Arizona letdown results in Husky upset SEATTLE (AP) The Wash ington Huskies aren't going to go through the untin; Pncifit - to (imi fenmt i* season without a victors "I rcalls believe tins is a team that never has thought of them selves as losers." first-year c oai h Hob Bender said, "despite our record." The Huskies, a team with more determination than talent, got their first t nnferent e sou ess Sat urday In heating No. 12 Arizona 74-tit) Jason Tvrus stored a t.aruer high 20 points and l> ftMil 10 Maurice Woods stored 20 points and gralilted 10 rebounds Trying to avoid bet tuning the first Washington team in lusto ry to lose 20 games in a season, the Huskies broke a nine game losing streak and a 1 2 game I’at - 10 skit) And they did il against the defending Pat.-10 champions, who think they're NCAA tour mtment title contenders tins sea son. Arizona roach hole Olson found it hard to lx* positive 1 lie Wild* ats are trying to catt ft H 1 U( :i A in the l’ac-JO rm.ii "Nim-, there's very little mar gin of error left if we want to defend Our conference champi onship," Olson said "We've got to go 9-0 in the second half and that's a lug task." After winning a tough Po< 10 game Thursday night at Wash ington State, the Wildcats made the mistake of looking past Wash ington Arizona's lnghh publicized hackcourt of Damon Stoudamire and Khalid Reeves ( mutinied for !H points -11 for Stoudamire and 1 for Reeves fill! il look 42 shots Stoudamire was 10-for 2 1. tin hiding 1 -of 10 three point attempts, and Reeves was I- for 2 1. mi tuding 1 of ft three point tries 1 lie \\ ildi ats went lathind to 2:t at halftime and tried to get I sick into tin* game with full-court pressure ill the second half It didn't work Washington I mat the pressure most of the game and had only 11 turnovers When Woods made a luvup 18 seconds into the second half. Washington had point load for tho first limit this season. The Wildcats i 1 r-4. fv.i) admit tod thits weren't ready for W ash ington after an 8()-(>H triumph in Pullman. It was their third loss in Seattle ill four years "It was a complain letdown." Reggie Gears said 'Seattle is a place w here you've got to get a vii torv if you're going to win the Pm -10 Now. that's almost impns sible for us We jus! weren't ready to play Mow hig was the victory for Washington’ Dander said it was his best And in* had an NCAA tourna ment team in 1990, Ins first of four seasons at Illinois State After the game. Mender tele phoned com li Mike Krzy/.ewski at Duke, where he played and then worked as an assistant con h for sis seasons. "Did you hear otir score yet, coach’’ he asked Washington (t 15. 1-H) has nine Pai tt) games left, five on the rood hut Mender didn't want to tall about the possibility of 20 Iosm s. only the Arizona win It was just one w in but it was a lug win that i ante at an impor tant time,' Bender said. "A little bit of adversity can sometimes prepare you for a vie ton You get a little hardened Washington didn't get any points from starting fonvard Sain Allen, who was in fool trouble all das. and starting guard Jamie Booker was out with stomac h flu. hut Tyrus and Woods pi< led up the offensive slai.1 Woods scored 1H points in the second half Tyros, starting in Booker's place, got lti ill the first half Bender deserves some kind of medal (or Ins positive-thinking approach tins season lie hasn't let Ins players thinl negatively despite the losses "I'm so hapjn for our lids and our staff." Bender said "They've really hung in there tough This team has showed what a real competitor it is You don't need to get a tropin to prove you're a winner " DIFFERENT DEGREES OF SUCCESS “I’ve Always Wanted To Run My Own Business. So I Joined Enterprise.” I odd lowers B.S., Psychology l fniversity of Oregon, / 99/ Branch Manager, Hazel Dell, U A Enterprise only hires hard-working, entrepreneurial individuals. People who want to learn every aspect of running a business, from customer service to personnel management. Enter our fast-paced business as a Sales Management Trainee, and we ll reward your dedication and sales ability with raises, promotions and the opportunity to go as far as your talent will take you. - Sales Management Trainee To share in our success throughout the West Coast, you'll need: • A BS/BA Degree • Strong communication skills, enthusiasm and drive • Retail/sales experience a plus If you want to learn all aspects of running a business while enjoying full pay and benefits, join the Enterprise team. Come join us on Feb. 9th at 7:00 pm in the EMU-Cedar A & B for our group presentation. For on campus interviews, sign up at your Career Center between Feb. 1-9. Or send your resume to: For California 1740 Huntington Dr. #206 Duarte, CA 91010 Attn: Heidi h'or Washington 250 Enterprise Plaza 2000 Benson Road South Renton, WA 98055 Attn: Pam For Oregon 8104 SW Nimbus Ave. Beaverton, OR 97005 Attn: Barbara An Kqual Opportunity Kmploycr ENTERPRISE CAL Continued from Page 9 Murray scored 14 points while the (wilder) Bears built n 25-9 lend Oregon (6-12 overall. 2-7 in the Pm -10) got into the game and brought the crowd with it, going on a 11 -3 run to dose the first half and getting < lose at 39-32 at halftime The Ducks stayed in good shape for the first few min utes of the second half and trailed |ust 43-3<) with 1 r> minutes remaining in the game Kidd responded with the three three pointers, s< or ing nine of Cal's next 14 points and feeding guard Monte Bucklev on n break away dunk for two more. By the time Kidd. Murray and Co. were done, (ail had limit a 60-43 lead and can celed any upset plans of the Dm ks. California head i oat h Todd Bozeman said he wasn't surprised when Oregon made its run. Instead, he just wait ed for his team to respond. make a run." Bozeman said. "It's just a matter of time It's whoever has the longest run or the biggest run that wins th«! game." Green was disappointed in his team's performance hut said he sensed a problem even before the game Green said players had missed class es and were late for other team functions during the week, which resulted in poor concentration and prat tices "We had our worst practice of the week Friday." Green said "The consistency is a good showing of how we prai ticed all week This week was the first setback we've had this year.” Oregon point guard Kenya Wilkins hacked up Green. "We have to practice hard." Wilkins said. ''This week we didn’t progress and it showed in the game." About the only people Green was satisfied with were the fans. "This is the kind of envi ronment we'd like to play in," Green said. "This is the rea son I came to Oregon I know it can he done. This shows people have pride in Oregon basketball." Wrestlers knock off Raiders Thu Oregon wrestling team won the first four matches and dropped only two overall in defeating Southern Oregon State 25-fi Saturday in Ashland. Kevin Roberts continued his great season, getting the Ducks out to an early lead with a win over Brandon Keosky. Chris Jensen followed at 12b pounds, gaining a 12-3 major decision over the Raiders' Ty Sonnen Pot lhrai and Cory Sonnen fol lowed with wins for the Ducks at 134 and 142 pounds, respective ly Oregon's Chris Anderson ended the meet by gaining revenge with a win over John Paul Jones, who had beaten him earlier in the season. The Ducks. 7-4 overall, will be back in Eugene this week to face Cal-Poly San Luis Obispo Thurs day night at McArthur Court.