DMV owes walkers hit by blind driver SANTA ANA, Cialit lAP) — A iurv ordered the California Department of Motor Vehicles to pay $4.1 million to three people who were struck in a crosswalk by a driver who was legally blind. The Orange County Superior Court jury previously found the DMV negligent for granting a driver's license to George Lizarrnlde, 11, of lay pBrea. Lizarraldo was rejected three times, but received the license on his fourth trv in 1985 even though he flunked the vision test. His license was renewed in 1990. The jury deliberated for two days before announcing its deci sion Friday. Lizarraide was dropped from the suit earlier this month when jurors decided the state yvas liable. The award pleased Deborah Ann Mohr, :12. ot Whittier, who was among the injured in the Aug 4. 1991. act ident She suf fered brain damage and walks with a cane. I would give up every penny to bo aide to walk normal again, to have my memory bat k again, and to have things bark to nor mal.' she said I hope this makes the DMY more response hie aliout giving out licenses Mohr, who runs a l.a Habra photo-retouching business, was awarded Si r> million for pain and suffering, lost earnings and medical expenses Her then nance. Brian Barber, was award ed $494,690 and his son $153,939. The award will be appealed, said Bill Madison, a IIMV spokesman in Sacramento. "We don't think that we are responsible for the accident," Madison said, "We don't just issue licenses to people without testing them appropriately State Deputy Attorney Gener al Barbara Annette Noble argued that the accident is i timid when l.izarralde took his eyes off the road to pick up a cassette play er and wasn't caused by his poor vision Complaint of alleged lesbian harassment ignites complaint BENI) (AP) — A complaint about alleged sexual harassment by a U.S. Forest Service worker has led to threats against the for mer employee who filed the complaint and her union repre sentative. Karin McGuire, who has accused the agency of ignoring sexual harassment by a lesbian co-worker, was threatened with arrest Thursday when she went to the office of union representa tive Annette Trythall. The Forest Service claims McGuire is not a union member and ordered her out of the Ochoco National Forest head quarters. McGuire refused and officials hacked off. Trythall, who refused orders to eject McGuire, was threatened w ith disciplinary action On Friday, the phone and computer in Trythall’s office I I I I I I I campus vj SUBSHOP 1225 Alder 345-2434 So* wa* «r»v jtf«n daOMAtt & uwpun* Oiw iunpon prr were disconnected shorth after the pair returned to continue work on McGuire's grievance. Trythall said "She is not authorized to use office time or government facil ities in representing Ms McGuire," said Ochoco spokesman Norm Messelduhl. "So to prevent misuse of that equipment, we disabled her The union claims McGuire is a union member and is c hal lenging the agency. McGuire said the experience left her shaken "I'm just shattered right now." she said "This just isn't fair This grievance is right McGuire claims she was forced to quit her job at the Red mond Air Center last year because the Forest Son it e failed to stop the co-worker from sexu ally harassing her. Now Open Sundays Open for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner ❖ Rice Bowls ❖ Korean Buffet 4-8 Mon.-Sat. ❖ Daily Specials 1 88‘t Willamette St. 7-8 Mon.-Fri., 7-2 Sat. 343-1542 Ont r—uH». Advrtl— In .. What’s the worst thing about being a student? " I lav hir lo gradualr MATT KOSANKt: philoutp}»>. junior ”1 glirv. not tx'iug «!>lr to slorp in." i SUMMER GOODWIN [nAdual unmet, freshman “having lo (ir*,f*tvolo* try Thom** B*9*fro*» HI'DM SIUY, FEB. 2 SHOW ST/I (ITS AT 8:00 P.M. Portland & Southern California combine for one fantastic show! As seen