FRIENDSHIP Continued from Page 1 Grandma and Grandpa. Kingsbury, the chairman of the Friendship Foundation, and his wife ha\i> hosted internation al students for six years They have shown stu dents from Japan. Germany. Holland. Singapore. Indonesia and Brazil around the Hugene area Kingsbury, who lived in Brazil for six years, said. I had an idea of what it was like to live in anoth or country and how helpful it ran be to know someone Besides inviting them over for holiday dinners to movies, or on hikes the Kingsbury s organize events students normally wouldn't experience in their home countries, like pumpkin i arving E very Tuesday night Marcal had dinner with the King bury s either at his house or theirs, and they try to speak only Portuguese It is sort of like breaking down the barriers Kingsbury said The world is getting smaller so we need to do that It's neat bet a use you bring the world together in your house " I really enjoy working yyitli international stu dents." said Donna Hill, another Friendship Foun dation volunteer "I travel a lot myself and ! think it's interesting to meet people from other coun tries." During the past six years Hill has hosted five for eign students; two from Nepal, two from Japan and one from Taiwan She is single and lives alone and believes her living situation gives international students a different [x>rspe< tivo on hf« in the! 'nit od States There are other people in the community not affiliated with an international hosting program blit seeking out international house mates Irma Berry lives with her 15-year-old son and wants an international house mate so her son < an he exposed to different cultures Kevin ( hang, a 28-year-old graduate student at the t'niversitv is from Taiwan and was looking for an international roommate bis he believed .1 foreign student from Asia would he easy to get along with. |im Walsh, an attorney who lives alone, has had I 1 house-mates from other countries fie tends to think that international students make better house nifties bet nuse their 1 onduct is often more courteous Qvehill. I think that international students offer .1 lot to improi e the whole com muni tv Walsh said Kugene and its 1 iti/eiis have a jot to extend to students who t hose to come here from other • min tries In return, foreign students 1 an give the com muni tv new persjH'i lives on the world A quote from C.handi that appears in the f riend ship Foundation's pamphlet mnv summarize tin attitudes of all the community members who are eager to inter,11 I with international students 1 do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my vv indows stuffed I want the 1 ulture of all lands to In- blown about my house as freely is possible ETALS MKFTINUS Chronic Fatigue Svmirumr Support Croup will meet on Sunday. fan 10. at 1 j> in at the Frnerald People * Utility District Building. JJ7J3 S«avoy Loop Knad Patients, family, friends ami health professionals are at! w»m mmc For more information c all 686 OHO Pacific a Forum will moot todav from noon to 115 p rn. at 1216 Kincaid St A video of the 75— year history of the Fellowship of Kocuncilialion Will lie shown For more information, call .144-0481 or 140-4604 KKI.IGION Hillel will sponsor a Tu H Shevat servo •> todav at 5 JO. followed by a vegetarian pot|Hi k. both at 24 75 M< Millan St For more information, call .14 3 8020 Nnwman ('.enter will sponsor thr AIDS Henefil Coiwfl A Silent Auction on Sundas Jan JO. at 1 p m at the N«wiiuii Center Pim?r«ld St For more information. uill M * 702! MINI H I ANMII S (.ar**ef Planning and Placement Service ywtll Sign up »ih * essful holder* for interview* with P1KC IVuMart Knlerprue Kent A < -ai and Fho Limited P*pre*» today through Monday in KiHiin -’44 Hcmdncks Oregon Fair Shaft* will have a table itt I he i Ml today from 10 a m to 2pm Univnuily Houimg will odor J he Power of One a leadership workshop for rmtdtonoe hall lmdtio on Saturday |an from ‘J a m to 4 p m m the KWLH (.onfereiue l.enter Fur more information, call J4t» 1193 CORRECTION Tlu> Kmtrmld apolo gizes for misspelling eng hsh professor Du k Stem s name yesterday It was also erroneously reported that the three term i credit sequence hit rod m turn to Literature would he condensed into two -t credit classes (’lease excuse any imioii veinance [ ORIENTAL MARKET Close to U of O on 13th Ave. • I jrv<- wlrttion ot Avun food* (Ufurioc. Kofran. Chine*. SmiihcM \ ni l • IVImiiu' Kmcan vlcli tn»nb unhiding kmnhi jnd unhi. • Am hi ' idco ujk rcnuU • Pjrhmg lot .nubble not Ji»r rcbjlc f 'f idl ii.nkiiij;] i *l I Mh \u u r«»>\ Imm Vuiul I K hi H Mon Vii ‘HHhm *' tN»pm ospil.ll) rt* sou bungiv to Irani about votu hitiiic It so, local piolrvuonah will \on to I mu h on Frbi ti.u \ J I at 12 (M) .me I amwc i am qtU'MioMs that von have about tin iral woild \pplic aliom at c available at JO I |oIiiim>ii I lull and air elm |auuai \2s (.all s l R ( at d lb J I 07 bu iiioi r i n(o •Take a Duck to Lunch* IT--SMIF^*rS • JACKETS SWEATSHIRTS - CAPS • Si I PCM Pi r.t .ru| • t .M||> >.«««•> , • A(I S|»»•. utlt it* h • Ocmyn IMAGE ENHANCEMENT GROUP 3RD <£ LAWRENCE (next to REI) h')ffr\«r ly A«»om Pnntin^j nr uJ ‘ »p«c alt y t 503-344-7842 ■asKi WW • MAPS & Bt UFPR'NTS PCSTFRS ft SiGfiS • REDUCES &f fit AHGLS-o iO