DEXTER LA GRAND, Auburn U A rodeo clown lull of bull at the Alpha Psi rodeo NICOLE PITTMAN. Duke U Alter a ’ >!Du: njury fill Winter-, proves you can lake the man out ol a sport but vou can t take the sport out ol the man STACY PALLER Northern Illinois U fv i 1 : j • < the ' i : Jt 1 i i Notre Domic CORY 0 NYKOLUK San Jose State u. 'Conquering Castte Ro< fc Rated 5 10b and called Fair Wei! to Arms TIMOTHY DITTMAR U ol Michigan "Jumping oft a 76 loot waterfall in Lake Cumberland KY ERIC EDGFR -I KNICOLE CARSON. North Carolina State U "Only the Elite r,in hold a girl s feet JEANIE TAYLOR Montana Stale 1). Climbing Prat lit e Rot k in Highlight Canyon Three guys couldn t do it l did KATHLEEN FOSS U ol New Hampshire .lust doing d after climbing Franconia Notch JOSE LUIS MUNOZ. U ot Florida 'Catching plenty ot air at Fred Bear JONATHAN LICKER Indiana U I Pennsylvania Nike at the starting line ot the NCAA I OK ANORIA ZYLSTRA. U ol Missouri GWEN M COUSINS. Louisiana at Columbia A feather dancer Slate U Challenging the Italian completes his outfit with Nikes Summit in my Nike Airs BRIAN CHICESTER, U of South Florida "James Chicester executing a difficult under-the leg pass " V Js. BONNIE ROCHMAN. U ol North Carolina, Chapel Hill Solidarity with the Goddess Nike in Turkey TINA JOHNSON. U. ol Michigan She's deli mtely a Just Do It' girl" JONATHAN BOURNE. UCLA We UCLA students don t do fiYerylfiirifl in our Nikes MARY E LIMON. U o! Nevada. Reno My starting time has become so much taster since I started wearing my Nikes