Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1994, Winter '94 Edition, Page 24, Image 28

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j U. Photo Contest: Win $1000 Cash!
hmrnm RKtrt n*»«i i*
U '**&> toh d ccriv ihtfv -J ft* far and f«*h cJ o&*9* M*
fa *wj *«►* pMdftftod icfi Imu' on* pa nw* we S j*n rw
<nd you na*w and i«a0tfi r# U o«6t«4
ftUS •» '* *Hf**»j fa* Si OOC vHs*a\Jbp, and ftmw* w® putt
fa ft* bn? aw. whn*bd r laa itH^r (grips, Uf* & iifr.Mr
Spwh ! *** Jammed and llrrvlra#. ipo*ftr. pp uadtor cbmof'
U» gUarr 4 tnmhj
fSo*or. tofi be of »w* » cam atwft a a an®*.-. f»om ft*
to ft* <*&aq**K*- ,'fl*»' ft* ■4»kw- to IN Km c*wrcto*Kr
Ini bcnit me***! dm dn« Me pafoai aid pwp 'tAr bonk '^rm$
aeob i on ah cWJ knlwfn and toft *im ugm dRrnef** •^o h
ra- name d f« brJ reuift k«* ft* far. r fann and ft* bortpound
TIm to«« party. •*!*• mi vc<i ti U «t Oilafc—m
t tqh>- m pr.-jb* DiaJfai for oatriot n Marik t S, 1994
Al pfatot »i oiAo/ngitndh on*v«d m tl \ idUq» Wto*e CtNtal
U >, IAe> 1H4 nun w4 (teniri s *»*<i (al*gt fta m *lv
ihomnmg itedial pMc •*»'•* and vwaari f«M hr«.i pint y a^d
prat wMMn ml >«*** SI 000 <«*> ttkebnfcqn turn* up prtir
*A flfU! I» ffWik
Scad txw H&m an u»v proti w -JaAt Mr* tiob»*vd ar ifc* bwk
9<Krffji vrffc ion* w* uked ttMrtu plftont nurofc** («Jwoi and
pMfllOMaf) 0«d de*oA*d «r*f® or «*ics? **» •*** end **w» lh*
pfwte mr. *oA*r. fwkdi namr. and phew numiwr. of ftw (wopk m
»t* pwtwt if p«r,jbi* fntnr. (awxif be 'i4y»n*d and bvomt »h* prop
wty of 1/
lAoi rrt*«r. «• U Uaqcit** fSoie (on*r\-’ 1100 (#rrtyr» P»» foii
Sun* I7C lv. ArtpHr. U fOM ISM
in Poll Question
t nn t h r Ainn*L n /
Who is the most obnoxious
daytime talkshow host?
Call and tell us what you think
(800) 6 U-VEWS ext. 31
The most annoying retro movement?
1 m >11 k nr th-. retro iti'ivcnu n! Ml these
f jrth muffins are wandering aiuund wearing fhc
sandaU and sniff I hr\ vhmiiii all l* shipped off to
< • i) ! John Holmes, junior.
I of Vkmn
I think fh.
tin WOlSf
I#im'> mu k< in tnc ik id.i it sinks him is n.i.
the ’XK It's hideous IUII bottoms art hideous
Polyester is hideous leisure suits are hideous
IcUri't Rumen, senior. I ot Nebraska
“1 think the "70s 4re the most 'annoying tetro
movement licoiusc disco is abunch of lak< musi«
and real iiuimi is played with real instrument's \nd
voui In’s are bigger it the top .. pant- shmtldn t
■ made biggci at the l*ott ir, V an Iiiunsnid,
freshman. I omsiana State l
I think the ’H(K are the most annoying movement
I mean what is c»k»I about greediness. neon ami
k’■ 1 I h*. a gan I in in. pi' .1 ( a the ri tie
( astillo. sophomore. Rutgers l
( (in jfn ( us tom am tap* jl! toniua f«"M ‘-ample
i Jt4i".ri»r tor S' l S. cm I apt s •* ' W SanhuKd
• '.‘ ', < -hit ag< • II (aHA' I
I \R\ S 1 U I I KM . .
