us TYPING SERVICES At >44-073* *omn « OAAO SCMOOi APPWOVf 0 20 y*i* f&* * ground T«rm pope** * ON CAMPUS’ WE LL MAKE YOU LOOK GREAT ON PAPER EtMng • WrMng AttftMno • fyftfrtg A» **«e^ nt> *m *»vi «4Noum* Pn/EdH 741-7553 'Girt'AY-’MMd f f*t» rrrtJfo/KDmyo Ffl» p^*ci4>Cl«*v«*y Cft« tttVKJa a»S>36 1092 ( IM IM I SI IHITII). • „t-ji. Uad 1 *HW «Ar tX> w% r /MHJ no FOR SALE MISC Doubt* futon Foam Filed with purple cover litre new. tacelice el $100 686-0311 Farberware pot* and pan*. Unujed & pane vet $80 Call Sarah. 686 8/69 Snowboard - Burton PJ 5.4 Goofy, $290. Alio San King Pans modrt. $300 686-6103 Tun Moving! Brand new Whirlpool Re frigerator. 10 year warranty, double upright door* Icarwalar maker Crisper wide shelve* Paid 11400. sacrifice $1000 WASHER: Medium vre. work* well $100 OGO CaH 68b 9516 alter 5 00pm 05 BUY OR TRADE 3 ticket* to* Tr*H Slater game SA*-:n 9 v Utah j4Ui Good seats C*X tor ** towahor 667 6729 us CARS TRUCKS 71 VW Bug Wetxj • » «wx>/w Mbchah b*e* $400 M VW BuafWxiirt f ngm* $ i/ar^-MiW New hr** $600 Both k* CV*> tya. CO I scaHant condition 0*y S440C C*» MS-6044 Murry 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Compaq JCT w&O M«\j MO keytvrj monitor 8 *Gttw*re $200 *rm 9 jar fps*.=r dal matni printer Sr** 34£ 2960 WAAOEWRITER B Works Ckrwt $1/5 Cafl Sarah. 688 8/59__ IMAGE WRITER. n great ccvhM . n $100. or baslodar 683 14»$ Meed help with your personal computer? I can help A;; questions answered Reasonable fat*a 683-?9&? MACINTOSH Computer for sale Complete system >nckxV>g pr*nter orVy $500 CaB Chn* at 800 ?m 5686 Sony Walkman. AkAFM caeaette. $30 Epson Dot Matr » printer $40 U Color TV w/remote $60 AH ««!.ettent condition 1?5 INSTRUMENTS OtgiTach QSP 21-Pro Wp«Mbd It«!'■«.' RG570 lar* btu« * 1 loyil S400 each 060 T^er. 883 8096 18C resale clothing THE CLOTHES MORSE E nceptonal clothes »n an exceptional environment We buy everyday too Discover for yOur sett' Open 7 days 720 E 13th f re© Parking lower ievei THK FAR SIDI By GARY LARSON U - Km:-t~tXA Leonard (alt hla akin auddenly crawl Coming through I ha door ware a couple ol real ahetchy characlera. 190 SKI EQUIPMENT Ro**tgncrf 30. K*vt*r 207cm ortlti Tyrpli* 490 Very >-■• :• - * so- >'0C M->» j»68 * *■ M_ Shi Booto-Oat'*****’ ' v4 * .fcrr Hiv -n; **■'** Good CO* -• J*Si :-r $ ‘ *> oeo ►«•*•?- gaB-ars*? Sfct Boat* Salomon $X 71 j?.v> *vi onlry tv0t t 10 H S’00080 686 t90C An* for V.r 203cm Ro»k Eitrom* Kovtar M.w>« K*4fj KrtL^iy or lOCfc N*VWSa tuning# Good condrfoo *!??> *.