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Robbins 1 46S VilUrd KugencOR 9’403 484 1041 I I I i Oregon Daily EfllCFiilcl Sj)Ol ts Seats oDen on Ducks’ bandwagon ast Thursday. 1 did something 1 thought 1 _I_Jwould never do again lor tin- rust of mv life Yes 1 went and wat< hod a women's basketball game I jumped on that bandwagon and wont to see the Oregon women l»oat Arizona My first year here. I went to see a women's game and was thoroughly bored The game was boring, the fans were non-existent and the whole atmosphere was comparable to a sixth-grade Kidsports game at the local grade school It was from that point on that I vowed never to go to another women's game as long as I lived Hut what was I supposed to do when the Oregon women's basketball team beat tfith-rnnked Washington m Seattle and started talking a trout making the NCAA Tournament. The bandwagon was a-rollin and I went a-t basin' Hut 1 don't feel all that had about it because I obviously wasn't the only one to dec ide Thursday urould he a good c ham.e to catch a glimpse of the Din ks There was m tuallv a fairly good size crowd of about 1.000 at the DaveCharbonmeai Arizona game — one of the biggest crowds to catch a women's game in a long time. The crowd was loud, the Duck mascot was there, the band was there Hell, even Rich Brooks was there The court announcer spared no expense in talking up the Oregon women when they hit their shots, and Duck head coach |ody Runge spared no expense in giving the refs an earful ik casionally. There were three-pointers [lots of threr-pointers), fast breaks, blocked shots and hard fouls. So I jumped on the tmndwagon So what? Is it all that wrong for me to go watch an Oregon game simply because 1 think it will lie a good chance to see the Ducks win fur u < hange7 Does anyone think for a moment that coach Rouge or any of the (fregon players are insulted in Iht* least lut if itit'V happen to show some narrow mindad sports fan like myself, that. yes. women s liasketball can lie fun to watch' The answer is no Ii is all right to jump on the bandwagon. The Ducks are 11-1 overall and 5-2 in the Pacific-10 Conference. They are tied for second plat e in the conference and have a very legitimate shot at making the NCAA tournament in March. Range is in her first year as head coach of the Ducks and is making Brooks look like a genius for firing Elwin Heiny last spring. It's all there, sports fans. The i harm, the excitement, the haggv shorts It's basketball. Yes. it’s true the men's team is I letter than last year, but it isn't winning. The women are. This isn't to say stop going to the men's games but to also go to see the women. Go ahead, don't be afraid. Jump on the bandwagon . if for no other reason than to thank the women for giving this school a bandw agon worth jumping onto. Dove Charbonrwati is a sports reporter for tin• Emerald. RIM RESULTS M< ; » ] Phi IV. A V> UHa i 4 b S*w «m4 Slgfll* 4<> HuM* < -lu IM Mm * / ;» S . I M fi ‘ 1‘anu * Mrii Z? ’.. H 1 ►..<• jw» Si£f!)Jt ;B M I>4 Kl*B «fl UiSSA 38 Sharp* 12 WcbfiHit WifTHin 51. Chi Pm P»n**p* - V* MBA * i SAP 1 r< Si#m« Oil ) f*6 Th* Kunnin* WhH#v* *. Jl Tfibc t* tig. Phi P*» H i 4b Th«. HU>t» 4 4 IM* 3 41 Phi Pm U! 4* 11 lihrwi tW /*bf4 ??, Th«y* 41 (J »* 4 Phi Pm H2-51. HeU H 34 11 Outfit 4 i Tbr I*'*!. 4< Th* Hfitkli.rtU d«h«i!<«i R<>«w IW*1 by iwf#il Um D«ui 4 1 SAl 2 J<» rh« tkimbifi 19 l.i« i‘hn 31 Phi Tnam A *s»7 M» MumUd* 21 Mn f i i Sig Ip 14 3 Phi Pm ('. 4,' tie]!* l |»ilon 31. Pikro 2b IheliK Oh ( 4.’ Si$m* Nu i 18 \S,»k* N B«krr% y* I |#>rk* ami a Squirt W Mi*.,? M«m '. I H.iskfl!w!l fnrw^ :»*» kappa Sigma 3-70. Trip ami Br»« k J'> Hoop* 35. IJhSSA 25 Coed 1 resta 58. lmprojxir Grammar?! The li«ifubiitlu'T1* 'i2. full 0u It-4* K a, quriball Division I Ikui Williams 0.0 l"> M (_hm»tui-itm liehaaUnl A Kaiier 1 r> <». 1 '■>-4 Division 2 Wiliwufi Gloomltf) b*wl Mm HamnuHul b> forfeit ... f Kuiwnkm »ji-'fifrtiwl M Ma*. si 17 15 0 M Travar tfefoatad T Sliitgnf by forfeit V ol lev ball ihvtsion 1 Team Sjnkr Digging ^ H 1 CUs* T«»m 2. Digging VB O Division 2 Oul To Lunch 2. Pit Suin*-0 Altar S« Imwle 2. 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