STUFFED DUCK SPECIAL All you can possibly eat of the best pizza, | soup and salad this side of anywhere! -Z) Offer is good from 11:30 to l:dU Monday through Friday at the campus store. $495-. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Blvd • 484-2799 Available at Campus Only Continued from Page 1 sacred and wauled to protect Deur informed port official* of a federal law that mandates that tribe* must have a say in how (heir land is used, and then documented the tribe's wish to preserve and maintain the land, which became a pub lic record About a month lat ur. port officials announced they would stop their plans for development. The projec t "showed mo that I could have an impact on real problems," said Deur, who later returned to teach geography at the institute. Medler said the program has changed academic ca reers and has solidified the interests of the participants. The experience also has al* lowed students to get jobs in areas such as land-use plan* ning and cartography — skills that students have learned at the institute, he said Although some students who want to study in the pro gram cannot because they must stay in Eugene to take required courses, there is a lot of discussion about integrating the program into the under graduate curriculum. Deur said. University tuition and fi nancial aid are transferable to the program, and room and hoard costs $125 a week. Some student employment, including work study, is avail able. Students who wish to enroll in the program for spring term must complete an application and provloe a $50 deposit. For more information, contact fer ry Medler at 34B-4862. Accepted at more Schools than you were It’s everyv>^'erC ■you wsiW to ba ETALS Ml l T SN< .S OSPIRG InurnnmruUl Iduralion wiil meet «t ? p m today «*i KM’: Ot»nfury Room A Fat ft -.•■rut information, rail I4f» 4.W Oriier of Ottwt* >* •.j i mesN at 6 p m todav In Room 24$ PI i' For mom in tor mat ion. tall .14.’ hs'jo Ammtu mn Marketing Association will pm ton! a professional interview panel at $ n m. today in Room 1 25 C-hife*. For more information, tall 465 127fi OSPIKi ( Iran Iwnfi (.roup will mart at 4 p in toda* m FMl: (entury Room 0 For mow information. tall Mft 417? Im idrntal frr (ommitltv Mill hoar Inid g*H for Of MR IKU. 5 WCA Hama Ore goo' and Df.PM ( .NO at 8 p m today in the FMU Board Room For mom information, rail 345 174'.) MIS( TXl-ANKOl ‘S Phi Fla Sigma scholarship application* for undergraduate ami graduate students am available In Room 3ft4 Oregon Mali The dor data t* Feb 15 For mom information, rail 46S424! I and«< ape Art htin lure Studio 419AM will pnwmi a community design mooting for residents of Amajton student housing SW neighborhood from 7 to W p m today in the Ammon Gmnmunitv Room For more information, tall J46-3619 VVomrn faculty Resource Network will present a public: lee turn on Mutual harass merit by Bern tea Sandler at 3 10 pm today in the FMU Ballroom For mom information, call .145-5015 University flouting will ipomor a pro gram titled 'University Woman" tonight from 7 to 9 p m at Kilev Hall (Patterson Street and 11th A venue J The video Hut I Thought You Wonted To will be shown from 7 to ft p mi . and at 8 p m Michelle Parks will lead The Grievance Proc ess Deadline for rubnutting Ft Air to the Finer aid front desk. Suite 300 EMU. if noon the dor before publication Ft Alt run the day of the event unleft the event takrt place before noon and is requested to be pub hr bed earlier Notices of events with a donation or admission charge will not be accepted Campus e\renlt and those si bed tiled near est the publication date will be given prx onty The Fmeraid reserves the right to edit for grammar and style Ft Alt run strictly on a space available —rjtss” Mtl 5.rr^c-T ■ e public 5k- 683-8464 fM VIDEO ADVENTURE, kVALUV«^^‘ A nil 'Rt lV