\s. \" M,,” 195 TRAVEL Mexico Getaways.. For Less Mazatlan OdtoyiAwn $376 mctudrs per pe'v.m > »x»l oc< isw* >. beacfrvieyv hotel aw. and transfers Cabo San Lucas 6duy*trom $331 includes pm person triple occupancy. beachfront hotel, aif and transfer*. Vftrr *i ford^p ►r^ rt»i] ' or, 11 ft Ulpl J * ’*i»yrj Wr*. ?r #wy M»r o rtl f t1****k wn»»«. Council Trawd 71SSW MLXitvx>#600 Jutland oeonob Spring Break! CM Cheap vat. at on package*' OrUm do for $50. VogttS for 12?) Hawn*. 'o* $296. ? tor i cru*Mw' Guaranteed* into $2 Great Piama Trivet. 4236 5 4ft*h Steel u** 129SOO ircotr N( 6ffc0h 200 RIDES & RIDERS I need a ride to Salem (preferably roundtnp) on Fn. F et? 4 Ptnase caH Ju rwper at >46 6000 205 OPPORTUNITIES SPUING TERM INTERNSHIPS Orientation Meeting Wednesday. Feb 7. 3 30pm EMU Walnut Room (by Pott Office) The program >s ;*>er to or %*> nior* »n good academ* standing Earn upper cJwwon . and pr<>(«* sonai*y 'wiaied mpenence Theiw* ore jutl a to* ot the vies that ire .tva»tabto tor ■ifirng term Sfh St PuOm. Market Kaufman % U lane O AH lot T ?*.Je Center KVAt T V Oft 0«p< o< Corrections The Mike Store Vaivey R»ver inn Looking Glass ‘>n«itor l eg** A«j» Head posrtton de*a>t*»om «n *’4/ Men <***.» Me* starting Feb t For ArM ctvance at ot«rv*ew vgn up® attend (> entabon Meeting first come t>r*t served ‘ Oueekursa™ Can OXP Mb nO* t 205 OPPORTUNITIES Contemporary Issues Coordinator apply a pc*»4xyt pwr*njng a lectwnpi program cpr Semper ary nv^’ls deifc* and nd"«Ju«JS *0* UO iWmtt ./• • Prokri-*orat*y and ■ v->t program* *•-•*' as Hunter S wV# Son«f| Jofw* aon. Oass w * V uona*d Wood# and Aftafia^ Snatxt/.* Poe^f-on t«gi-'S Spnog Term M 0**..&'■»<» s Wednesday ? U' Su if*;1 (.MU U6 4!M I hp C( •■* an l < i AA employer Earn CJWfi »tyffing onvekipet Send SASI to M . Sees’ W,* «** • PC (k>« 39ft. dark* AS 6ong SASI v» Coun try lr%mg Sihopper* JV** T »V. PO (V* j?7g Dennam Spr-ng*. T * 'Or?? Heritage Music Coordinator Tn# Cultural forum «s accepting apjx* cefiorv* from student* rttaMMlwl «n pro gramrn«ng Mh muvc on campu* du/ *vj • x*4 VS Plan ?n-n .'Nfi ar'■ uAj W-t^irn Vaftey f o4r I on? vi War* wfn manager* agaent* promoter* and ar* eft* Poartxxi Oeg»r>* Sprng Term 'M Oeadfene >i Wndne* lay I atxuary it' So*a .■ (.MU T Nj Cl in an EOAA omployer LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITY Frtihmon Inter**! Group Leader* Needed wadar»Np .Xi>ar. ;afx>nal and commontcabon tMN ***** Npmg fraefvman adfutt to tfie U of O (atn 2 upper dnntMon r«o»t* and a caiafi aererd For at*;>n and nfc>r melon. slop by '64 Oregon Hal or eafl H6 jQ/g AppAcatioo learibror f eft 4 Secondary Specie! f ducelwn Program Tuition and stipend avarteWe lo qu*M-ed p*w»txts mteraefed *n earmng sperm! education certrftcafacxn " (or more tfvlo# m«t»on pieean **d« to Send Oave > 75 College ol I ducataa»> Unrvertufy of <>egoo i ugene OR 7 4LXI 210 HELP WANTED CRUISE LINE entry levei on board positions avwi Summer <# V» round. bamMl. tree travel ‘14 S4‘J ' '•*>*) FANTASTIC BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ln|fwr^if»or»aJ martMrhftg Mm ne«»H %afesp*,,S‘>n and I ■tremefy 4ttr jiiivfi compensation plan f u*5 or p^yt bme You canl oHonl to min tfus Opportunity CaB 4fi4 ?