Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1994, Winter '94 Edition, Page 8, Image 12

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continued from prtriout p*t*
Poetic Justice
It stems lu mi . I ahian \ Amiuh ;1
I)cc ember I'WI | has already Itt rn tomprnsjinl more
than fairly by our jmlk t.il system I would think Sl.W'fM),
plus reinstatement into the program, would Ik enough
tor ihi average jjerson' I don’t see win he should Ik- [xrr
nutted to nuke threats against the faculty I he university
comm unity does not need people with loose screws
threatening members of the faculty, staff or other stu
dents I im Reynolds. senior. \N ashingion State l
Music to our ears
\o douht von media stooges found \ourselves mum
hie ftstedly iru apatite of ttu hiding \ustm. I exas. in \our
ill-contrived I hut still, very contrived' depiction ot
"( ollcgi Musk' ;( ttu. Dcceintn'r
Perhaps the reason vdn \ustm was .-mined ts that this
two horse town s music scene has consistently refused to
hawk "altei nati\e" music to the marketroids and their
bleary eved dum s (unlike your six ‘minion cities
I he incessant headhanging «»t Seattle and its fe llow
sycophants must h\ now he replaced b\ the hanging *»t
their collective heads against what wen tin walls of then
music scene, now reduced to ruhhle I he ir final, angst
filled erv vs 111 undoubtedly he. “\\ hy couldnt we have
been more like \ustin ( hris Sowada, senior. I of
I exas
My kind of town
I ookmg at the cities reviewed in voiu article. '< ollege
Musk laves. I noticed a significant omission. With two
hands that have roamed at the top of the college music
charts, l rgc Overkill and Smashing Pumpkins. I Inlieve
\. >u fi»rg< >t ( dm ag« ».
Maybe you shouldn't pass over the Second ( ity next
time, as they will soon no longct he the Second ( ity of
alternative college music Das id J. I’ika. graduate stu
dcnl, Northern Illinois l ***
Shame on U.
I think your coverage of Michael Jackson |“ I he l |is
and Downs of ''rt," Dccrmliet 1‘rri was totally irres|ion
slide I’ll tell who cares l eers (urent.of a young child
Do you realle think child molestation should he
lumped in with topics ol “biggest hitch” or "the worst
comeback • Your sursec is an einbarrassnient to any nm
vrrsity commuiuts Ym base tnsiali/ed the seriousness ol
tin i hat yes against |ac kson a' well as implied that > liar yes
ol this nature can and should !« tried in the media \ uu
fuse sent the wrong message to the luttire parents ut this
countrs Someone should he secerely reprimanded lot
the outiagcous lilundcr Sheris llohuun, academic
adviser. Southern Illinois l
Review misses a beat
In the I)rc c tidier |V>< issue. I lasis Maior reviews the
Kesoltmg ( i«ks latest album. linger Fhkrn' (>-«J “ I he
result.” he states, is an “ hour plus < I) [that] rapidly
Incomes tedious " I hat is where he is wrong 1 mget
I uken (ioaj is one ot the best alliums m the* area ol
industrial music lodas I racks like "Mr I inks'' and
“< ida ( .opier" show whai he missed, that this allium is
not to lie taken dial seriouslv I his hand is a group ol
guys and girls dial got together recorded some trac ke lor
the fun ol II. like dies hast- lie tore, and will probably con
tunic to do so 111 the Inline Djiuc-I M ccks, sophomore,
Stephen I Vusttn State l
Letter of protest
\ftrr reading the letter pushing tot a han on protesting
and "earnmg on alxuit esers stupid little thing iin c impus
I Views. I >ec etui n't I'WI I couldn’t stop laughing
\Vh.it did Mr Marshall think he s|ient three paragraphs
ih.my Sure looked like Ins letter would tail titnler the
"t amine mt .lUnit every little thing" catcgc<r\ Mh.it was
funnier to me vs .is that he himself saul that he felt anyone
lining inst w hat he ihi) should he cupelled fnmi school,
and sent to the military M hat a goon'
I ,1 just like til SUV thanks to Mi Marshall lor the laugh,
and that I hope the tnilttarv treats you well Kevin
( urreri, sophomore. ( olorado State l
Ego check
I nda\. I received a copv of I Magazine in the Colorado
D.11I1, an independent newspaper at the l ol ( olorado,
Boulder I he muga/mc struck me as \er\ lightweight and
sumrfii tal lot its intended amhenee ot college students It
it were a cartoon, it would he a lot closer to “family
( ireus" than to a thinking cartoon such as “Dooncshury
or “/ippy " Masl>e this is vour intention, hut it so. I 1 an 1
see what useful servile you are providing
It \ou must chew up hundreds ol thousands ol trees to
publish vour maga/anc, I wish that you would put some
thing worth reading on its pages Scott Jonas, senior, l .
