ASUO coordinator might freeze USSA accounts By Edward Klopfenstem The ASUO finance coordinn lor will announce Monday whether he will freeze a< ( ounts for the lo< al branch of the Unit ed States Students Association, a Washington. I) ( based lobby ing group, the official said at Thursday night's Incidental Fee Committee meeting Frant is Neo said fie original ly considered an audit without freezing the group's accounts, but is mm inclined to freeze liecauseof an informal inquiry be has made into the group's bud get A freeze on an ac i mint means no pur< bases may be made -poppi*/— _/Via.4olla, The Land East" Traditional Grtck t> Indian Food Lunch Monday through Saturday Dinner 7 Nights a Week 992 Willamette Eugene. Or 97401 343-9661 WORLDWIDE For plasma Ini reasrs rvrrvday Come A help J Mar Hlologk'aU Ptasma IXmor Center mrr| the world need with a plasma donation Earn S30 on your first donation OpenTues thru Sat. Call t>83 9430 1901 W. 8th Avr IPG On CanHwsDwklop Publishing and Darkroom \ Semies cah'34M3gi or come by nn. 300 EM Open 8.dt to 5:00 Nonday-FTMar against the at t omit hris ( ornwell, spokesperson for l 'SSA. sani Thursday that tire group will meet Thursday todis cuss the A SI'() m tion and w ill issue a nou s release Monday Noo is considering this ,u turn Imm a use the IK feared the group was misusing li t funds for per sonal expenses and o\|>enses not approver) hv the IK II Noo puts a freeze on the l SSA at c ounts, that would mark the second time the official would have taken that action sine e September Neo froze at counts for the International Students Assoc m tion Ian .:■) bet ause of fears that the group hud no leadership that would be attountable for the ECKANKAR Religion of the Light and Sound of God H'arthip tervice* open to all every Friday night at 7:00 frMracwtf by t» Ei^pn* Ickm+m SodMy _ JIM) WMJMlAa MMKT budget In other IFC news. f**«■ com mittee members presided over a very i aim budget session, doling out either small budget redm Irons or keeping student program budgets at current levels rhe 1 K( unanimously approved a 7 pen ent r ut for the Latin American Support Com mittee a group that dis< usses the polilu al issues of laitin Amerii a I'he !_-\S< ns eived .1 budget of SwLJO t. down from their current budget level of ifiH The Jewish Student I'nton rei eived a -i percent < ut. bring ing their next year's budget to S t.l)20 fins is down from their current funding level of $4.tlH0 I'he Woman's lam Forum sur Internationt Students’ Christian Fellowship Friday Fellowship V 7:00 |).m. 1332 Kincaid vivod their budget hearing vv ith out a t ut or int rease. leaving them with their current S I. I' I budget budget hearings tor the Inter Fraternity I'-ounc il and the An hi lecture Students Assm lation have been rest heduled Neo said that the IFt had just over $7ri,()f)() in surplus before Thursday's meeting, meaning that if the tee i nmmiltee approves increases over that amount in the next few months, student fees will lie raised Neo said S " >1)00 doesn't give the group much leeway, espe i tally since they have yet to hear budgets for the KMl! and the Mil let ii Department, troth are requesting ini reases Rfsioraiion Campus Nlnblry « p.(K N U r,«j« t! * B0H RoundBMn ?Kv)Mbft t?00 n (MU Cwlury itxxm • i , •; , I r' ■ < «• ■*:.)! •■«*• 7?6 5480 • ?880 University St MINI ( \K\ VI IOYS $5.99 FV*«< i-nkh wrkocit- • INriiun j»x»Uhk -jOavje/tfru i i «»\% {»<> YV>»,t» | s I *fc t •«•«'. u*i*fv tatm.ih r«:.45.12*1 Cash For Textbooks Mon Sat Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 DIFFERENT DEGREES OF SUCCESS “I’ve Always Wanted To Run My Own Business. So I Joined Enterprise.” I odd lowers H.S., Psychology University of ( ) re yon, / 99 / Branch Manager, Hazel Dell, U A Enterprise only hires hard-working, entrepreneurial individuals. People who want to learn every aspect of running a business, from customer service to personnel management. latter our last-paced business as a Sales Management lrainee, anti we 11 reward your dedication and sales ability with raises, promotions and the opportunity to go as far as your talent will take you. Sales Management Trainee To share in our success throughout the West Coast, you II need: • A BS/BA Degree • Strong communication skills, enthusiasm and drive • Retail/sales experience a plus If you want to learn all aspects of running a business while enjoying full pay and benefits, join the Enterprise team. Come join us on heb. 9th at 7:00 pm in the EMU-Cedar A & B for our group presentation. For on campus interviews, sign up at your Career Center between heb. 1-9. Or send your resume to: For California 1740 Huntington Dr. #206 Duarte, CA 91010 Attn: Heidi For Washington 250 Enterprise Plaza 2000 Benson Road South Renton, WA 98055 Attn: Pam [■'or Oregon HI04 SW Nimbus Ave. Beaverton, OR 97005 Attn: Barbara An Opportunity Employer