Cash For Textbooks Mon -Sal Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 tn rWlm**m* A*:. The Heidi Chronicles by Wendy W«\srr\ictn *— * lAlt.AJl.JXMJ* ^ i rw—» | rrJ K2W $4 Two Hhotfi Hitt (Mo Prldflohoo# MdiBoy Ffatyff ^ajSS^Sfl ?•«-2,rt itmSJUw!!! UkoIo Brijodc Spfcgtoott YaVaLMt Ha $2 FCC considering cuts in cable rates WASHINGTON (AP) — The 57 million Ameriiin households that receive cable television could get a cut in subsc ription rates under new rules Ixnng < on sidored by the Federal Commu nications Commission. an FCC offii iuI said Tuesday The official, who requested anonymity, said it is premature to speculate on the size of possi hie cuts Hut he said the aim of the FCC at its Feb. Id meeting will he to adopt a new formula that could lower prices for near ly all customers New FCC Chairman Feed liundt hinted at the i hange in a Jan 11 speech in l.os Angeles "Our goal is to set competitive prii es where competitive mar kets do not exist without stifling ini nilises lor further investment and innovation." liundt said The commission souri e said setting competitive prices for cable companies, which almost always operate os monopolies, inevitably means reducing rates Word that the FCC might cut rates scxjii was welcomed by con sumer groups, hut cable opera tors warned any price slashing would endanger development of the "information superhighway." ‘They're talking about doing the right thing It's a real good sign." said Bradley Stillman, leg islative counsel of the Consumer Federation of America fie said the FCC’s current "benchmark" formulas that determined price changes for (able operators “were set far too high." Stillman estimated that if cable companies were forced to compete, rather than being awarded local monopoly fran chises, rates would plummet 27 percent But the National Cable Televi sion Asms lation said it has stud ies showing operators already have lost $2 billion since new congressionally mandated reg ulations took effect last year, jeopardizing future expansion A $2 billion revenue loss means the start-up of 40 new pro gram networks has been delayed, the iisso< lation said Then* is no Iwsis in the record to roll Iuick the rates." said asso ciation spokeswoman Tone Clark 'll could have 0 chilling effect If they want tins informa tion highway built, you've got to give this major player the ability to raise the funds ' The FCC has imposed a freeze on (able TV revenues until Feb. )5 to give loud governments time to become federally certified to regulate rotes. The companies were allowed to raise rates for some < ustorners but only if over all revenues of each operator did not increase. U*al authorities regulate liasic cable rates, packages that usu ally include local broadcast chan nels and public access channels. NIELSEN RATINGS Prime-time ratings as com piled by the A.C. Nielsen Co. tor Jan. 17-23. 1 60 Minutes. CBS 2 NFC Championship Post Game, CBS 3. Home Improvement ABC 4 Murder. She Wrote. CBS 5 Seinfeld, NBC 6 Grace Under Fire, ABC 7 Incident in a Small Town — CBS Sunday Movie 7 Roseanne. ABC 9 Coach, ABC 10 Frasier, NBC 11. PnmeTime Live, ABC 12 In the Best ol Families Pi 2 — CBS Tuesday Movie 13 Murphy Brown. CBS 14. Rescue 911. CBS 15. Dr. Qwnn Medicine Woman. CBS 16. Full House. ABC 17 Love A War. CBS 18 Northern Exposure, CBS 18 20-20. ABC 20 NYPD Blue. ABC .. COORTESV PHOTO Dick Dale the King of Surf Guitar will bring hla pioneering sound to WOW Hall Monday night Tickets are still available The King of Surf Guitar plays WOW By John FMachll fat the Oregon Defy EmoteK) If you like surf music, then you must see the man known as "The King of the Surf Gui tar," Dick Dale, Monday at the WOW Hail. Dale is the author of the sin gle. “Let's Go Trippin”(19fil), one of the first original, doc umented instances of the style. If you like the song “Pipeline." you'll like many of the songs Dale does. Also, the dudes that back him up complement his unique style. Popular back in thelOfiO's. the surf music pioneered by Dale was later popularized by The Beach Boys and other popular bands. The Encyclo pedia of Rock n Roll says his "twangy. heavily reverbed tone, influenced Beach Boy _ Carl Wilson and many other California guitarists." A new album. Tribal Thun der, is Dale's latest release. It features some fast-paced fin ger-pickin' by this master of the guitar. Dale plays his psychedelic, jammin' sounds on a Fender Stratocaster. The instrument he uses was built personally for him by Leo Fender. Recently. Dale’s music has been making a comeback. He has been on the Conan O'Brien show and was recent ly in Eugene. This time, through he'll be playing an all ages show. Tickets are $8 for students and $10 for general admission and are still available. The show will be sponsored by the Cultural Forum. ENTERTAINMENT UPDATE p NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A federal judge hns kicked a bund of wannabe Beatles off their magical mystery tour. The judge ruled Monday that an Akron, Ohio, group one*! known as "1064 as The Bea tles" cannot use the Fab Four's name or like nesses. The copycats can perform in Beatles' cos tume. talk with British accents and play Bea tles' songs, said U S District |udgu Robert Echols But they cannot use props or back drops with any likeness to Paul McCartney. Ringo Starr. George Harrison or the late John Lennon. Apple Corps, a British organization rep resenting the interests of the Beatles, filed a lawsuit against the group after a 1991 concert in Kingsport. Apple charged that the group carefully copied the original Beattes in portraying a typical concert between 1963 and 1966, even referring to each other as John. Paul, George and Ringo on stage. > LOS ANGELES (AP) — Maximilian Schell said he wasn't harrassing a former enter tainment executive when he commented on her breasts. He was complimenting her The actor is being sued by Diana Botsford, who claims he made graphic comments about her breasts and asked her to bathe with him. "After 10,000 years of intense studies of the female bosom — from cavemen to the Renaissance to the decoltes of the 19th cen tury — our society has come to the conclu sion that it is an offense to find the female bosom beautiful." Schell said Monday in a statement. "For all lovers of art. this is a very sad day," he said. Botsford, former vice president of post-pro duction at Kushner-Locke International, said she rebuffed Schell but the experience last August caused her to quit her job. The two wore working on Candles in the Dark, a Family Channel movie Schell starred in and directed. The lawsuit. Hied two weeks ago. seeks unspecified damages. ^ SYDNEY. Australia IAP) — There was almost a tattoo beneath the stuffed shirt of Britain's Prince Charles. Thu prince paid a visit Tuesday on a home less youth refuge in Surry Hills, a seedy Syd ney suburb. He admired the tattoos of a former drug addict and said he nearly got one him self while serving in the Royal Navy 20 years ago. "I had a friend who had an eagle on his chest. I really liked it and was thinking of having one. but I never got round to it," Charles said. The prince was on the first of 12 days in Australia. His visit is regarded as an attempt to improve his popularity here and in Britain. GOLDWORKS JEWELRY DESIGN STUDIO 431 W. 13th. #2 Eugene 343-2298 Regular Business Hows lues -fn Romlpm 2pm-6pm Sal l Oam-4pm ' ‘Jet Stream' ring m I4K gokJ X /\ New Bulbs! ! "SvtPSTAP VIDEO_ Free Googles — or — 25% OFF fan Products w/540 pockoge (that's 21 tonsl) 344-2691 • MM ftontfn BM. 7-n on vft*