125 INSTRUCTION ART WORKSHOPS natural o thing { earn **>4> J*ri c4 natuRtf TNe lOMCi Of u.Stfvg mordant* to get *,y UJt*QflS an coiO# w'-i tie COVtrfd Ci>* Or* tfx* Term w COm« from qmon walnut s^?s madder *nd Nam soc* bar* Mor Fafc M eb 14. 6 30 9 00pm PORTFOLIO BOX CONSTRUCTION Construct .» pr*CTMar bo* CM* 0® Signed lo NOU** yOu-* *0400 v»? erf pholograpMi. pr*** boo** or oft*** Aft wry* Thv*r*. f ©b 10 Mar 3 6 30-9 OQpm JAPANESE PAPER MARBUNO SummagaVii ■* posai&y '*« moH or c»«nt frym of martoAng W© *r I ©* pky* Itu* tr&eHooi* ~*«»r m m %utr» .ntis are floated on wafer to Cre .lie subtle design* evoe^g pattern* to nature Wed. Feb ’6, 6 00 9 30pm FABRIC MARBUNO OeaNt you' own martrfed design-* on fabric usmg this ancient aritorm f at> rc and p***nt* w»- be jyov»ded Wed. Feb 23 . Me 2, 6 30 9 00pm EMU CRAFT CENTER 346-4361 X-X<-XOsX-:-yX»X-:-X->:-«T.\ $ It E CYCLE | I THIS S $ TAPE It £ »W»«W»:«C'5»»5N»K Moving! Brand now Whirlpool Re frigerator 10 year warranty, double upright door* Icaweter maker Crtaper, wide *helvem Paid $1*00, aacrlflce 11000 WASHER Medium *we. works well $100 080 Cat* 686 9516 .liter 5 OOpm 135 BUY OR TRADE 3 ticket* for Trail Blazer game March 9 v Utah Jazz Good seats Cali lor m formation 68/ 6729 145 CARS TRUCKS ’71 VW Bug. Rebuilt eny«ne M>. harm fee*. £400 '66 VW But.Ftetx. ' *•'■■}■' - A Transmission New Tire* $6QC Bot* *lnt running condition 686 3293 86 Mazda RX-7 - n- m*. M bra. CO Enceient condition Onfy $4400 CaM 3466044 Murry 150 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 87 Honda 150 Elite Scooter New muffler. new tires S600 (Util 342 4098 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Compaq XT w72t) Mny MO hoytird monitor A software.S200 Urm 9 pn £pson dot mam* printer $50 Arm 342 -?990^ IMAGEWFUTER II W • . ■ Cali Sarah. 686 8759 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS NMd S#*p Wilh your p«f»on*l computer'’ -.VT *5•’‘V Af* ? ml* "• AfUwrered ’-.»*»« at#* W3 MACINTOSH Compuftr »cv **»• CompMM tyllem -vj pr*n#*r onfy tooc Cai On» at AX> id*** Sony WMAmerv AMFM reeeette, S20 t p*co Dot M.v , . • ^ » Cosor TV * r«r- 'r V- AS * • ^ oxKftJor* 344443$! iso RESALE CLOTHING THE CLOTHES MORSE EicapboAH de?*n«ro >»n «*«. ^ ... Oowonmen? We buy «very:fcly ‘ *t Dmoovmk to» » ‘ lpn- ‘ t»yi 720 E 13in ► •*>« T*«y% -9 v.«r m** iso SKI EQUIPMENT RotMgnoi XI, Kevlar ?07cm wrfth Tyrolla 4'K T .jn . r-, >>xj i tton S90 W »r» f -h ■ * * Ski Bootvi ntf'-Mr- V< I V H.v ) tOf>Ot (tve fan* Good •''•*!•>»’ S *‘i 060 He** 666-# . * 7 SAi 6oof» Salomon 5X 71 , »> • * entry, men * \0 t • • • *•■ $I(XV060 tm »906 Av to M* p 203cm Rot»i Eatreme Kevlar M .*?