»s OPPORTUNITIES LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITY! Fr+%hmmn lntor*«l Group tndn M—cNd fn*«nc« toadmV^p. ratio** .wj cor*mu*«catxv th*t m+.m Mtpmg %p«hm«p adfuftt to JNi u rrf o f > uppw» «.*vi*oc credits ared at the Houtvng Office m W.Jton Com pn the residence hail where they are employed Comper su t»on includes room and board for a s«n gte room The deadtne tor applications is Tuesday. February 8th. 1994 at 5 pm to the University Housing Office An AAEO employer committed to cuRurat diversity and -n compliance wth the ADA r HO CAMPUS EVENTS nr MO CAMPUS EVENTS 290 CAMPUS EVENTS China Night Feb rlia ry 61h 30 p m Ballroom) Programs (6: M) p.m I I ton 1 >ancc r htlil \ low 6c I ricks ' Rush l eaf hart Dance •* ( hinesc /tthcr Performance 5 Puppet Troupe 6 I tiwtitcsc f olk Simp kunj; hu 8 ( hirKw iihmc Dance 9 Fashion Show 10 Rattle Ballroom 1 obbv. tree admission) Paper folding 8i ( hmrvc Knoti H l uiltliral Products V uico A Slide Show l) lea t cicmons flt display oft hinesc l hevs It) l ire I house ( ostium- Photo (w/ luket Pun have l Exhibition (.V M) p.m. 5:30 p.m 1 Calligraphy 2 Computerized Fortune idler t t hinese Music sV Music Instruments •> Taiwanese Architecture V Taiwanese Stamps 6 ( hincsc Ojuras lave Painting ( hinese Films (Columbia ISO. free admission) 1 “Pushing Hands", l-ch t (> W p m N <0 p m lee. Ang. Director of I he Wedding Banquet 2 “Strawman". Feb 6 .’Off pm I 1)0 p m Director Wang. long Dinner (5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Fountain ( ourt Dining Room) f irst 200 guests van get a small t house gift (starts at <> 00 p m at Ballroom cnirancr) Tickets. Adult $8 00 C hild $S.(M) s at the h MU mam desk I Sponsored by the (Jtinese Student Association 210 HELP WANTED CAPITOL RECORDS It interested In Eugene' Fa* u» your resume 2 0 962 6405 YWCA Assistant Director position open MnmbnrVT'i •*» • , • gram deve**>4g 1S69 FANTASTIC BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY inter nation at marketing f«#m needs salesperson and manager ft t itremeiy attractive compensation pran fu# 0# par* tune Yo*~ ..or * afford to rrxss m»s opportunity CaW 484 .’88*) Work study Position f he Soc •.». Sc ene* Instrucfiorkii Lap orreofly bas one wort 5*.A>y po»»t>on av«*iaP*« lor tfve ■'/M W*r»ter garter 6 'Owiw* a* $6 QQYv Wort»b*Jy and gennr.si IHM based l»C -» reqo*rw.J For fur the# *nfo ui:i CatMeen l eue at .*46464.' .346 "Sit 9 PlC The U 0» 5 AAHO c*'>p'Oym 210 HELP WANTED looking for ttudant to pub true tNaud •• ■■>♦> A t . KX,V w trs »Vfi ti,'-!.;iiW f start up I aw top f $30 (♦'’ hour- & gam vd?uafcit« e*p Grnat tor m*!mg c* ad **tiv -si ma»o* C** B06 B36 3094 225 APTS DUPLEXES Fumiahad 1 Bodroom*. f *Htf> $42Smo , ! ‘62 ferry o Un H>>Nf4d « badroorn. Coburg Pd $46’g •■.-"»> ttt« .1 :H}ty $396* m© inctufikwi soma ubfci 343 46 I / 2 Bedroom, t bath in Ferry St Brtdga WN t.ampu* Watar Tv p#*d $6*>0 466 ' 36.' 0» '344 69to 3 BfDROOM $*,«* SpOOOuS. un*um.sbad IQ btocfc* to ca/njXiS f M»3My pitmtad. !>•**» •ray laundry tat-A'ia® no pats or vnotong 204$ M5 798/ 15th A Orchard. 