Featurins FAIH I.Ot s Local Performers! 7 O 70 /M pfocccdl donated to HTV/AJOS Rcvourcc», Inc Friday, February 4, 7-10:00 p.m. Fir Room, EMU @ UO Campus $3.00 Admission at door (doors open at 6:30 p.m.) ffl Douglav l.e»bt»n*Gsy*B)ve«ual ABianc* O 346-3360 Special C\ifis Special Lovers Toys, Coodk’s, lotions, Conk, Viiieoi A Mo*e fa* loving Couples 726-6969 OPEN 24 HOURS Claud Ini jam to 10am Mm 12m to Ham M 1166 S. A St. "Ok. Sliil laJIt mmd M efntud fw nm m turnj .SUBWAY* Student Dinner Deal 5 PM till 2 AM Every Nite Hurry - N Limited Time Only! FREE! _ Now at Subway, buy any 2 Subway Subs and get another of equal or lesser value FREE! With the purchase of 3 sandwiches, receive the least expensive sandwich FREE' 484-6955 1304 Hilyard St No Coupon Necessary SOUND OFF JAR OF FLIES GROUP A ct in Osins LABEL Con tra reah out the bowls and i .ill up vour favorite pot dealers Alu (* in Chains fans the new HP. Inr of Flit's, is mellow smokin' music Inr of Flit"- picks up where Ht<12's Sop. the hand s firsl hi’, left off Kx« ept Jar of Fhrs isn't as melodic or i ate hy actual ly. it |iisl isn't that good It isn't good l>iH.ausc it doesn't sound like Alii e in Chains People lirst heard of Alii e in (.hums (alln'it. loudly) with Man in the Bos.” a crunchy tune that will probably In* found in later editions ol Frrrdoin Hoik, or whatever passes for that in ahmit a din ade rhe group made its name and stamped its Ioliel as the second heaviest hand m Seattle (go, Soundgnrden, go!) with that album. Alo e in Chains' first. Facelift (toon), and didn’t let up with Dirt Two songs on the recent his t Action Hero Soundtrai k contin ued that sound, typified by songs that would make the listener afraid to answer the door or walk on the street at night Several mush magazines hon ored this Dirt sound by naming Alice in Chains the best heavy metal band of 100 t. and several singles from that album still receive a huge amount of air play Alice in C hains were it they were destined to be the next (.mis N Komis or Metallic,! Hang your head, dude Hut then Ain e in Chains come out with /or of FI if , and sever al people max do a double-take to make sure that it isn't A lie e in Wonderland's new album Instead of the next Cutis \ Kos es or Metnllu a. you muin be lix timing to the next Quiet Riot or I wasted Sister What hap pened to those guys anyway ' Well, /or of Flics isn't that bad, but it sure as hell is disappoint ing The next Alice in Chains IJ’ better be good and crum hv. or else fans may be digging up those old 4!is of "We re Not Gonna lake It" or "Cum on heel the Noise" out of pure frustration -JAKE BERG Oregon tkvlf fmeroW QUICK PICKS ROCKS THE SOCKS SILKWORM In the Wes) (07) 3 \fl lion The beginning of this disc sounds like Silkworm is Seattle's version of Pavement: noisy, |OJiy rock i «j with a layei of grunge Then halfway through they prove this by blatantly lifting a Pavement guitar riff on "Raised by Tigers " Ear candy If you tile this, then check ov’ Built to Spiff, olso on Q/L THE FORBIDDEN DIMEN SION Sm Gallery (Cargo) 2 |r2 stars Halloween surf Or Surf punks go trick or treating Or The Beach Boys cover the soundtrack to The Rocky Horror Picture Show on cocaine, lots of cocome THE BILLY NAYER SHOW The Billy Nayer Show and The Ketchup and Mustard Man (Big Sam's Giant Records) 3 stars They Might Be Giants in a lounge with on attitude These two different dtscs might be hard to find around here, so just bug a record store clerk to order it STEVE FISK Over ond Thru the Night ()C) 3 stars Truly odd This album is subtitled A Ten Year Retrospective and con tains samples of bis music in the 1980s. including some work with 'he Screommg Tree! Buy this only if you enjoy schu ophrenic stuff like Negative lond or the Boredoms, Some great samples and clips, with a remit of Tcnrman" by The Beatles POP SICKLE Under the Influences (GZ) 2 b2 stars Sugar sweet popcpunk songs done solid by a supergroup of sorts Has members of Alcohol Funnycar, Coffin Break and The Gits THROW THAT BEAT IN THE GARBAGE UNWOUND Fake Train (Kill Rock Stars) 2 stars This stum bles around in the gray orea between alternative creativity ond slightly repetitive irritating noise, more often than not on the latter side Hate to dis this 'cause it's on the super cool Kill Rock Stars label, but it must be done. VACANT LOT Wrong (ShakeCargo) I 1/2 stars Croppy pop'punk that tnes to pass itself off os pure punk Don't bother - SCOTT DREW Music Director, KWVA DOGMAN GROUP King 5 X LABEL Atlanta mg's X return to the Imrd roi k m eiie with ii lwng The new album, Itofiman. turns up the power .1 notch while reluming tiuit dassii King's X feel to their music king's X piirted wavs with longtime producer Sain Tny lor for this, tilth, outing. Taking the reigns of production is Brendan O'Brien, is know 11 for his work with Pearl Jam and Stone Temple Pilots liven though O'Brien produced Pearl Jam and S I P. lie did not try to mold king s X in their image No grunge tvpe changes were introduced In short, lie didn't commercialize the hand and make it sound like every thing oIms out there. As for the album specifics, the title track is especially < runchy Mt*a\ v riffs and a full sound help King's X take hat k the scepter ol power from the rest of the rock'n'roll world and shove it down "alternative" bands' throats "f lies and Blue Skies," "Black the Sk\ " and "Sunshine Rain” are great King's X mood tunes, superior groove with just enough hard edge to keep you moving, or to make the drive in your car less stressful There's something for every one on this album even a pret ty good live rendition of Jinii Hendrix’s “Munir Depression.'" -STEVE WOODWARD For 'he Oregon Daily Emcri All you can possibly eat of the best pizza, soup and salad this side of anywhere! Offer is good from 11:30 to 1:30 Monday through Friday at the campus store. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Blvd. • 484-2799 Available at Campus Only WOMAN IN MIND 2 S. 4 S to It 12 * SOD 9 m PAPER DUE? FIND SOMEONE TO TYPE IT IN THE ODE CLASSIFIEDS Gat results. Advartisa in tha ODE