Another protest r CHASE ca1'' but > ooht tortobe them FROM THE PAST: Students protested the University's onimal experiments they regarded as cruel and unnecessary during April 1988. Citizens for Animal Rights Eugene organized the demon sfration against animal research Experiments involved surgical vision research on cats and kittens during which the animals' eyeballs were cut arrd sewn shut Ceremony honors employees of EMU By Catherine Hours About (it) people attended the l'Ml! l m pi t>\ ft- Kim thrill lion (air emotiv .it the l.erlinger Alumni Lounge Tuesday to honor out standing! Mt employees We have had .1 long tradition of celebrating the people who most often are not recognized This is an opportunity to thank the hard working and dedii at ed people who have given many years to the f Ml . IAlt ‘ Direi lor 1 )ustv Miller said I he event was the first orga nized iust (or employee ret ogm turn l.mplovees previously been awarded during less formal holiday parties I Ml Assistant Dirts tor ITank Ueltner said fie imped tins 1 ere mony would initiate a new and enduring tradition Die I- Ml [lersomiel 1 onsisls of about no full time people in set v 11 es and administration, as well as ISO student employees An indispensable 1 ampus institution, the KMl ’ is often tak en for granted But many people work tiard at the fAll' to foster the dynamo community life of the University After every five years of ser v 11 e. employees rei eiv e pins to mark tliftr t ontrihution to the ! Ml' Fast iuesday 1H people were honored in the present e of most of their i ol leagues Gayle Johnson h.o thanked for J.1) wars of serv i«,*» at the pay roil Alan Hoslaugh (i us liul\), l oin t a ban ((Irult l enter), l imhi Tldnoff(Outdoor Program) ami Samis Vaughn (( .Inti Sports) celebrated tin- twentieth year ol disiii ation to their w ork When people nsf. What do these JO years mean to you'1 I answer that when I lirst < amo. students could tun e dated me V aughn said "Now I ( oulil he tiieir mother!" Also honored were H.irhara Griffin. Peter Maser and Alii la Mm mssiii tor 10 years of sort ice frank t.osnr, Jennie Harola, | at tin' Westmoreland tamity Itous mg c omplin ('hough entered .1 plea of not gmltv I >•*« t, and the charge was dismissed in the interest of jus tii e" Jan 1H The district nttor ney in i harge of the i a sit was unavailable for ■ omment Get results. Advertise in the ODE L ET ALS MEETINGS Citizens United Against Dis« rimination will meet t» diirust its opposition to the Oregon Citizen Alliance % Son of 9 tonight at ? «*t Central Presbyterian Chart h, lot «ted dt 1475 Ferry St For more information, call 4B5 0670. I ands< ape Art hur* ture Studio 489 Ml9 will t ondurt d c otiummity design meeting for residents of Amazon student housing tonight from 7 to \i in tin? Amazon Coimnu mty Koran For more information, t all 140 1619 AIFSM w . . . ill K > m i U32 Cillatrl Fo more informalmmi . all Hn 1 140 Returning Studrnl Aimm idtiuii *"• day a! SI a in :n FMt Room For more .'orm.ttii.;; < a!i J40 4 JO1. \ tetnainesr Student tattoo •' tonight at n 10 ai Hootn J02 Cerlmger f or more information t.all 0Hr» 9942 KHIUON United Methmlist t amput Ministry will present Kev Adolr liusti*. who will speak on the Book of fames, fur the First meeting f its Bible series today from 2 to .1 p m at the Wesley Foundation, lutated at 1 «f Kincaid St For more information, tall 14b 4694 MIMFU-ANKOUS Fd u< at tonal Opportunities Program will offer a stress management workshop for FOP students today at 2 p m in Koum 90S PLC John Huudy will tie the presenter For more information. (ail 346 J232 University Housing will present a semmar on self protection featuring Nadia Telsey titled 'University Women tonight at 7 at Kiiey Hall Outdoor Program will offer a program tit Uni "Exploring Kamchatka anti St Flbru* tonight at 7 in Room UK) Willamette for more information, tall )4*» 4 )t)5 At adeinn Advising ami Student Services will offer it program titled \pplvtng t«» MBA rrogrftitu today at t 30 p m iti Room ll>4 Oregon Mail Participants will loam wham to take? the (iMA V. flow to invu»ttg0te ami apply to MBA program* how to < hoos* the t*e*! school. how to rwquost letters of returntiwwi datum anti h*>w to prepare the (xffvona! state nieul For more information < ail 140 t.'ll Mutruni of Natural History will present Matt* I.ill* an art haculogist witfi Are liae«> In*«**igutmin Nofihw»«-»i mi Portland to g;\e a lew tura I Hied laboring m f )**.. «m tv Archam»i -^v m Portland * ( hmeluwii ‘ixlav from 4 JO to > 10 p in = the Muwinn of Natural M:ttor> For more information Health Fdut ation Department v» . today .»t 4 pm us Room uuiiMtiingtam ter For more information . an 140 44St> Ine idenlal Fee ( ommittre .v;.. budge* hoanngt tonight a' t» in the 1.M1 Board Room for the following organization* A1A.S Iaitin American Support Committer. Jewish .Student Union Interlratemity fiiuti (tl ami Women > law Forum f or more mfoz mat>on i all 14b 1749 Deadline for submitting tt Alt to the Emerald front desk Suite 300hAtl! i% noon thr (lay before pubin ation tt Alt run tlu' day of the event unless thr event takes fdc* e before not mi and i* requested to hr published rather \otu es of events *ith a donation or admission > barge hiII not In- eftted (urni put rxenlt and those *i heduhrd nearest the publication date Hill be given priority The Fmerald reserves the right to edit for gram rnar and style tt Alt run strictly on a tpat e available & HO ASSEMBLY SVREQURED. RHYTHM ft KVKW3. , FRDAYSM THE EMERALD. f \ ims c 0 Informational Mooting Tuetday, February 1 5:00 p.m. Carton Cold Room Application! available at Hie Walton Routine Office. Applieatient due February 8. \n l < VAA tnvtitulKWt lommtttrd fc» cultural divmity in ovttphark t with AIM