Hie ( .mipus Dialogue U-Mail A closer look I ini ,■ writing about the article ’Student rues id find donor tor mirai Ic match" m the December issue In t Ins .1 it it ,1c.-'t here is i he statement that .i bone marrow transplant is rht onlv ihaiKc a leukemia pat :.l ha r • Mir\ i\i I hi 1- not inn. Manx victims ot Inih mu mii vivc without the need of a transplant I commend l MjU'JZtfit lot addressing tins issue, hut make sure all vour tai ls are straight before making such broad statements alxuit a complex Sharon K Bo\lc, graduate stn dent, I ast ( arolma l ■«<►* Egg on their faces \fter reading tin artn le about the sorority sisters at l of North I e\as ( . Deiernbel 1‘^'H I wa iiumhtoumli d I I I \ I S what they call ha/mg < >k. ■*» ma\he the paddling part was a hit rough, hut eggs' I ggs are even good tor vmr hair, tor ( hrisr sake \nd ton mg them to eat hot peppers- S( ) \\ I I \ I 1 I S I t )( t|) IMease, just hei a use these sisters w anted to haw a huh- clean tun is no reason to give them VIM* fines, mui h less a jail sentence’ I sincerely feel had for the five sisters convicted, hut I truly pit\ the court member who sentenced them I hex deserve rotten eggs m im hook I is Barhicro, freshman, Dartmouth ( ollege *4* Criminal record check I was nearly dismayed atter having read your article irt Dei ember’s issue concerning St \ugustine s (College’s poluv of conducting criminal background chci ks of its applicants St \ugustmc s is, I would assume, j private school, ami by all means has the right to conduct said checks with little fear of legal intervention However, I would like to think that it a government funded school wr*c to adopt sin h a pohev, it would hr shot down with gif at expedientt hv lh« courts Would it not si rve a great U-MAIL: Internet 35 YFARS A60 IN ARKANSAS 1 **> >*: U*V1 JCUHt iW-i (tQM 8>U' tOU" nvrAgans vn Htt < AiN i NO 1U l IN HOW . -V A < oS^I. Jon ntlttn. I he mmnesola imity, U of Minnesota mjustue to the* principles * »f l ht univcrsitv itself to disal low an individual the opportunity to make something Ui ter t>f him herself K this not uh.it the intent of education Brian Patrick, sophomore, 1 astern Illinois l Cybe reaction I appreciate the !.u t that \ou ire enlightening the col lege masses b\ covering subjects stu b as i ylccrspucc anil flu* cyberculturc {(' \o\ ember IH However, those of us who have known alnait c\ berspac e and have used it tor manv years tuul that main ot the media seem to have ~|Ufltf»cd on the bandwagon \ll we the i.vbef enthusiasts ask is that the media hack off tor oruc If every Imh1\ were t > find mil alxiut e\ tier spat e. it would be choked John Patrick, |umor, t ot (>klahoma <4* Wrt not losors In regards to “Surting the Information Superhighwa\ : ( \Jji .r tnc November I 11, | must sav that I am ills aptHunted and otteiuled b\ the negative wav vtau deputed • ' *<<)0 Of'tu'y Park f a-.* \i,ae 8.’0 ‘ A--CA 9006' fa.» rt In tt'): 'jfjf ?6f,* * ( io uciude perrmsscon to reprint tftetf submission letters shouW be ?00 words o' less , > ADAM BAM H , () yf H Ph( Nofthvvesr Missouri Slam I I t .11iii''t !H tbit m.tnv students h.iv c tailed t lasses bet ju «* t: s i m I In trunu ( ampus bill that vsmdd he mhi i eiii to mv uitixctMtv th.it offered a similar sriviu Of all tin rt litc'lucs (i st hooU 1 fi t h 41 j r Hi le. onlv t he one re-tori mu t« Noithw. sr u e, negative m . onti \t 1 trulv ho|>r that the m/c of our tmivcrsitv had nothing t»» itr.n us 4s losers I tlo hojH.* it vs .is jtist ignorance on the* curt of the juthoi of the piece and tin editor who preMiitublv po*/tread it In the future, please take « ue 11 < understand uh.it vou are talking about before vour rag goes to print t Vstdc from that offense 1 did enjuv the | Phillip Koehlu . iiiniot. Northwest Missouri Slate l *4* PC has not gone too far I un willing in response to the t >< tober edition’ opinion }>oll lias pohtu al correctness gone iimi lai with ft gards to ( oiij.i Summerlin of the l of Missouri Non sa\ that vou find it offensive that \nu have to 1 al sous neighUir \tru an \meruan Well, l find it offensive that vou wouldn't want to ( ill him just that f or .1 brie bit of histoiv. you must remember that vour ancestor' n»bbed \frn ans iif then land, historv, name and religion I Inv vs ere brought to \mcnca to Ik- slaves and nothin, else* Now that vse know our lustorv. it is |>nlithai!y un rest total! 1 bias k person Mm an \11u11un We att \fr it an Ik*i a list \ frit a is vs here 0111 ancestor *. were stole 1 from, and vse are \merit an Ik < arise vs e chin»m to live an.1 pay taxes here furthermore, rf you desire to he called I uropean Vnicrit an. fine, no one s.iv s vou cannot I low ever. please In not take hostility toward po»pl< who have ihimii to find what was lost Vianesa Penn, freshman, ( if ambling State l continued next page All Senders •sr* »»*s tfw ‘ ijf't tu edit *.uDm.-s*>u)f’s Uy reyf? jntJ 1 lanty Do you think Clinton is doing a good job? YES 30% Calls: J'l Front - It) campuses Yes: 2H' No: MD "\d, I ilo not tec I th.it Mr (linton is doing i good |iih I think th.it he’s trying hard. hut he's mini! In please even single tierson who lues in the l intcil States .iml he needs tn pist eonsiiler trying to please the ma|onrv ami also trv to limit the mini her ot topics he wants to cover at one time " I jrrs Minton, sophomore, l . of I ennessee Opinion Poll Ncst of his ahiht\ to meet their need' Shane Merrill, junior, l of Mahjina, Birmingham ‘I think, it’s impossible tor him to do a good job onh I hi a use his staff is way n*» \oung What he needs is experience Kevin \1orra. freshman, (icorge \\ ashmgton l “No. Most of the ideas lie supjx>rtcd dm mg his campaign, lie's come out against or denies he ever supported them I le should he sued for violating a contract that was signed and sealed when those confused people out there voted him into office." Brittany Naujok, junior, l . of Wisconsin, Milwaukee "No I think it’s nnc thing to i ompn muse • »i 1 issues .inti complete!) different to flip your position on the issues t«» pit |K*o pie Warren ( lieets, senior, Wichita State l . “Dehniteh Me has promised to help >tu dents with the National Seme i Plan and he has kept to that promise H< • also guaranteed civil rights not nnl\ tor the majority groups hut also minority groups who deserve just as mtieh consideration as anyone else " Heather Mi< arth\, fresh mail, l . of ( alifornia. Riverside I humiis down to the most powerful man in the world, who will not use that power to get anything done here at home I'm not cxfxctmg miracles, hut I am expo.ting a decent effort and may Ik a little progress on the domestic side of the fenc e Simon Kouic, junior, l . of l.a\ erne Do you feel safe on campus? (800)6U-VIEWSext6f ‘The U V«ew> Opinion Poll i*. j samplrny if comments tr ■ college students across the country The ton tree ’timber ; /rtes response-, to questions posed to students each month m the pages of U The poll »s not V-ientifw and percentages are figured on verbal responses recervrd each month