2 BORM Upstairs H* ♦odcted iritanor pooi A*.ul fab i $44*; mo • $1 2*j dap l «am» M Juoa 683 0903 YERNICK bv Charles Marier Iooays KweTiwa PISODE; 1o The World of Part-Time labor/ Hi, Ycrnick. vjhatj DiD You Do LASTJ 'WCCKE/MD ?_ \ ;_3_ I CioT A fXRf-Ti*c)o8, s fume, Grass S££D QMS, JHAT I DO I'il I Fiu.A fAAG Fuu. 4ITH QKASS SUP to so Founds. it shut!*17 I Amo THtrJ, 1 Do} IT AQAim.j UBo<: f t A *. IT/ TT 1 HAT WAS»1T Of A flASHBACK.. THf Hist Of THi'^ stuff i Vo mfle IS ILLf^AL Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson i1 g, setirsr a tm ~rr, Ma uva is it that I on Rtoa. A OGARETTt AD JiNCLE FROM ZS TEARS AGO. But I CANT REMEMBER WHAT I JUST GOT UP TO DO’ 225 APTS DUPLEXES Great 2 Bdtm apt * <'• **»*.%y & pi,' h 1 ?th A Patterson SMXVmo Gats 4*!,*. 5H*nM rv; ..u. A ■■Mi)# ' vpt 4 ,:vjry Ne.1/ SfXJp p.rvy A bus SW*- month WW * t /5 240 QUA OS Ctoea to campus A..»-■■* S*vVmo *k> pels, No smufcw'.j M«vu t stale *«* *4 ’ ."<14 r .. J - ■ • 1 1 " — MO QUADS Naw Yur t Special lit month $1M spoocut. c<«»' modern good '»:.i fX>n 0>*t'» ! Out' 4 MS 19C9 NIC# Ouad-Itt* A Math* *v.tw though Jun* • 5*^ A $50 -■ yck.'V At wt-n ncfudad 6A6 406«i Quad for Sub-tea*# t b*x* ?■ -.» » pu* 060 Aider St $?3®Ano Aj ut» ?«**pa*d 345 250 DORM CONTRACTS Pi«*m buy my dorm contract C~W' Krtyva* #t M4 t 5£w? 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Room mat* wanted lo irfvar* me* •' fldrm Api Ckvwt to campu* WfSftno yfc/» 1 ? vArt. c *ur*Jry on vie 60S 6,’ v Snar* ntc* 2 Badroom Apt t” Tv*** room, on *t* laundry %&? NO pkji !/? ut-->T.ai» A dapo**t 606 4.305 m ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT ArtiUino #w "“the piano"’ ' JjMl v <*w wTmAi 1 T X ! *" T . ^ ^ P <•*>•>* I0(U>«« L Kiiby In l'«r*di»c *vw « OM4 yi, • jn L_BAftAKA_ faSDAZCD AND CONFUSED ”■FATAL INSTiNC 1th MQNOAV NKJWT at tha MOVIES! TO—GHV CINEMA SLAM! APPI I, KNOCKING a THE COKE #***••* NAiivW M* • WaAli ^ »an CW*V*MMA t>U • C«*M DATING DO'S AND DON IS c>n>> «n*w aa MYSTERY Of TME LEAPING FISH RID MGMTMARf PARDON MV BACK MR! nw MW J Cm wW Mia 320 SERVICES IS DRINKING A PROBLEM? Wr .Vi r*?4p Alcoholic* Anonymous 342-2443 24 hours n day Private help - !• fine i»;x I { #>, iteteElBV » ■/! Aj, 607-0651 1 CROSSWORD tty Eugene Sheffer ACROSS 1 Oaculat* S Hotat.ng pan • Hamng way •otoriqu*! 12 Tint* 11 Bucfcay** »ch 14 Piantal T »mpt*ton 15 R*tc*nt on* IS T*nd (10) 1t Many took up lo him 20 Ouanlfy conaumod 21 Thiaah 23 Come ttolua* 24 Handrail 25 — Haahanah 31 lalm I y*»t) 32 Fa* tor* runn*r 34 Society pag* word 35 Daughiar 37 tvil 39 Ha* potential 41 Author F*rt)*r 322 42 Digging louti 43 Yulalidu quafl 4»Coti— contain#! 31 'Stun* Straat" danuan 32 Sboppa daacradion Hava bill* Ado* Jack Santa » burdan 34 Baooma ona 37 Say 4 anl ao DOWN 1 Raced I Kanaaa city ] Luminary 4 Saturday (f'l 5 Tahaa lha A tram? • «a» •aying ‘ 7 Paalaur portrayal • Pariah haad • ttimoia cty 10 Chaal at hata and aaafc t1 Farm (radon 17No( Rap or Dam Solution tlm* 24 min (aturdsya mnw 1-31 It Poimaity 22 Prova 0Vi«rai*« 24 Pouch 25' BloaT* 2* D-Day mvaaon *«a 27 Pa* to* mad 2f Racog nua 10 Yon munch 23 Plata to* pad>? 35 Ganla compan oni 35 l oat tirmnaai 40 Cartamly 42 Mgh landa* 43 — Aho. Cali) 44 Pack away 40 Clao ■ nva* 47 — avan kaal 40 Maiodo* oua SO Lamb a dam