Wild) \ IHI W Li e Light .liul wore Dino pajamas, The Hint stone* u L ie r.ealH hip. Bv the time \ mi not to college, \ou prubabU thought you’d outgrown them both. Well, ilon I count on the folks in I IoIIvwimkJ thinking so \nd don't tlonk tor i moment thes’re above exploiting those lovable childhood characters to make .1 buck Next summer. I'red and his gang will l>e yabba dabba dooing to theaters across the countn Xml m i .ise von haven't outgrown the Br.nh clan, or aren't tired ot the ( hristmas reunions, kiss and ti ll hook, spoof plav, Sunshine /)./> alhuins and talk show appearances, you can expect to see them at vour local cinema hetorc It mg as well What s up with tlu I \ shows that iirui die I'he limritaia am! I he Hr.ah lluiiih follow Sun Ini. Dragnet, I hr incline. Damn the Mainer. Ilu I.Lit ms f amily, II ,/ynr i H <>rlJ ;tni! I hr Harrly I lillhilhrs as sonic ol the latest popular I'V concepts to nuke the transition to tire silver screen kin! even though you mac not want to admit n. |ieople are watching this stufl f You know w ho \ ou are.) Wording to 1 enn Npigcl, an associ ate professor ol critical studies al the l of Southern ( alitornia’s School of ( metna I decision, shows like I hr Hr. rrli llillhillia provide a sense ol shared histors m a world of alienating circumstances. Spigcl. author ol Make H'.itn fur I I . also sa\s the regeneration ol these shows csentualh tornis a “new cultural Ineracc "I’eople italic do relate through this stull. she sacs In other words, you'd he laughed out ol college it vou couldn't snap sour tin get s to iht t.Ll.irm I .millc theme song oia na na na, snap snap, da na na-na, snap snap) or sing the Ictus to I hr llr.rrly llillhillia (“( omc 'll' listen to me stoic houl a man named led "I Ynd the him industrc counts on just that kiml ol l.umharitc. knowing it can mean log looks Hie lirst \ddams I .untie link nude more than Si 10 mil lion and raked m *s I ■) - million the week it opened It's not surprising that it spawned a seipiel and .dreads there's talk ol a third Soon, even the most dubious TV show will get its own picture deal |{\ \nnr lU iuin.m. Ihul) Irofiin. I <•! Smiilu in ( .ihlnmi.i Screenwriter I’.iul Kudmek. who worked >>n the first Vddams 1 anuh film and wrote the sequel, says, "I think there's a sense of familiar characters I also think there's a certain reason the \dilarns I .mills base endured through the cartoon tainilv. through the 1 \ shows and through the film I hey re icons, part of the culture Jill Young, a senior at the ( ollege of William and Mars and a big fan of the Vddams famih, watched the first movie several times. "I liked the movie better than the series,” she says "It was more current, in color and more three dimensional." I veil Kevin ( oitnollv, the I'M ear old who plavs Morgan Drvsdalc in /he Ht cf/) Ihl/hilhc' movie. s.i\s when moviemakers get their hands on the shows from Ins night light days, he gets sueketl in In Ins own cunosin “ \s tar is I he llillbillh> is concerned, I iluln t rcall\ ss .ite li them growing u|> because that was .1 little before im time," he s.t\s “Hut I watched lijtmiin.” \nd he watched l he hltnMunes “I aitualb want to see I he I Iwtshme^ |mo\ic| bciause I want to see how tile east looks Is John (ioodman a good Mmtstone- 1 hat’s what I’m interested m seeing,” ( amnolh sa\s l imersal Pictures is banking on Uith bain iKMimers and (lencration \ers to fork over big bucks tor a peek at the new and improved, live action Bedrock You thought they were goner* but Car 54, When are You’ i above). Thi iMim family (botoui loft i and Tha latarfy NNMfco i below right) art among the relict being rotuocttalod by Hollywood t latest retro movement. \ J i j n u with (louiliiun .is I nil, / be llitilstoncs stars Fli/alicth Perkins (Wilma), Rosie O Donnell (Betti i and Ruk Moranis (Barnci) \nd according to producer Brute Cohen, the movie otters dialogue lot adults, sets and props that rapture the essence ot the original cartoon, and even an Industrial I iglit and Mat'll Dino (from the special elicits folks who Brought \ou Jiihisut Park) Plus, he sa\s it will have a wide range appeal “I vcrionc knows the I hntstoncs," he sa\ s. Retreading successful ideas is certain 1\ not a new trend in entertainment. I he evolution dates hack farther than some might guess even farther than prehistoric Bedrock. Consider this; Fred and Wilma are loose'll Based on the characters in the 1e and I he Addams bamih Began as cat toons and comic strips \nd Batman and Superman leap! from cornu l>ook pages into railio, movie ami television lx lore tin,iIK landing in feature films Xml \oii can expect even more resur rcctions in the future I he l.oie Hat soon vi111 lie making another run, as will /an'if, I he little Kauals. and, m January, that all-time favorite (.at '<4. H het< In Ynuf (which will star none other than XI l ewis, known to you as (iramlpa from I he Mu ml ere) I ouchstone is even mak mg a movie ahout Pat, that androgy nous character of Saturday \ig/>/ l.r. i fame. Hut is there a danger to all this rehashing- XX hat it some of us have itist plain matured past the appeal of l nclc 1-ester and I- llv Xlav Stephanie I vans, a freshman it l’epperdme l , says, "I think tlicv should let those sitcoms from the Os die Ix-cause thev were gixxl and not try to revive them again because it’s become trends l oo much of a good thing can he had." I ven ('.onnotlv, who is profiting from the trend, admits, "It s going to get old prettv quick.” Xml when it does, then what- XX hen thev run out of 70s shows, will studios green light a live action Ken and Snmfry or He,t. t> and Butt head XX ell, ves Xs a matter of tail, the Bean> and Butt head protect is already underwav "Beam and Butt head the movie’" ( onnollv asks mcredulouslv “XXiiw, I think that I'll probably have to go see that.” 0