Governor’s decision shocks students Barbara Roberts John Kitzhaber By David Brotherton University students who support former stall' Son John kitzhaber's hid to become Oregon's c hief executive were simultaneously shoe ked and dated by Gov Barbara Roberts announcement Friday that she will not seek reelect ion to a second term Roberts withdrawal from the I‘KM governor’s race leaves kit/haher. 4t>, ns the sole dome* ratio c andidate seek ing the post "The governor's decision to with draw from the race will seriously change the far e of the election." saicl Phil Donovan, co-founder and sec re tarv of the University Students for kitzhabor ''Roberts has always tieen a fantastic c ampaigner, and that's what we yvere preparing ourselves for " Gov. Roberts c ited u combination of personal and professional strains as the reason behind her decision to withdraw Recent polls had shown Roberts trailing kitzhabei by a signii leant margin Although no other demtx rats have announc ed intentions to run against kitzhnlwr in the Mas 1 ' primary i andidates have until Mart h H to file i andui.ti v with the state elm turns board While we are sa>i to see Roberts bow out. vse are now in a position to endorse ikitzhaberj since it appears there will probable tie no one else get ting into ttie rate, said Kn h Hern stein, president of the University Democrats "This will allow the Uni versity Denim rats and the Students for kitzhulxir to actually join fort es in making the governor's rai e a top pri ority." Vet despite the sudden absence of a primary opponent. Students for Kitzhaber antii ipate that its overall role will change very little "Our message was one of leader ship. and that is something vve will continue to emphasize," Donovan said "At a time when students are concerned about the Oregon Citizen s Alliance and the effects of Measure V vve lim'd to help define John kilzltalier as a leader who can and w ill make i The governor’s decision to withdraw from the race will seriously change the face of the election Phil Donovan, Students for Kit/haber different e for Oregon "Another important goal will con limit* to ht> fund raising, which is t‘spt»i Hilly important early in any * anipaign." Donovan said kit/haber who has raised more than $210,000 thus far. conducted .1 fund raiser for interested University faculty and administrators at the University last week Since its formation in November l'lO l, the Students for Kitzhaher org.i nization has grow 11 to nearly 10 at live members I he group meets once a week and assists hitzhabers cam paign both at the University and throughout lame bounty BERKMAN Continued from Page 1 Berkman said lie plans lo run a straightforward campaign based on the issues people are most interested in. which he said include the economy, crime, public safety and educa tion. He said he believed many people were tired of the rhetoric: surrounding issues like gay rights and abortion but added that he did not believe in dis criminating against anyone. Berkman said the "common thread" through all the issues facing tljt» state is the budget. I'he reality is we re going to have to do less with less he said We re going to have to do some r uts Although Berkman said hu had no simple answer to Ore gon's crime problem, he favors trying juveniles as adults when they commit violent crimes. "Most people don't want to talk a lot about personal respon sibility. but it is." he said Me said the criminal justice system, as it stands, is a band aid measure and that to decrease crime, society needs to "invest more in our children at an earli er age." ‘I think a lot of Oregonians would be willing to pay a higher tuition based on their ability to pap’ Craig Berkman Gubernatorial candidate "I'm absolutely < onvim od the resolution of most of our prob Ittitis will lie found in voluntary organizations, churches and family," lierkman said Reviews Coming Friday in the Emerald ALL DAY TUESDAY s p A G H E T T I EAT EVERY TUES! includes Garlic Bread 1 1 30 am 10 pm PIZZ/J ITALIAN KITCHEN 2673 Willamotto • 484-0996 ■" tt\ I m ire I \ Vt .in ! Sr.i.*m Production WOMAN IN MIND \ Corned\ bv Alan Ayckbourn February 2,3, 4.5,10,11,12 • 8.00 p.m. * 'rrna Thfairr • 104 VilUrd Hall ’ H ^ IU ()1 r The University of Oregon’s Review Workshop for the Medical College Admission Test For the seventh year this spring, the University of Oregon will offer its comprehensive review workshop for the Medical College Admission Test. This program, developed by the University to assure that students have access to the very best materials and instruction at the most reasonable cost, will reflect the i latest revisions to the exam. Before registering for an MCAT Preparation program, consider the University of Oregon's. Inquire about our... Faculty: University (acuity from biology, physics, and chemistry as well as test preparation experts from Academic Learning Services Materials: Official practice exams and manuals from the Amencan Association of Medical Colleges and review materials from the highly respected Harvard Health Sciences Summer Program. These matenals are authored by medical educators and physicians from some of America's best universities and medical Colleges Over 800 pages of review materials with guidance for preliminary study are provided to each participant prior to the workshop. Videotaped Sessions for Review: All instructional sessions are videotaped to allow workshop participants to review sections or to make up sessions that they might miss. Fees: The low $200 fee reflects the service motivation behind this workshop Unlike the private companies that provide workshops, the University of Oregon is not seeking to make a profit; it is providing this top quality program as a complement to its educational mission Schedule: Seven Saturday sessions Feb 26, Mar 5.12,26; April 2,9,16 9:00 am -12;00 pm; 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm For more information or to register, contact Academic Learning Services at 346-3226 in 68 Prince Lucien Campbell Hall. k A • RECYCLE • RECYCLE • RECYCLE • RECYCLE • RECYCLE • RECYCLE •