ot ( olorado
Corrupted by e-mail
I |ust finished reading your article ‘Surfing the
Information Supcthighvv av, featured in y our Novcmlxr
issue I agree that computers have now become an
extremely important tool for any college student I mail
is more addictive at most college campuses that alcohol
and most drugs Some cra/v people end up skipping
meals, missing classes (oh no’) and (iod forbid, missing
parties by sitting in front "I some dumb terminal I- mail
is prettv fun, but (list don't Ol) on it. Dhiraj Murthy,
freshman. < larcmont McKenna ( ollcge-^r
Write to us via INTERNET: umag© wen sf ca us
continued from previous page
“I don't fill sale gr.ulu.iling under his administration
\mv l>orscll, junior, Sum Houston Si.ur l .
"Du I think ( linlnn's lining .1 good |ob‘- I hat's like ask
ing it .1 liruk limits t >1 tourv nut It never will and it
non lus Srtlt .Sproul, freshman. Oregon St.itr l
"Yeah, I think ( lintiin is lining j good |oh. I hr health
rare plan looks good, ami (.linlnn's non liHikrd liettrt
on television. It’s ittst her hushatul vvr’vr gut to worry
almut." \ iram Kreng, junior, l . of ( alihimta, Irvine
“I think he's gut good intrntions, hut thr mail to lull is
paved with good intrntions." James Malonev. sopho
more. Oklahoma State l'.
"I sa\ that ( Hinton is .1 liar and a cheat and hr's going to
run our country into hankrupto " John Mdridge,
freshman, l . of Vrkansas, Fayetteville
“No, I don't think (Hinton is doing a good job. and
franklv, I lieheve that mv dog ran do a hrttrr |ob than hr
does I can’t wait until '»< when thr Republicans will take
other again ' Michael Herbert, sophomore, l . of
“1 believe ( Hinton is doing a superior job considering thr
Opinion Poll Results
sh.i|K- the l s giivrmimnt and economy .ire in today
He's lighting to change polities that don't work and
essentially give the l nited Males .1 gincrnment lli.il
works lur them .inti nut sue versa hjtc Schneider,
freshman, Kent State l .
\ i s. I Indies c that ('linton is doing .1 goixl |ol> though I
think he could use some hacklxinc We have to remem
her that Marry Iruman ami John Kennedy had very
tough first tears as well. If anvonc needs rousting almiil,
it s ( ongress ” Jodie Peeler, junior, Lander l
"( linton is prohahh the worst [iresulcnt in the histoiy of
this nation lie makes ( artel look like a national hero
1 rov Muller, junior, l . of Uahama, Hinuingham
"I think ( linton is doing a vert gixxl )oh lieeause he s
sen innovative and has a lot of new ideas, and I think the
fact that he's younger than most presidents is one reason
why he's going to help the college students a lot lie
rcnicihIk'I's what it was like when he was a college stu
dent, and he grew up in .1 middle ilass family so he
understands how difficult it is to pay for college Brian
Nash, freshman. I . of Miami
"1 would Ik- willing let ( helsea have her turn in the ( >sal
( >ftice ” Michael Jenkins, sophomore, l . of 1 e\as
"'i c all, I rcallv think. ( Hinton is lining a good |oh I think
we 11nililn i ask tor a better president I think our mini
in ' ,ii .'-Mill hamls Nichole I Jtidis, sophomore, l .
ol ( incinnati
■it Kush l.imluugh ran tor president, i d vote tor him
o\ i i < lintoii am .las Mike ( ooper, sophomore,
I don't trust President ( linton ot her hushaml Hill
either Brent /enthoeter, freshman. Ball State l
"No, he's not doing a good |oh In a time when the entire
world is leaving the left wing socialism tor tree market
economies and capitalism, it's ridiculous to think that we,
the l tilted States, the former leader in that category, are
now moving towards where [other countries! have come
Irotn, which is nhvmusk towards socialized medicine,
larger government and government controls ol the mar
ket Jason Huntsman, senior, l of Vrkansas
in the past, jR-ople have alwavs votnplained alxiut presi
dents not doing anything, and the otilv complaint you
hear alxiut (Hinton ismmieime mavlie not liking what he s
doing I think ( linton is doing a fine job, and I am so glad
that we hnallv have a president who cares alxiut college
students " Kennv Blake, sophomore, l . of (.eorgia