$B6 _ PT. FT position* * Nat* il Comniw nutations Co High iomm*as*ons. fy bOOuVtS 503 484 4'JO ’ Ml £5 Rewarding Summor Job* I retghter tour gu«de. dodo ranch host(ess). *n ffructor. lifeguard. hotel Start, volunteer A government positions a wv table a? <' ■» bOn«l parks Fun work I •ce*ie'>t bene !*t» A bonuses' for more detain ah' ;»Oiv S45 4804 * N6069 THE INSURGENT is searching h* .» computer layout editor Mu*,’ know tv ,w to use tbe Mat Stipend position Appi« cation* a/e ,Jue by S 00 p rn I eb 4 U of O Summer Enrichment Program for Talented and Gifted Students June ' t> July 18 DormAory counselors wanted Cot>« Hint* weft f d Anne* :U6 J064 or Mb 1406 Application ,ku»Si*ne lor GOuneetors >* March ' 6. i994 YERNICK bv Charles Marier YeftovCK /to. Tkescots: "Thc Troth ADoLCsce/jT i»jd»\)>puau S/n“ FaFT X ! UNTIL This Institution Lowers Its Out-or - STATE tuition, I RCFUSE. To GET w\Y HAiK Cur/ WHAT HE sais: Until This INstiTlitio*) LoyJtKS its ) our-of ST/Uf TVltlON, 1 CAd hiojj AFFo*D To C,tr m HA£CUT^” Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson loot,HAM l MM)E 10U SOME S08TITIES HHM * WHEN KXjRE TALKING TO ME. TOO CMOOSE THE AfPRoPR\ATE CARD TO TRANSLATE WHAT TOJ'RE SA'NNG. AND PROP \T AGAINST lOgR. FEET FOR , ME TO READ K* tXAMf’Vt, If 10kJ SA1 "GO TXi <&U> WOK " TOO CAN USE. TU\S CARD. WU\CH SA'fG 11O0NE GOT TEH MINUTES ONTM. I BlOW Ml STACK. ' SLt’ THEN 1U KNOW WHAT ICKI m IMCH GOT SUBTITLES TOR PMtEHT ISMS UK£ ‘ iCWRE «XNG TO POKE saflttoois tit our win* wr ' 210 HELP WANTED ALASKAN CANNERY JOBS UN «oAk! ?v»r ' J.V » -i'VKi N*»e 'TA Tat* to ui ,KX> 4$3 0055 CAPtTOL RE COR OS l» tntofeeted m Eugene' Far u» you< 'Mump 1 > 962-640?> 215 WORK STUDY WIX til tufty PoaJOon TNn Soc » '«• W'CQ lAt^UClKYWtf lab cuw^y A> ■ '■«r wvx'MtufJy ;xvk,f.. . .»>..» x -*' ’ - *Nj • fM W«rTtW Qwv'ff *• ' .»! $6 0CV*»r Wom.Vv4fy 4'x1 .1 • ' Tfth A Patter *or> SSOOr’ -if* 4t\*> 3AS6 Ay^t! now hi Subtacrv* large 2 Bdrm. 1 t 12 bat* IV -i na targe Storage laundry Near v> p ptng A IXi* S62S month (NMF Walt log Distance to Campue 1550 High Si Spaooue A C*w»r' largo remodated 3 ROMM Ctoea io U of O. Shopping. A buefcnee ISO* 533 l i»h Great 1 BOftM rrith mm carpet Up«ta#V decs. murxtry A parsing CtOM JO COTTYput Wtt MAVWARO MOUSE APTS tocredaxe RATI S or inwae 3 BORM 1 1 ? bath, iownbouee apt* OvwKXXung Maywo/d I Cowered parsing A befcorMae Avatabte fur*!