*••■ M46 Ractng >■- s > • Mnva-in ;s Good condition $v*> 9352301 Man 195 TRAVEL Mexico Getaways.. For Less Maiatlan 6 d»v> from $376 includes tier person quad •> t it flr< v beachvicw hotel air at>d trar nfers Cabo San Lucas 6 dtr* from $551 includes per person triple occupancy, beachfront hotel, air, and transfers *6>frreafajidfrP*Qrirfcai«l 1««ret nulfj * us Kt IxrtjB Wm 6 rfe **J, ' jv! „ a Jwi y VII rf. .5 Council Travel 71 S '» W ,‘A.TT'VV: *600 ft vTWifYj f Xf 979OS Mi-tn-iMo • iem«M the. next one. htj Jamie Truebfand 0 > tic? C • ki* i« TRAVEL Spring Break! (V* (>'«**• pftCfcAJvn' 0‘4r> do ‘t.w SSC V*gas for $25, Hv 5^*96 2 Hy t Guaranteed* ! ,/9» ?co RIDES A RIDERS I need a rkJ# to Salem prefer rtf** rOUO(®hp) OO Eft. Put) I afl Ju i«h sa \4f> aooo JOS OPPORTUNITIES Earn ce*h Muffing envelope* '«**'•«} NASf *. M- N^rr-i! M.v>rwn PO Boa 3* AS 660h • Heritage Music Coordinator The t^tur* forum n aceephng app« cat*on» bom students nterentflil m pro gramming to* mu*th annyiv Wittam efte Vaiiey f >* festival A#or% mth manager» agaents promoters aryl art Potufton Oey»ns Sp<■ ■ Term Deedbne .n Wednnvfctv * «tvwary !6 So'tn.’ k MU 346437,1 I He Cf ** «n f O AA employer LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITY’ Freshmen Interest Group Leaders Needed I '’•nance «’.v>nHi organ-, rational and common ,»*./' *b>»s wh*«n f'rApoig freafiman .fcijuSt to the U Of O Earn 2 upper division r«*ts and a cash award lor #pp*- and ‘nicy mabon. stop Dy <64 Oregon Hat’' o< -.*• 34ft- 1079 Appr*: ,iJiOr’ 3r%a«#»na I 9t) 4 [ rijusim i) m i/» t.mrtnJJ 346 1343 . 210 HELP WANTED Nannie*. wo f>av« the perfect jtstJ U* you* F -firefly famnwp» nationwide $! SO $4!j0/'w*< to* i y$9 High School umpires • - isona sort!*) . . dad »s eony as 4 00pm Paid i*>*»-!.*»'>s more ;,'to ,lH 4H4 1 •';>> 210 HELP WANTED ALASKAN CANNERY JOBS A* «vk*d?*re S1*£J# A Kur«© r* T ,vk to W» m 4W 6066 CAPfTCH RECORDS Hi mtaraatad in f.ugana' Ear a* you? re*um« 21^-962 6405 PT. FT position* «* *Mftonat Commit ©cabon* Co M*gh commdwNOAik. ««* > tor **.» 4*U 4 ft1 M i ) ?< Rewarding Summw Jotoft » «*vgT!«. |0Uf guftle. ranch. hOAtia**}. •tru&o* Maguard. hot** *lah. votonterx h pfluammenf poaftont ttvaitabAa »«? n.a tsonjft porYft f u" w rft l *vrw*»‘’f twna Ms A bortuftOft' for more krt/Ws ..-*.• XBV MS 4tft.V4 a N0O69 SUMMER CAMP JOBS f ,>r ■*\«n A women IKftVf' V arft’y ..J-T'p I •'»!*»VMW*WVj i ©6 .‘. * W.V f' App©tntm*Ot A 9lH !■..'?*«•• ■ 'to .1! the Studanl E mp*oym#ol > **V« SUMMER JOBS Campmg Avv« l-rtor Camp* Wa*Nngto»’ ftfat© on . *m t * > 6 Stipend pOftAcm Appftcabon* ck*» by 5 OQpm f **) * University Hooftlng I* now hiring 10 Program AftAHMantft lor *h© » ft*4 96 .