< ,1 \K \ N I I I I *' Monrv NI \ I R slops' H<
Nt >\N 1 I HI I t • ' Ml S\ S .. « i
l \ OsOl*
Students Needed!
I«srn up to $2,000♦ /month working for C ruisr
Shij>« or land Tom C tympanic* World TrsvH
Summer ami Full Time employment available
Norxprrtmrv neersaary For more in forma lion
‘*11 Oviae Lmploymrnt Srrriin j
(206) 634-0468 e»t. C3000
\l \sk \ It »B$ HI 1 M < > K Ml I > Ul I KM
I M 1*1 ()\MI M !>IKM 1 OKS s I \ I I
I |( I \S| I) \( .1 \< S Sr n if s I. \ I j \ k 4 n
Kmploymcm Hot -t'O ( NmiUhik \k -tMtW
National Marketing < <»mpany needs <»n < amjnis j*»stef
mg itpmrnutlin tor |M>pu|jr student nrirntnl prod
inn I U iikle ItouiN genet* his commissi, tm (ail
1 *i*> H J 1 1 S4 i 'jmi I S I ,
HI \HOSION\W\S It ■>.' i!.m. !k-ik fix.
Airfare I mciiMtc ninm support l ull tear commit'
meat 1 HUD Oh Ihlf*
( lassujuc < are IMMIDlAll VWM I’OSl
I li >\s »t j 1 ii.lt .in l'H»f h I jti j ml S\ . o » ..jsi-*
1 «• Salarus and Hcilchls \<* appiuation tee
i »<>.' I i‘At
NANNIIS I \ nut Best families in icitidc
C otuietiicui lop salaries, benefit!, runm, board, air
■»!i Big Sister \rtt*..rk S early |Mi\itions ( aft tor
k ! . I him HI \ \ \\l
SI l l)S \HKt>\l> in Southern I ranee. Summer,
Sc in c%! ci Sear program^ C on tail I SI 11 I (
Stiret \l . Washington. IX 20002
/I \l Wl). S< O I I \NI>, S \l Kl< \ \mrru an
l rmnsitics International Program ( oloratlo State
l 'diversity Syicsworth Hall, It ( ■ ilins ( olorado
*0521 lilt 491 $917
St \k I I Ml (,K \m ' I
11vr jv and taking !< vts Send $10 r»> < »K Si >1 I'll Bo*
i ’ I i ( i>rv jUi'i ( Ik I
iv»i i'.mi i . . i• s. • ■ r,.- ,i ... . i
I l.lit " i I ■ '• 4 ’ ' • SI V* k 1 l \ V l ' ! N •
jiiiWi. -i < • SI ' i* i l f t? • *M: I M i II < 1). M
\( .'I Mg I t.'H t> iMr.
( amp (Irrykwk for Boya and
( amp Romara for (.IrU
m the Bcrkahirc Mountama of Maaaachuacua »«i
kind, joyful, creative men and wiwnen who like lo
• oft wilh children age* 6 16 l ndergrada. grad*
coachca (familiea welcome) Opening• ui arvhery
baseball, basketball. football, volleyball, golf,
lacmaae, sailing. swimming (I.(«/l (H/WSl). teruua,
waterskiing. windsurfing, pianists (accompanists),
RN'l Neat cm«*en only ('all 1 lOft M2 5214 i»r
wnie ('amp (ireylockA amp Rnmaca. 200 Wcat S7th
Si JIM. New York. NY 10019
Nl VN II \ MI’S 11 I Kl <. I K I S
4 Wr. HOYS SOI' is Ol i - . SIM >K I S ( SMI’S
l \R( .1 si MU I M.I \M> I SKI MU)
i >1 IM \M)I\(. i * >1 \sl I i Iks
INIHlslSslK OOlNSMORS } i, , \. »
Inglatul bo*ther inter •. jiiijw S|*»rtN Stjiuii. > H.»Mn
Scimiiev Suite ft. 2 Sj»ciucr Place, Scarvdah NS
|0\Kl 41 *25 41H
and adventure I HI I T k.-m mr -.*k** HO I I IN|
“U 284 9IK4
IVcr < uunaclor* needed ji Siipcr< amj* an miiiii:
personal growth ami academic summer program for
teem in ( \, 1 \ 11 MS Salarv. room/taiard Provide
tmn trampiniiiofl ( all I 800 42" >421
( SNIP I \KAjO lot K-o Long 1 uL Naples
Maine Picturesque location, rucptmiul fjidmev
(her MX) counselor |tositionv in land sports. water
from, outdoor skills, in/nmm drama, secretarial June
21 thru AtlffUSC .'1 ( all 212 ''SH 8801
( AMP ( Ol \SHORS \S \N 111) H ! St.