*/iedt;f#vm»erxKj |NT6 Jennings & Co. oi l nih__M3?:m t BORM APt 0 Uk» to -campus , • chap" . 663 f 34 1 bedroom Apt Wa* to UO ’ Wh A M.!i Free parking, or ;ut»* laundry $395'mo tfKhxVr* *.»«« uW* 343 4B1 / 2 Bedroom. I bath »n Ferty St Bridge area • Jr*, lx.* •••«* 1 1*7 >•■” lamput Wat of TV paid S***>0 465 1 -IS? or W4 1*910 2 Bedroom Apartment for lent no.u • ■ • ■• 3 BEDROOM S66B Spacious unfurnished 10 Wocfcs to campus Fraahty parntad near Sate way laundry '» tie Now ST^Vmo No ;>»•’”» N tmoAmg Real t iia'c Nyfhwesf /41 «,*i04 MO QUADS Htc« Ound-iSWi * Kxrlt 1a*« ,nvr r l%** ,V/nO ' '\ S60 >t A'1 >,M» 68«Mtt» 245 ROOMS 1 room air»M 2 1 Non Furn $*tXVnx> 1st A uvu $<00 dep Share ufcJ&fcaWe »*th Appro* 4'Tu t»om 1.0 Shopping on bu*kno ! oCy W4 31 68 250 DORM CONTRACTS PImm* boy my dorm contract N*:« room w**> i>«•*&'■& t*»thn>om .•/> Ul HI $60 ('* •''livt 34,» SWJ Pteese buy my dorm contract at Ut A $ s i .v h .iH « M( l'» Adventure s M ,-i'u.v t apart **« give t s.^»*?nhow* prev'i>li*t»on on fhura. let) 3 a! ‘ *0pm 1 »H' pr mentation **H teature the remote Kanxhaba Pp'Wiiiiit as Hirf A', I umb of rV41 kxx St I i t»u». * at ad m the Caucasus j MkXintjv >i lHxm * Med Cty UO Out U*v [,w-i ,uh1 Mil f f ugene VS : 'Jr . v ** .»• 100 W-n.*mn«e Had i Ml t ■ 295 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E I3lh ■ 686 2458 f»yratit»H«i>i My*v teaurio a M » mm mm m THE PIANO ■ mmn * Imm '» • » «iy — Mm mimLmi ma* eoms omcmnouv A •*#>•* s *otu*#*o Ruby In Paradise he » Omf* mms* f i BARAKA BIJOU LATE NITE 4 Li; DAZED A NO CONFUSE D.) r-FATAL INSTINCT^ 320 SERVICES Concerned about pregnancy ' We < m Free pregnancy i arty de ■ - • *V», 66/ 6651 IS DM IN KING A PM061 i M" We tan help Alcoholics Anonymous 342 41 li 24 hour* * day CROSSWORD By Eugene Shejfer ACROSS 1 S«a ihatl lallot of long1 4 Mot tub 7 AM« o< Arhin 8 Act th. Xanthtpp* 10 Woid on th# Btraat? 11 Jmi 1] MocA l/bonal 18 Nav.rtha All 17 BiooAa of CAW 18 H«um« 18 Withhold 70 Had.anca Yum Yum, 4>mp Bo and Pali Smg 73 Aptly lumamod go Hai Muboft 73 Sant* 78 Encouraga 77 Picaaao i output 20 f a* h 30 Rudiman Ury tf® 33 Ha piayad Paul D'aJu 36 Sptrtlad aaason? 37 Com abaci 30 Mikao* of Lam mu i 30 Unbahav abla 40 Bad ptafu 41 Eyaaora DOWN 1 Parapac liva 2 Knack 3 Inter locked. at gears 4 Skedaddle i 5 Dog • late show ector Mr Ray 7Wmg» • Concise • Under study or •tend in 10 Firmament 12 Mylhcal hunter 14 36 Across noises Solution timo: ZZ mins. Ysstoedsys sntwsr 2-2 W.TT 15 AAA JOO It Young un 20 Tooth (miit* typa 21 Ma hd 61 m '61 22 Horn 23 T dh affutrvaty 24 Snappy ant wart 25 Conttrtu ton compo nant 26 Exhaust at af 26 Lacking raaonanca 29 Dapart mant stora array 30 Put into aft act 31 Whom Walton a«Jad 32 Whoop 34 Daposdad 35 Sphag darrvalfva