Recycle this paper Christian Science Organization rncUy% 4t 1 00 in I Ml) l%cc room lioin£> for mo nr info tall M4 0924 Musique Gouriqet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA BROADWAY & FILMSCORES ON COMPACT DISC CD S FROM $5.95 In th« Flfthpearl Building 207 E. 5th Avenue Free Parking 343-9000 OPEN 7 DAYS “31 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota •,*'’ KM > u if 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Eugene, Oregon,97402 CLEARANCE SALE! 1231 ALDER ST. • 686-5069 Clinton lifts Vietnam embargo NATIONAL WASHINGTON (API — President Clinton made a controversial gesture of rii on< i lint ion toward Vie! nam on Thursday, lifting the 19-vear l! S trade embargo against a nation whose divisive war inti a Ingot \ of suspicion over thi* fate of missing American soldiers ami airmen The move opens an important emerging market for American gtxxis in .Southeast Asia and was greeted with enthusiasm hv U S business inter ests already setting up u peril!ions in the former enemy capital of Ifanoi Clinton made his announcement after de scribing his thinking in several private meetings with veterans groups and anxious family mem bers of the missing serv icemen Reaction from those groups was largely negative Clinton said he was < om tnt ed the step would further efforts to get a full at counting of the miss ing Americans, and that his det ision was not I wised on enabling IJ S business to make profits there. "We would lose leverage (on resolving MIA questions with Vietnam) if them were no forward movement." Clinton said lit1 said there had been mm h progress in ret ont months in at counting for 2.2 tH American MIAs and POWs in Vietnam, l-aos and (lainbodia Senate Kepublit-un leader Ro!x*rt Dole of Kansas said. "While main of my colleagues think lifting thi* trade embargo on Vietnam is the right course. I (relieve it is the wrong det ision at the w rung time for the wrong reasons " Clinton's det ision to risk the wrath of veterans groups was made easier by a nonbinding 62-.HR vote in the Senate last Thursday favoring an end to the embargo Some veterans and family groups maintain that Vietnam has recovered the remains of hundreds of MIAs but refuses to turn them over to l S authorities I von though Clinton minimized the benefits American businesses would receive. it is no sol rot dm! Vietnam is regarded as ripe territory for foreign investors It is one of Asia's fastest growing markets and nearly all other i outlines that had oike joined in the emhargo have re established i oinrnen.ial lies with the communist nation American businesses have pressed for an end to the emhargo In Hanoi. Amaru an business leaders hailed Clinton's move, saying it would finally give them the i hatu.e to compete in a SI billion market. Vietnam is "the hottest emerging market in the world right nmv. viid Eugene Matthews. presi dent of Ashta International Ini .in investment and consulting firm Ashta is one of 34 U S firms that have Oftened offic os in Vietnam in antic ipa tion of the f S embargo being lifted European and Asian nations already have invested him dreds of millions of dollars in the country Clinton's efforts to avoid military servo e dur mg the Vietnam War — and his opposition to that war — made his dot tsion all the more sensi tive But Clinton said that every Amero an of his age knew someone who died or was wounded in the fighting Clinton insisted that removing the trade embar go was not the same as restoring full diplomatic relations with Vietnam Many family members and veterans groups preferred that Clinton keep the embargo in place to entourage t ontinued Vietnamese cooperation on the MIA issue Ann Mills Griffith, head of a Vietnam MIA K)W family group. boycotted Clinton’s meeting with family groups because she was told by the White House that Clinton had already made up his mind to lift the embargo. She said the president has 'clearly broken" his promises com erning ( onditions for lifting the embargo "I fault the bureaucrat v lor misin forming the president and giv ing him advit e that doesn't hold water." she said Clinton said his det isiun was guided by progress in four key areas: — Recovery of remains of American soldiers in Vietnam. Clinton said that since last July, remains of t*i American serv ii emeu had been recovered. Resolution of "disc repuncy cases" in whic h there was reason to Itelieve people could have surv ivod. Clinton said that since filly. the number of such cases had been reduced from Ltri to 7 1 Further assistanc e from Vietnam and Laos in c undue ting seen lies along their c oniimin border. Lite hrs! suc h investigation took plac e in Decem ber and located new remains and crash sites. Clinton said. Release of any documents from Vietnam that c ould shed light on the fate of those still missing. Clinton said that since July, important docu ments had been released from the Vietnamese arc hives In terms of ability to generate emotions, few issues c an matc h the one involv ing the MIAs. There is a strong suspicion among main MIA family members and veterans groups that some of the missing are still alive, but the administration has said there is no c redible evidence of that DEADLINE EXTENDED We’ll ask you to do unusual things Well, not exactly dancing hall-naked hut many other interesting tasks Be a Resident Assistant l mversitv I lousing is looking tot active, enthusiastic people who would like to till the Resident Assistant positions in the residence lulls tor the academic scar. Compensation: Room and Ixurd plus $(>(X) per year. eligibility: Must have Junior standing by tall term and have a cumulative GPA ot IS or higher You must also attend this orientation session Monday Feb. 14th, 7pm. Housing Office (Walton Complex). Application deadline: Friday, Feb. 11th, 5 pm K>r more information contact: University Housing or call >46-4277 By the way, if you like dancing half , naked, don't hesitate to come. •An AAKO institution commuted to cultural diversity and in compliance with ihc ADA. Irene wants a cheeking account with lots of service charges. (Not.) bv>m li<«n t u^rt* icll» u> lfva« iHr prrfn i v lux ling jiuhjin lm hri »iultl t«r .mm i»v«i . I«l*i « Kmvc *nv *v*t..U/ nwwHhly MfMi c . « >» . »m% h f-*»irc* < >• intniHMin haiUvr |\1tlV< f\ I I i It \ XKIN« . \ I KWII I V. <**■ (Jilir u|i *» «ui nwiiiir r>ihtu«cl> \ I KSA1M k I K* AfM% •» lhn>u|hi«M .'4 Uvi < u*ta«<«r> Sc»vK* 1 »»w and yuu w»w't hr ihmpul wfiwMy «yvwag► DmMim mm.iiium IWninr rr«*nirri'»r*»»» • • (*■« ».he* k> . tuiff \ rufri Vim «J«»’ Iht u« >■( 1 Vll VI MSAll li J K AlM» lhn>u(l*iui ihr Wr»t ► lo yi »*i i«»ti tvuikm^ iu»i k«ll I **• l M H«»IA And *cc t»iu »r nr t^nUinf 4 l