l op living conditions and good pav ( all toll free
1 HI HI H r, r 4
$ Student Money-Maker $
Unique student business opportunity
designed for campuses I earned $5000 with
rK) nroney and little time invested1' T horough
documentation of my techniques & resufts
everything vou'll need to succeed No Risk11'
Send no Send S A S £ for more info to
LXingnt PO 36’592 C«mtxx)g« MA 02236
[ < U I I (.I I IN \\< I \l \ID M SVs
»n« ijimcti <.rt vour t Air vh*rr Si hoUr*hipv gra
mil Kcvnlis </i \KW1MI) < jII
.i.hIiuk -i' • OUKW c»l I’9
\ \k\ ( I* K) SI (XKi U I I KM M , I- '
M I• • - i• SI to I inxtp * km PI * Bux
i < HI 4'109
MOM V » OH ( Ol I I < .1
Si tu*br>hij»\ grant* N«* (»l* \ **« u•< *'«j»‘■' • '’■ '
Mt»nr\ luvk giur.Ultrc I or hie into unit ( MS, 1
l Mjih Si Suite 100 \ I cungton. S< l/0
Arc you lt>ncly and romantic.'
Are you seriously searching for k>ve? Do most
students wm unromantic and pack-oriented? We
can send you self descriptive essays written by
peopte who are. like you longing lot something
more Wi*e to The Happy Fevrtl. . Dept U. PO Bo*
3B2806 Cambridge MA 02236 (Also open to gays )
m \i, a voior, cahd!
\ 111 ■ w tun f 111 < i! \v a\ to srntl .1 ummu* om ot .1 kind i»n « t 1
nii» card mi ss.»m* h\ trl« phonr Just rail mif s|>< rial
StK) imintii i am time and < tinosr from doyens < >t
celelirils impersonations >i\ in.; In aitli It and
lliimntniis tin 'ssagcs ^ tin sin a its (In date and
t i ill i- and \ nice (ail'd 11< ms tin- rest1 \ nu
can even add sum own personal message!
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lust VI!) ) per call
Touclitonc pnuiics on Is Must he IS or over
Voice Card Greetings
■J Oo« not ectepl clnvIM idl lot term W UH editing « waicO iMKUnce servves leseercn pepeis t*» I 0 Ms M eds pnxmtmg cVBmg (pugs KtctuOmg drug laieM puVcetwn end peupfinw poinugieplsK ineteniH end otVi pmducts end senneet mMN
not, ir ,l,' .r' IV ege of 2.1 Ae teve-.* '.V ■/ ' It ieluw edveitiung tnel ' tv opinion el menegement is in pool usir in lodgment Af imeive IV ngM to KM ed copy 10 ePminete lengnege endot supV.% deemed neppiopiiete It» Bin pubw jlion Wo Jiv: leluse ette' »we*ti
get jtf.T'1 ■. Aj !Vl .1 emtiigucsist, w dec egtnet, mM :r ponnywl so et to meee me piodud « service uncipei oi open to mrvepieMiiUluKis U Horn nol jccepl edvein-ung toi oigenu-elions tv ertisiten met nelgn 'eon » teUgioiis » ml eccutele end ItutWul oi is utviwise
teteinvned oneci epteDie Lev menegement Aiveptence oi oewVd eds does not caatitute en endoiiement esjveised a enptied py U of me pioductt end seivstB olteieil PoNisVi is not uetne tor enois «i ir, nomtwis