Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1994, Winter '94 Edition, Page 10, Image 14

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    Gifts for the campus
that has everything
When it tomes to alumni i)on.i
tiuns, sometimes the l of
Pennsylvania has to look .1 gift horse
m the mouth
Over the sears, the university has
received its share of unusual gifts a
Hunk dealership in New Jersey, a
chalet m the south of France, a lied
and breakfast in Louisiana and fret
nights m .1 Washington, l),C . hotel
\nd although the s< hool did keep one
real tuft horse the breeding rights
■ la
KmOv. \
V Soppcvatop/ 0*» I
.tf* awevt' - /
they’re going to have .1 positive
cash flow for the university, it
and when we dis|x>se of them."
he savs
l or example, they don t w.mt
any more gas stations \fter
receiving one in upstate New
York .is part of an estate, uni
sersits officials realized a hat
tcry of environmental prob
Inns came with it They
ditched it without ever using it
“We weren’t out there
pumping gas. Mason sa\s
\nd there was the time the
university was ottered a row
house in Philadelphia, valued
in 1^8? Belmont Stakes winner Met Iwicc university
officials now ,iv old accepting vvli.it VvstK'Ulc Iteasurcr
( lirts Mason terms "cran gilts
"We lent! ti> disimirage tr.i/v gilts that don’t look like
at about It sountiol great at first, but Mason savs,
“(It] was .i gift that wasn't realh a gift.” It turnctl out the
mortgage on the house was $400,000. ■Joshua (roltlwcrt.
The Daily Pennsyhuman, l . of Pennsylvania
KICK tattoos spark debate
For 18 years, Jackson Warren has worked in Iowa Stare
L'.'s Linden Hall with a swastika and the initials “KKK"
tattooed on his arm. But recent opposition to the symbols
has sparked a tree speech controversy on campus.
During the fall, someone stenciled “If you cat at Linden,
you support the Ku Klux Klan" on campus sidewalks. After
campus officials received complaints aliout the tattoos, the
university moved Warren from his job as dishwasher and
reassigned him to less visible duties at a university food
storage facility.
But in November the Iowa attorney general gave the
opinion that Warren should not lx* fired for his tattoos or
forced to remove them, and the school reinstated Warren
to his original position. At the same time, ISU revised its
employee dress code to force hxxl service employees to
cover all tattum, regardless of content.
Last fall, Warren told the Itra-a State Daily that he has
always tried to conceal his tattoos because has no wish to
offend anyone. (According to the attorney general, stu
dents first noticed his tattoos while he was in the dining
area during his break.) Warren also said he has not been
affiliated with the Ku Klux klan in many years. Since last
fall he has refused comment.
ISU President Martin Jischke says although he opposes
the message of Warren’s tattoos, he supports free speech.
“I find the symbols on Mr. Warren’s arms and what they
represent to lie absolutely repugnant,” he says “Neither I
nor Iowa State University condones the actions or teach
ings of the N'i/.i part) or the Ku Klux Klan.”
But, he added, “If we do not protect the expression of
ideas we finti most repugnant, then we cannot protect the
speech of those who disagree with these ideas."
Graduate student Michea) Boulden doesn't agree. He
says it's more than a free speech issue. "I’m for free
speech,” he says. “But we need to get to the larger issue
because we all recognize that there are limitations to free
speech. If society says, 'We believe the KKK is wrong and
has no place in a university environment,’ then why can't
we sav that the symbols are also wrong?"
In response to the situation, ISU sponsored a free speech
forum and Jischkc offered students the chance to move out
of Linden Hall. As of December, no one had moved. •
Mike McNamey, Ivwa Suae Daily, Iowa State U.
Test center caught cheating
l-orn grand will Inn a lot <»t NO 1 pencils, nr in the an
nt these two alleged ertmm.ils, one ure.it score on .1 st.tn
dardi/cd test.
Inn Hyeng I’.irk anil Win (o Jang. who ran .1 coaching
center tor standardized test takers, were arrested in
November tor supplying impostor test-takers to more than
sll \sian immigrant customers. I hex made SJOI.OOO In
providing this "service’' in the last year, according to l S
Postal Service Inspector Joseph Marino, who headed the
1 he two men, who ran lota I lest (enter in New i ork,
were caught in a sting operation administered In
1 durational Testing Service I- IS administers such tests as
theSAl, \(' I and the ( T V exam
Mthough some examinations require a photo I I). from
test takers, F I S s|>okesman Ka\ Nicosia s.ns the mt|H>stors
entered the exams using phon\ passports.
Nicosia says the company receives information on such
scams m a number ot ways, including score differentials,
handwriting analysis and phoned in leads. He declined to
comment on what tipped oil F I S m this case Hut, he says,
“We had a good idea they were running something ”
So last Febniarv !• I S sent an investigator to I otal I est
( enter as a client. "He was offered to have impostors take
the SA I and the l est of Fnglish as a Foreign l anguage tor
Sr.(HK)," Nicosia says.
Nicosia sa\s prices tor the tests ranged from $4,000 tor
the I OKKI to $40,(XX) for the CPA exam.
I nc other test-taking impostors were taken into custody
after the sting, which took place at four high schools and
the I otal 1 cst (Center office.
Park and Jang were charged with conspiracy to commit
mail train! No court date has lieen set, but they face up to
five years m tail and SI0,1X10 in fines if convicted.
Nicosia sa\s those who have used the service may also
tacc charges.
“K I S will receive all the records from Total Testing and
eventually we will take some action," he says ■ Lesley
Kennedy, 1'be Daily Imran, U. of Iowa
Short Takes
& Updates
Umax. DEL Looking for something a lit
tle more risquG than your standard year
book portrait? Boudoir photographer Peggy
Montgomery, ot Montgomery/Ford
Photography near the U of Delaware, has
expanded her variety of “fantasy sets" to
include a dorm room setting, complete with
pennants, posters, teddy bears, wine glass
es and lingerie "We are hoping to spark
the interest of college students." she says
however, “many of the personnel have
been calling Not so much for the dorm set,
but our other fantasies '
AKATA. CALV.: Budget cuts mean no thrifty
idea is too crazy at Humboldt State U s
Counseling and Psychological Services
Facing a shrinking staff, they have offered
students an alternative to one-on-one ther
apy — a vacant office They call it a relax
ation room, and although you won't find
any professional help there, it does include
audio tapes, books, pamphlets, a bed and a
recliner Few students have visited the
room, but "We re working on expanding
the tape selection," says Wellness Center
Coordinator Helene Barney
FMT MUMS. MtO.; A Colorado State U
professor was honored to be the lirst vet
erinarian to decapitate rats in space NASA
selected Martin Fettman, a pathology pro
fessor. to take 46 rats on a 14-day space
voyage with seven astronauts in order to
study the effects of weightlessness As part
of his research. Fettman decapitated six of
the rodents, saving most of their organs,
including the testes, for post-flight dissec
tion. “It's ail for a good cause,' he says
IN: A Chinese multimillionaire who acci
dentally backed a long shot at the races He
won $4 74 million on the bet and used the
money to set up a scholarship tor mainland
Chinese students to study at Stanford U.
■fMTATft: Giego, the Ottawa U mascot
ousted in 1971 Chief Charles E Dawes, a
university trustee and leader of the Ottawa
tribe, says he is proud to have Giego back.
His tribe plans to provide a buckskin to be
worn at football games
MVffc The National Service Office The
new address is: 1100 Vermont Ave. NW,
Washington. D C 20525.
Britts are compiled from the U. Network.