* adarn* y<*a< Program Ami»!4o!» woW to pfcan arto produce educational cuiurjti and recreaton** program* in the reasdam © haA* Ap(36caticio* and addtttonai n formation may t*» obtained at th© Mourung in 'AaJtoft Com p*e» Program Asa* start* (fUi) muni Da fuH time fttiident* at the U 0< O and aft? •«©d to 'vfl n th© '«ft*)*nce hat fftfly »<© employed Oompemuttion m i-.x'Jwa room and board lor a angle room The tnddbne tor atjomj =n C»«rwd»y. f «tr -ary i at S to ;r*«j i jf'ivw vfy liountng (*Ve An Aa( O Amj.ftoyrf .' I’v.HmJ tq cuiturai dkvwn*ty V’vJ > , wl'i>i>,t: '■ »* ton ADA Woman » StucH«« Program »eaftft a()piicant« for two graduate teaching aftftifttantfthlpi for 1W4-96 Adnun skjo »o UO gr<«rto.'tf« program and sut> .’ i ' .». tWftuft gr.b..r‘vl n Woman ft Stud f»ft 'vr.vy «J*jtartw>ad try (»Tf borgarnmg contract Informaiion ,».-d »jft>- < at • ■ .tva-'-itf1**4 at WSt Of U- a. MS > > tJr» ft ft ■ SC 1 >46 SS29) Completed appucalion* ©'uftf b* Nad at WSf " e Oy S 0Qpr?' Mar 11 UO >s ,ki | > AA A[)A institution committed !0 Cultural ft*tK>o lor the it)4 W nte* iu.vtnr S tOhfV'wft at SB-CXVhf W.xft study arrd ganaraf IBM bated PC software >s required For fur ther mfo -»>■ Cathtaan Laue af Wf> 464.' 14ft ;,4>9/. 9 PIC Th« U of O ‘3 an AA/t 60 employer THI FAB SIDI By GARY LARSON F“ rsrr? 1 "You little loltwi! When I was your age, I had to crawl 14 inchea to I ha surface and bach! Evary day!... Through hsntpsn. by thunder!" Calvin and Hobbes NVN ARE TOU Following ME. AROUND7 T~ 4*0 WU1 ARE \ WO WW1 ARE TOO REPEATING tw REPEATING WHAT I SAT ? ) WUAT I SAT 7 IE TCURt GOING TO KEEP DOING THAT. I JUST WONT SAT J WT THING / IE TaiK. GOING TO KEEP Doing THAT. I JUST NCNT SAT AHTTUING by Bill Watterson THE INCREDIBLT ANNQTiNG HUMAN ECHO STRIKES AGAIN ' ' K . ik. 225 APTS DUPLEXES Fumiahed 1 Bedroom*. Xfr i 1*h $4?*:, ;i.**.torn»*hed 2 Bedroom ?? v j Hd $46001*0 No Pet* 4#iS large 2 Bdrm 1112 bath Pool, *au .» ,i-' r i}.yA/ Uti*-siry Ne.v *hop [*:Trt A ’nil S6267 month. *>B9 73*5 Walking DUtanc# to Cempua 1S5C Itoh St SoacKX** A x tewm* l arg* remodeled 3 BDWM Qoee toUdO Shopt>ng, S V">'*’ $33 f 1 te* Great ’ tU'HW * !*• '«** Uptbfcra. -1o* * taundry \ parking Qoti to c ampu* $365 HAYWAMO HOUSI APTS IfVTtxStfcs*** HAT| S on f’ene ' B()HM t t,"2 bafh. toemhouen ,h ?i avertootong Moywtvd l xjM C'OV«¥*d p*VV - '‘j A t <»x ; : • m Av .*»,*£:>«* tof niched $ *65 Jennings & Co. 460 I 11th _____ 003 2271 1 BOOM API ft W*» to campu» ... i 1 bedroom Apt A.i^ ’ > IK ’ Mr- A Mf?1 Gee par* ■‘■j. 0« fct« iilu'Vlry VWvnvi *om« ut'.l UJ 4H ’ /' 2 Bedroom, 1 bath m Ferry St Bridge •fM On busl-ne, t t/? nvtos from campu* W0iH j*>*> TV pad $660 465 « IV o» 344 0010 2 Bedroom Apartment tor rent '-ear ..ampo* 630 1 !4lh St Ca# U3 5463 3 BCOROOAI $595 Sper.tOus tO bkxk* to CJimpu* t fflRtf'.iy o*»*ntoil rw»a' ‘»*»te way Laundry tan’-'t-ex no J*rt» .:* *#tk* :'■} 2046 ’.V am die MS 798? 