‘Woman in Mind’ remarkable By Anne Moser-Kornfeld I he (ust of SI,unari In Mind whu h liogan its run .it tfit* Arena Theatre Wednesday nigh' w is out whelmed hv opening-night jitters It's an ambitious produt tion hv the«..»st. Direc tor John Rust.in and even the playwright Alan Av< kbourn The storv is about an English house wife who hits hit her head with a garden rake The an ulent makes Susan, plnved hv Janet (nip REVIEW ton. quttasy. and her mental state liegms to detorj orate Woman In Mind is a dark c omedv The ( ast is challenged to use English act eats and manner isms true to their charm ters Hill, plaved h\ Dave Sikula. is profuse at grasp mg the language and nuances of his i harm ter He has come to t hei k on Susan after the m cadent He delivers some of the funniest lines of the play about animals and people in a dr\, unbeknown wav lane! (.upton ac ts her part well but here is when* nervousness clearly < a used her to run over some of Sikuln's lines Susan hallucinates and imagines a perfect fnmilv for herself They’re rich. beautiful loving and everything she could ever hope for The costumes designed bv Deanna Sorenson are a balanc e of bright, light, clean colors associated with the family Sorenson juxtaposes that w ith the drab and dreary tones of Susan's actual family Gerald, Susan's husband, played bv Kevin Trudeau, is a minister who has been working on a fiO-page history of their parish since TH)!> To Susan, it feels as though he's been working on the book since' 1 t')5. Trudeau plays Gerald prudish, unfeeling in as keenly a manner as possible WOMAN IN MIND WHEN: f ft 4 : !:' ; , WHERE: ••.el rhcoMr COST: S3 $4 S The .ti tors stand out with their own unique takes, it's just that tln> largo romn elements nut t'ssarv to ntovu \\ <>ntnn In Mind font art! makes it el11fit uIt to fielteve the at tors were actimllv settled into their roles Trie U'tmtnurman. who plays Andy, the world s most wonderful husband, comes .it ross quite strong in the first .n t Bv the set mid half of the plav, he's not nearly as believable by having to prints t a good guy had gin image Vivaldi's Four Seasons sets the pace as Susan's madness bet times more protiouni ed The play's setting is a small, outdoor garden ss ith hru k prints along the walk, iaiglish ixv and i oncrete hum lies during a two-dav jieriod l.ighting designers Theresa Mason and David Hess have t reated lielievable tdtei ts. bringing out the ambiance of a sunset Their ability to present the mipat t of a thunderstorm and finally the strobe of an ambulance light is quit k, hut i aptivating I lie montage of insanity as Susan begins to slqi nwav from the reality of her world is striking The mamai al. intense ai tivitv on stage is svmholii of Susan's mind falling apart This climax \sas a remarkable .111 mnplishmenl to portray Woman In Mind is si huddled lor Teh Fi and 10-12 at H p III ill the Arena Theatre There is no late seating for this prodtu lion Tor more informa tion or to reserve tn kets. i all the Kohnlson Box Offii e at Uli 4191 ‘Tomorrow Leaves’ readers wanting more Kugane author Carlus H Har ris will ho at tho University Bookstore Saturday lietween 1 to and 2:;t() p.m to sign copies ol his first ini Its titin of short sto nes titled Tomorrow /awes I lams grow up in .1 small col lege town in (film and mot ml to South Central l.os Ailgeltis, the inspiration for Ills stories comes from Ins background Tomorrow hemes is tilled with stories truce the modern human experience through vers vivid and real characters J SNAP YOUR F INGf RS 2 STRUMPET 3 f'ftRE A ON_ 5 STRAIGHT UP Si ASIDi 6 ACID EATERS_ " J MANOS 8 DOGGVSTVU < BROWN Ml JSi(Hi * )Ms t I At Is », PA, sj A; ■. i .ill ISA.. MV sTT 66 J13 MOPERN LIFE IS • -I ADMC 'NlSHINi i U if ’ i> RAINBi >VV TRi *A ’•' M Hi BLACK Rt KIN ' l YA!1 ■ ■ Mi A I ■■ ’ ) ENTER WU IANi. 20 MY FIELD TRIP TO PRONG LOIS PE GBOY. APHt X TWIN DAS EFX_ HAM Nl I Hi SPINANI S’ SNOOP DOGGY [> >GG SI(_<}NEN KNJj t filKINI KJLL YAGi ,K; f R; >NJ JAWBOX blur 'MINS !Ni.i I j 1 l LSI') 'N'' ! a*s-i emam s«\ I I SJ M Mli Open KXim fo 11pm 1888 Franklin Blvd. (ne*t to 7 Ikrvoo on Ward) 344-2691 te<^ Rent one movie and the second rental or equal or lesser value is FREE Not good wrfti any ofhot offer • t*pire* 2/28/94 OOf 'si H TmmB -'»! • «rt U — a &*/*>*••* ■.*< iimi a rvw i*mb. !g uo. ?>^a- 3-j ; ■■ u Nn*wy *«» *ji r 10 • jb WINNER BEST FILM • BEST ACTRESS • HOLLY HUNTER CANNES FILM FESTIVAL - 19*3 "BR! VIHUkISt, EXHILARATING K TRIUMPH! 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