Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 03, 1994, Page 6, Image 6

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Potter finds peace at the line
By Dave Charbonneau
Oregon Caty (-'■‘m.wl
Ask Jeff Potter ibout him his
latest injtirv is healing up, and
his response is 'Which one/’
Potter. Oregon s 6-fool-9
junior forward, has taken his
lumps this season.
Strained ligaments in his
elbow kept him out of the Duck
lineup for two games at the
beginning of the season. Last
weekend, he turned an ankle at
Arizona and sprained his knee
against Arizona State After .1
win at home against Washing
ton, Potter came into the inter
view room with a deep gash on
his forehead.
"I'm going to look like Scar
face by the end of the season.”
he said
As the Ducks' power forward.
Potter has done his share of
banging inside The result has
been a number of bumps and
Hut Potter has discovered a
place on the court that is safe
for him. a plai e where he can
rest his battered hones and help
the team at the same time
That place is the free-throw
Potter has become virtually
automatic at the line for the
Ducks this season He’s hit HO
percent of his free throws —
sixth in the Pacific-10 Confer
ence — and has hit 92 percent
of his shots in c onference play
Those numbers are even more
incredible when considering he
shot 4fi pen ent from the line his
freshmen year
Potter, who shot 75 percent
from the line in high school,
said he struggled because the
coaches wanted him to shoot
like, of all people, Don Mac Ukiii
"When I got here, the coach
es didn't like my style of shoot
ing." he said. "They wanted me
to shoot like Don Macl.ean
They gave me the run-around
and I just never got any confi
After that season. Potter went
hack to his old style and hit 75
perc ent last season This season.
Potter has missed only two of 27
tosses in c onference play.
'"lately, I've had good rhythm
at the line.” Potter said. "I
expect every shot to go in. I
don't even remember the last
time I missed one.”
The fret* throw line is not the
only place in which Potter has
helped the Duc ks this season. In
Par.-10 games he’s averaging 13
points and 5.3 rebounds a game,
second on the team in l>oth cate
"Jeff really improved over the
summer," Oregon head coac h
Jerry Green said. "He's scoring
and rebounding Jietter, but the
thing I really like atiout Jeff is
that he’s one of the few players
I've ever coached who comes to
work every day."
Throughout Potter's career at
Oregon, he's always been a fan
favorite, thanks to his tough
work ethic. In his two-and-a
half seasons with the Ducks.
Potter's been stuck with defen
Jlf F PA Sl.A v '£ mec o»d
Oregon forward Jeff Potter has become a fan favorite because of his
hard work and Improvement, particularly at the free throw line.
sivu assignments like guarding
NBA prospects Chris Mills.
MacLean and Adam Keefe, to
name a few.
"One thing I'm really proud
of is that none of those guys
i nine in and really went ofl on
me." he said.
As strange as it may sound.
Potter considers himself lucky
to still he a Duck. He thought he
was on thin ice two years ago
when the Ducks fired coach
Don Monson and hired Green.
"I lived in Seattle when Lynn
Nance took over at Washington
and cleaned house,” Potter said.
"When the new c caches came
in. I didn't know what they
were going to do with me 1
didn't even know what 1 wanted
to do at that point."
While many players from the
Monson years disappeared one
by one from Green's program,
Potter became a stable and reli
able force, starting every game
last season and averaging nearly
10 points and four rebounds in
his sophomore season.
Potter and Green have an
obviously mutual admiration
for each other, and with regard
to that. Potter believes he
lucked out.
"Coach Croon is a great coach
and a great guy," ho said. "I just
feel really lucky ho didn't ship
(Monson's team) all out.
because to take over a 6-21
team, ho could have easily done
Although Green's run-and
gun style of play doesn't exact
ly cater to Potter's style of play.
Potter said it is Green's attitude
that he really likes.
"His attitude is 'We're going
to got this done,' ' Potter said.
"At first I had my doubts about
whether (turning the program
around) was possible, hut late
ly, we've been playing competi
tively and I really think things
are going to turn around for
The question is: Mow long
will it take before the Oregon
program crai ks the upper eche
lon of the Pac-lU?
Chances are it w ill likely hap
pen after Potter — who only has
one year left after this one — is
"That's kind of a bum thing,"
Potter said. "But hopefully
players like myself, Aaron
(Johnson), Orlando (Williams).
Jordy (Lyden), Jon Mitchell and
Damon Runyon — the 'Old
Guys' — will be looked at as the
guys who helped bring it back,
not the guys who went 6-21."
Men’s Basketball Schedule
McArthur Court (TMpjii)
McArthur Court (Stt pi*-) (RAVOOM)
Saturday ©OSU
Corvali*. Or* (1 (RAYCOM)
Thursday ©Washington
S**ai*. wraUi (700pm.)
Saturday ©Washington State
Puknan. Wmh (MO p.m.)
McArthur Court (7:08 p.m.)
26 Saturday ARIZONA)
McArthur Court (1:06 p.m.) (RAVCON)
MAR 3 Thursday @Calilorma
BortwtOy, am (7 30 pm)
5 Saturday @ Stan lord
PrtoAha. Caor. (7:30 p.m.)
10 Thursday USC
McArthur Court |7M pm.)
Saturday UCLA
McArthur Court (SMS p.mj (RATCOM)