Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1994, Winter '94 Edition, Page 20, Image 24

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    in film
on screen this month
Nick Nolle rocruiti ShaquMe O'Neal for Nm bl* time coHoce baakatbaM team bi Hue CNp*
Tit mg something .1 little lighter
.iltei l.tiirn.'o'i Oil and Iht Prime of
liilo, Vick Volte stars in two
films this month, playing .1 basket
lull math in Blue ( bipi and an
actot in James I Krnoks / II Do
1n\thui\i Wo on the plate another
television show remake and a thriller
that actuallt keeps you guessing
Blue (hips (Poromount)
\\ ith the recruiting stakes tor lug
time college basketball getting higher
and higher, Blue (hip< emerges as a
nmeh film with 1 strong cast Nick
Volte gets top lulling as l’cte Hell, a
college basketball coach under pressure
liom Ians and alumni to bring in lug
name recruits, and Mart McDonnell
|/’,mi»i l i b) plats his ev wile Real hie
basketball stat Sliatpulle ( ' Veal debuts
as one • it Hell’s targeted "blue chips "
Blink (New Line)
I ollowmg m the footsteps ol thrillers
like /ennijei V Blink leatures a vulnera
ble lemale protagonist who must late a
killer alone.
M a il e I e i n e
Stowe (Shaft
( tits) headlines
.is I mma Bro
d\. .1 visu.il h
impaired unman hatmtcu u\ mniusin^
images ill -i filler, ami cersatilc Milan
(.liiinn (Henn\ " Joan) p 1 a \ s John
liallsttom. the detective assigned tu
I imna's ease Mncicgocrs un look tor
ward to a thriller with surprises W hat a
c om ept
When a Man Loves a Woman (Touchstone)
I his is no tint! piece \nch Marcia
and Meg K\an star as Michael and Mice
tircen, .1 couple with a toeing marriage,
two little girls and an idyllic life in .1
trumpiil San Francisco neighborhood
Hut Mice, a tumor high school guidance
counselor, has a secret drinking prob
lem that explodes one night with tragic
results While Marcia and Kean mac
seem like an unlikeh couple. both luce
the talent and intensitc to make this
lllocie a Im>\ ottlce success
Shadowlonds (Savov Pictur&s)
Oxer i he
\ c .1 r s, \ i: xx
\ u r k xx r 11 c r
I ox ( ■ resha in
(1 )ei»r.1 \\ inti
e r) h j x I > e c n
corresponding with renowned writer
( S I ew is (Anthonv Hopkins). On .1
trip to 1 oinlon. the two meet anil begin
.1 love .itt.in I his film ailaptation ot the
aw aril winning biographical play is in
tlu- able hands ot Richard \ttcni»orough
{( baphn). \nd with Hopkins as the
Oxford don. Sh,iJn.UnJ> is sure to gar
tier critical acclaim.
Gunmen (Miramax)
Non have to wonder how < hristopher
I ambert still finds work, considering
that his last few films {Fortress,
Hi^bliindei II I he (Jui, kening) have
made alwiut .1 buck tiftv tor the studios
1 his latest thriller is about the hunt tor
a $400 million fortune I vpect plenty of
both guns and men, in keeping with the
creative title, as well as testosterone and
dubious acting. Denis 1 ears (that angry
guv from \1 I V) and Mario \ an Peebles
(1‘usse) alsi 1 star
I'll Do Anything (Columbia)
I 11 U«> 111 \
thing is cv.K 11 %
wlut the 111.1L
crs of the
movie must
h .1 w s .11 It
was supposed tn he .1 musical comcil\
scheduled tur release last fall. / // Du
Anything, sans the musical part, stars
Nick Nolle as an actm who can t find
work, in 1 loll\ uimkI. On top iif that, he s
unevpec teilh responsible for Ills sn tear
old daughter whom he hasn't seen in
rears. I \|nct [tower lunches and tender
father-daughter Itomling.
Romeo is Bleeding (Gramercy)
v i .1 r \ 'Mil
nun (Drdiula),
spurning type
casting once
again, is a voy
ennstic cop-on
the cii£C in Rwno) h tilvvdtnI he stellar
cast should gel your attention \long
with Oldman, this film features Lena
( Hm ( The ( nbctjrable I ightncss 1/ Hnnt[),
luliette I ewis and \nnahella Seiorra
(with Olin playing a gangster in an
interesting twist). 1 vemme in this tliek
is douhle dealing somelxtdt S nti figure
the title out.
Angie, I Says (Hollywood Pictures)
In . f»g/r. I ( ,eena 1 J.is is revisits
the fiinin and unique personalitv she
showed in The Iniiltmt.il hmrist. Davis
is \ngie Seateiapensieri. who liceonies
an unwed mother in her Bensonhurst
Italian neighborhood. Lveryone has
advice and eritieism tor \ngie. But she
goes her own wav searching tor the
answers to life's questions In this case,
one of them might he finding a word
that rhymes with her last name
Cor 54, Where Are You? (Orion)
I his 111m,
inspired !>\ the
'60s tclev isiuii
series, hopes
to i apture the
good nalured
atmosphere ot the nrigin.il slm"
(iunther I'«»ly (David Johansen) is the
allahle one, anil rookie 1 raiuis
Muldoon (John ( \U( onle\) is struth
In the hook Sou ran tell In their Iasi
names that this is no hart! Iwiilcd polne
thriller, Iki ause straight aetion movies
need tough names like I ango and t ash
■ Adam Plantinga, Marquette
Iribune. Marquette l .
on the set
Last time we saw this Los Angeles skyscraper. Bruce
Willis was doing his best to blow the damn thing up in
Die Hard Today, it’s been taken over by Brendan Fraser
(Encmo Man), Adam Sandler (Saturday Night Live) and
Steve Buscemi (Reservoir Dogs)
The three are atop the building's parking structure to
film Fox's Airheads, a movie (to be released in June)
about three headbangers who accidentally take over a
radio station in order to get their demo played.
Ju«l« ocupt* tl UrkiiH
me unintentional terrorists ana tneir took groupie
extras casually mill about with (aux SWAT team members setting down their M-16s
just long enough to grab some cotlee. but ironically there are no doughnuts. These
guys must not be method actors
This film is not a goofy spoof of rock and roll." claims director Michael Lehmann
(Heathers) 'The situation plays itself out as a pretty straightforward hostage drama, but
from a humorous perspective. The guys in this band aren't really dangerous, they're just
rock n' rollers who want their music played" ■ Paul Heltzel, Editor on Fellowship
video calendar
Hot Shots Pari Deux (Fox) 1/5, True Romance (Warner) 1/5 Robin Hood: Men in
Tights (Fox) 1/12: Menace II Society (New Line) 1/12. Heart and Souls
(MCA/Universal) 1/12; Friday the 13th: Jason Goes to Holt (New Line) 1/19; The
Coneheads (Paramount) 1/26 The Last Parly (LIVE) 1/26 The Last Action Hero
(Columbia/TriStar) 1/26, Hard Target (MCA/Umversal) 1/26. Kalilornia
(Polygram) 2/2 Poetic Justice (Columbia/TriStar) 2/2; In the Line of Fire
(Columbia/TriStar) 2/9: The Program (Buena Vista) 2/16: Son in Law (Buena
Vista) 2/23. Fortress (LIVE) 2/23
“Part of the grand scheme of the movie is to promote discussion on the con
cept of tolerance. Even on college campuses, it seems like there is a string of
political litmus tests."
-Tom Hanks on the message of Ms latest Mm. PIMa/MpMa