240 QUADS Ooe# to campu* Av.u.tf *e N w i?2fv?r>o No pd* No *m. » f>y Heal f %tat« Northwest 7 4* „'5«Wi Nke Quad-10th A Name *.»*<> n* m 1Mb A $“1‘' yOur»* Ai! .,»•<’» rfx ruttod 606 4066 245 ROOMS 1 room avail 2.1 Non-Furn $,' *>.-• 1st A lost. S’00 dap Share uMa&obie wth tour Appro* 4-- In.HT? IM.) "-ear Ihoppmg. Oh buttfene Tatty V44 3168 250 DORM CONTRACTS Pteaee boy my dorm contract *' <. - * ' » 4# 1 » * PImm buy my dorm contract N» «• room with personal bdhnxom n tji t’i you SAO Contact 34? M43 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Share 2 Bedroom. 1 bath V30CVm<> p*u» 1/2 ubMios Hardwood floors h*gh ce«»»iH^ Walk to UO W O 342 8667 280 MEETINGS Resident* of Amazon Family Housing' PtrtiDfMto *\ design iVh uwi* *&<:* Mnii effac 1 future housmg Community dee«gn sponsored by l and V4» A/cMecture det*jn %hxt»o 4irv$w twgin th.* «w* A;i meetings* ,vo at Amjuofl Community floors Ch,! welcome fOOd proofed » canl mne«» yOU* ne*gh£JOrhv*Xf 9 Vhed ,.ied meeting aome !o • '** that * a>n ky you For more •nlarmatuxn contact Stan Jones «»• k> 19 Mw' «ng» by area quadrant Tu-e, f ed t / X>m SW Awl f eb . * 9pm Nf Thu f«b V 7 9pm SI Moo. 7 * Hw NW and Son f«b 6. 3 Sf>rr» Jun*w Mtgh and lt»gh ScftOO* fC»*>en1* 2M CAMPUS EVENTS The Palestinian Israeli Peace Process Roundtable discussion MSA i JSU All welcome t? 00pm. Cedar A A B Lecture 3 00pm, Walnut Room 295 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT AHT CINFMAS 492 E !3lh • 686-2450 r OrtCOlMTIMOWIIwWaM Irieit) *£•» 4 49 (VJI M0 • M THE*PLANO* Ma Hoti • f iw >■! i iik, m« Mwti KMMf dbm iiuvovtt reoirf 10 til • A) Ruby In P*radi»* —»mmtrsfi NwMf ’ 20 BARAKA ;!PI.HIfVlJ.'IUJ DAZED AND CONFUSED' n p3K r »i« hi ^“FATAL LNSTLN The Shrew by Char let Markowitz I nlyu ny T >1 .»(■» a room tomm wbara’ 16 Historic parod 17 N goat without taymg 16 Trafalgar tlatua 20 Haadt 22 *Wh«a Chnttmat man 26 Daacnp tiva (arm 29 Embar rattad 30 Dandar 31 Sunburn traatmant 32 Datpon dant 33 Rooan haratic 34 Rum tha vanaar 35 Ea/n a i ony. palhapt M Album ••gm»nu 37 0«rk tad bud 40 San»a 41 Laaab loi a bona 45 Ea/ty lima 47 "So thala I. ah?* 40 Cadatian knh 50 Batm aocaatory 51 Allaniic food fith S3 No Daitry worm, Ibata 53 Mfinmam 54 Mauna — 55 Madtcal • ■am DOWN 1 Sturdy twitod cotton 2 Running m naulral 3 Cotlapaad 4 Flying »aucar7 5 Our tint ortxtar • Footbal fiUar 7 Took a qucfc boh ■ Staton# rota • Dropout7 lOOfl tattoo ad word 11 "Chancai 1» 'Loranjo i Solution llmo: I) ndn». 21 California tort 23 Gal on ona'a narvaa 24 Smal nail 2) Longmga 26 Ona ol lha mnocanta 27 Jar follower 26 Elaa'a a lory 32 Interior alutf 33 lala nghl boat 35 E apart 36 Coiaal ahop lam 36 Literary alyla 39 ‘Mary Ty lai Mooia «. Show" apmolt 42 Golf haiard 43 Quiche baaa 44 Optmuate 45 Ona of louraae avia 46 Barn occupant U Tool tor MarWiam a man