The Paper Garden A beautiful wedding begins with a beautiful invitation, and The Paper Garden, at 870 Pearl Street, offers the finest selec tion of unique invitations in the Eugene area. From the tradi tional to contemporary, Victorian to custom designed, the Paper Garden is dedicated to giving you the highest quality invitation to fit within your budget. Our trained and experi enced Bridal Consultants are ready to offer you friendly expert assistance to help you find the perfect invitation for your spe cial day! 345-2311. Slide's Jewelers Step into Skeie's and let us help you discover the wedding set you have always dreamed of. Our specialty is our quality. We offer the finest designers available or you can choose to cus tom make your rings. We want your wedding set to be as beautiful, unique and everlasting as your love. So come in and let our experienced staff explain the special grades of dia monds in cut, color and clarity. We can make the search for the perfect diamond easier. Step into the Skeie's downtown, 1027 Willamette St., 345-0354, or Valley River Center, 342-4496. Bribed & Fashion Parlour You are invited to the comfortable quarters of the Bridal & Fashion Parlour, Eugene's unique bridal shop that is MORE THAN JUST WEDDINGS!!! For 25 years Deborah has assisted brides in creating a day they can cherish. Her expertise and creativity help you achieve the look you dream of. From tradi tional to nontraditional, we specialize in natural fibre clothing, everything to make your day complete. Stop by the Bridal & Fashion Parlour. You'll be pleasantly surprised! We're open Mon-Sat 10am-5:30pm and Sunday by appointment. Located in the 5th Pearl Building in the market district. 345-1353. Eu$cr\cs Flower Home Express the beauty of your wedding day with another of nature's words for love - flowers! Let us create a bouquet uniquely designed for you. Rely on the experienced designers at Eugene's Flower Home. No ceremony is too large or too small. Eugene's Flower Home - The University Florist, 610 East 13th at Patterson, 485-3655.