Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 03, 1994, Page 8 and 9, Image 8

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610 overall, 2 5 Poe-10
23 Jamor Cury G
45 Aaron Johnson F
15 x Jamal Lawrence G
13 Jordy Lyden F
3 Henry Madden F
50 Jon Mitchell G
33 x Darryl Parker F
24 Jeff Poter F
44 Damon Runyon F
35 Zach Sellers C
10 Kenya Wilkins G
21 Orlando Williams G
x • injured
f li ( (>»* ) I. -s
Oregon will have to face
two of the top scorers In
the Pac-10 this weekend
In California's Lamond
Murray (left) and Stan
ford's Dion Cross (right)
Ducks hope to upset Cal before big crowd Saturday
By Dave Chartoonneau
ff*QOn Osdy ( rrm*(tkj
A year ago, the phrase, "Close bul no cigar," may have
been m Jerry Green's book of press quotes
Not any longer.
Now that his Oregon men's basketball team has lost five
Pui ific-10 Conference games and had a reasonable shot at
winning all of them, Green is looking for an opportunity to
hand out some cigars
I or that, Green would need a big event to happen like, oh,
maybe. (mating a Top 25 team After playing tough but los
ing to nationally ranked Arizona and i!(TA on the rood, the
Ducks {2-5 in the conferenc e, t> 10 overall) get their first
t ham e to ploy a Top 25 team at McArthur Court Saturday
when 19th ranked California comes to town for a t 05 p in
The Golden Bears (5-2, 12-4) are coming off a lug upset of
former No 1 UC1.A Sunday , and defeated No 12 Arizona at
the Me Kale Center a tew weeks ago
Green, usually not n coach to overlook an upcoming game,
can't help hut look past tonight's game with Stanford to Sat
urday 's game. !!\ Tuesday, 6,(MJO seats had already been sold
for the game, and the crowd Saturday will likely be the
biggest at McArthur Court in three years
"Looking from an outsider's point of view, we are one
of the worst three teams in the conference," Green said. "Cal
will be a good opportunity for us. But we need to play a
near-perfect game to have the chance to win.”
Oregon forward Jeff Potter said the Ducks are looking for
ward to getting another shot at upsetting a national power
"We've lieetl coming close, and that's almost worse than
getting blown out," he said. "We're at the point where if we
make a play or two we might pull off an upset. That's the
difference between us and the top teams in the conference.
They make those plays amt we don't."
As for the large crowd expected for the game, Green said
it's proof of the progress his team is making in gaining
"I think locally, people are starting to gain some respei t
for our team," Green said. "When I first got here, you could
have a conversation with someone across the court, it was
so quiet during games."
I'he respect continues to grow as Green's recruits one by
one start to become solid contributors to the team
First, it was Kenya Wilkins who made an instant impact
and has played well all season at the point guard position.
Nest, it was Darryl Parker who took flight when the Pai 10
season started and has gone on to average 10 points and
five rebounds in Pac-10 play Recently, it's been )amar
Curry who's been turning up Ins play and is being reward
ed with more minutes Against Arizona, Cum scored eight
points in six minutes and followed that up with 12 points
and five rebounds against Arizona State
"Jamar's been playing a lot better for us. Green said "He’s
still doing good tilings on defense hut lie's becoming more
under control on offense "
Green gives a lot of the credit for Curry's sudden burst
lo superstition 1 lurry forgot Ins jersev Thursday against An
zona and had to wear No >4 with no name on the hat k
Omen tielieved tie played so well that he made ( urrv wear
the same jersey Saturday against the Sun lkovils
He'll he wearing it again Thursday, and we ll see how
tie does ' (.men said
The (kdden Bears are the hottest team m the t onferent.e
right now Against the Bruins, star point guard Jason Kidd
registered his fourlh triple-double of Ins i areer and is aver
aging 1 ri points and It) assists a game 1 he li-fool 4 guard
may be too much for 5 10 Wilkins to handle, so the job of
guarding Kidd may go to the •> fi Barker I amend Murray, a
fi-7 forward, is the Bears' leading scorer, averaging 25 points
and eight rebounds a game
The but ks are led by Orlando Williams, who is averag
ing nearly 1 ' points a game (tregon forw ard Bolter is aver
aging 1 I points and live boards a game
Thursday's game against the Cardinal (4 t. 11 >) starts at
7 pm
• ■- ' ■" --i _
STANfC Mt> A i mi l TK" l?L»’AH1WI NT
. ........ I ———
I I 5 overall, I -6 Pac 10
Brent Williams F
Andy Poppink F
Jim Morgan C
Brevin Knight G
Dion Cross G
J 1-4 overall, 4-2 Pac-10
5 Jason Kidd G
3 Monty Buckley G
52 Ryan Jamison C
21 Lamond Murray F
44 Michael Stewart F
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