■ TIM MILLER 8 r - Monday Hob-"ton Theatre Pe'V.'mur o Tirr* groces oudiC° * with hi$ ordinal s’oqe ,i T' **“*, or*' $6 s*0 Oregon Daily Emerald h e h r u ii r y 4 , I 4 9 4 TANYA HARDING QUOTES RATING GUIDE Ij that a barton in your pocket Scar or are you i I'kft 'o party wan! Meg Ryor v ploy me m 're movie I t mter C omel lights Reviews Success over the airwaves Story by Kaly Soto Photos by Michael Shindler Oregon Doily Emerald Him dors a Morulas Wriinrs tin\. ! i ida\ class become .1 half hour long television nesvst asff That's exactly xv hat |im Upshaw's Advanced Television Nows class is learning. I 'pshaw spent 22 years in the television non s busi ness, work ing mostly with NIK hast your when Robert Stevens (left) and Jose Romero anchor UO News. Upshaw was looking to make a intivf, the I 'mversitv was also looking lor someone to teat h the basil s of broach ast news During Ins lust quarter at the University, ('pshaw det ided to really leach his students about the television news business by changing the ( lass format from taped news broadcasts to live new s broadcasts As demonstrated by the lirst two UO News broadcasts, Upshaw's format has been very successful, but sui t ess on the air is not the main objective of the class "It s about find mg out who you arc," Upshaw said "Is this right for you' Is it pulling you where you want to go'" Many of Upshaw's spring and winter gradu ates have answered yes" to these questions and itre already working in the business. "We have at Kelli Sisson, technical director, watches the broad cast from the control room. least one student interning at all throe of tilt) networks in town, he said. Others are working for CNN. the set of General Hospital and various television stations and video firms around tin1 nation. The road to these opportuni tir*. is paved with huril work and more hard work "It's really about time management, 1! pshaw said Students intis! lirst i omplete Journalism 111. Radio and Tide vision News I and Journalism *1 tJ, Reporting for the Kim tronu Media, Irefore they are allowed to lake the ai.trial hroaili ast i lass In those i hisses they learn the very base.s of writing for television news, editing and how the equipment works Ai tual i lass periods are used to brainstorm ideas and make assignments for the following Friday's broadcast I fie deadline for stories is Turn to NEWS. Page 8 Chris Penttila operates one of the two studio cameras during the newscast Eugene SCENE Friday, Feb. 4 Apartment G, Storved and Delirious, Artless Motives and Piglet WOW Hall, 9pm Tickets are $4 Jolly Mon, AnziO Bngehecid ond Aggro Batch CATE Auditorium Condon School, 8pm Tickets ore $5 Elizabeth lapvosky author Bools of LeatherGerlinger Lounge, 7pm Admission is tree The £n._ Barber Tno EMU Ballroom Lobby, /pm Admission is free Sogfnod and Hole in the Ocean Icky's Tea House. 9pm Cover is 53 Saturday, Feb. 5 Corlus B Morris University Bookstore, I 30 Book signing Tomorrow Leaves Sunday, Feb. 6 Bob Marley Birthday WOW Hall, 8 p m Tic kets are S6. S / Steven Pologe cello Beall Hall, 4 pm Admission is S3, S5 Tuesday, Feb. 8 Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Almonte Beall Hall, 8pm Admission is $6 50, S3 50 ■ THE MIGHTY CLOUDS OF JOY will bring their unique brand of music to the Hull Center Sunday at 7 p in Their Grammy Award winning sound will get your feel moving T k Lets are i I 6 and $ I 0 Don't miss this show it promises to be a good one Donna f reshmon YMCA /pm Ff»*,hmon /•ill give a leclure titled 'Women's Way Female Advantage" Thursday, Feb. 10 Oswald 5 0, Thee Headhunters and The Spider Babies WOW Mall, 8p m Admission is $5 Michael T and the Mutiny Good Times Cole and Bar, 9 30 p m CINEMA THE PIANO STARRING: Holly Hunter. Harvey Keitel. Sam Neill OIRECTOR: Jane Campion RATING: R RUNNING TIME 1?4 min utes PLAYING AT: Bi|OU Art Theater By Charles Riedl *>?' ", Ai <> i i As supposedly over 1 *>5 < rites agree,7/ie Pumo is indeed one ill tin' IhisI films this year. Directed by Jane Campion, tlm film is ph turesquo iimi thoroughly pin kril with engaging iiiui smliii live energy Thu film is si't m l'tth cuntiiry New Zealand Holly Hunter portrays a mute woman sent to the island to complete her half of an arranged mar riage agreement with frontier settler played h\ Sam Neill. Turn to CINEMA. Page 8