlavei slrinK in Port
land I don ! know win that ix
signifii ant. bn! il wax on tile
front page of yesterday s (>rr
I'onuin, so it must tw important
Another column that I
thought I would final aliout
would fin tht< unn on 111 * * now
(Hinton-sponsored i ondom ads
I thought that it was .1 vary
important topii . lint tlui letters
never caiTUi in. Hither everyone
agreed with me. or that issue of
the Hntemld hasn't yet been
delivered to Springfield (That’ll
do it Now I'll hear from people
that think I am hashing Spring
Mv Hoblntt 1 olumn lirougfit 111
less mail than 1 thought - onlv
one letter. Actually. although
l.orena has now tieon m iju111c«t.
we haven't \«‘t heard the end of
the Bobbitts l.orena is mow get
ttug reach for a sanity hearing,
who ft will determine whether
she is released or will spend
some time in a ps\r hiutru itisti
lotion Also, it was revealed that
an Kt oodoran group had threat
ened to 'castrate tut) American
men if l.orena Bobbitt was i on
vn ted That s one way to i ut
l)K. it mm seem like I don’t
take all of the responses to tin
column seriously I don't I have
trouble taking anonymous let
ters seriously, and some letters
just sound off the wall But I do
read even thing that is sent to
me, and all letters to the editor. I
actually enjoyed the letters that
called me ignorant Keallv
So keep that mail rolling in.
I ll la* wati lung for your letter
Hobbit* Hre\cs is a columnist
tor the bmcmld
Zach llochstadt was
incompletely identified at the
end of a letter to the editor in
the I'eh l Kmarnld as simply
Student Direr tor He is Stu
dent Direr tor of the Universi
tv Millet.
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