|~£ Banyan Tree Infant ) J J—T—T 7 T J > r >. r t r. / - clelfecyclel recycle Internationa! Students’ Christian Fellowship Friday Fellowship 7: p.m, i:i:i2 Kincaid ECKANKAR jReligion of the I Light and Sound of God Worship eervicee open to all every Friday night at 700 toy t» tupmw (rtmrtm I Mats? (What's the q^ush^ _. A X 4A 4* 4 M A 4f A 41 A •— Ever i hi night of joining •* social vtronty’ Meet new friends Have fun Get involved It this sounds interesting, pick up an application in Suite 5 of the I Ml: for Winter Kush -tJ4 m t|t. q 44 i ■ A A fi h 4 44 V* Hit more info, call Jen Owers .it 14ft-1701 Christian Science Organization ^ ' Fridiyi at I 00 in EMU (vcc room luting* for morr info tail M4 0*I24 MINI CARNATIONS | 1 $5.99 iV« ordm • TMotr^ i*»»UMr j£kfv(e/u>n± I UmUt> NMUjtt TS f..-«n"rwir»» I {(Ob»«'» *»•» riK lu»t»TV t«tnw.O> »**: I HOOPS Continued from Page 9 ( enter Bonnie Dove were com bining to overage more than if» points per game, but the pair had a I olitx tive six points ill 24 minutes against the Ducks. \\ ith C onway and Dove gone. Oregon was able to find room to si ore inside and extended its lend to 13. Arizona cut the lead to seven near the five-mi note mark, but Croshaw answered with a three-pointer to make the score 6B 58 Arizona was never closer than 10 points during the re mainder of the game CALL 346-4343 BEFORE 1 p.m. TOO A Y TO PUT US TO WORK FOR YOU TOMORROW! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS At! Rushaaa ara invited to meet me Brothers Of Bata Thata Pi this Soper Sunday al tha Pragama For any queettona about future events call MattC. at 144-0714_ ATU INF OFtMAl WtNT f R RUSH SUPER BOWt PARTY SUN t 00 P M Ca« B<*an or Grog at 745? Congratulations to our near Ease! ProMdam Sarah C Rec Sacral ary Dana l VP »*•«* ft I restorer ChoHw** S VP f hedge Chrntfy V Scholarship K*m f VP Mumper l *%4 L Soda*' Jody S CMC: Moduli Ifcxrui ftafco K Panh©f*e#vc Kara K Sr Mop Af>go*a M Jr ft op Rachel C Sopr Rap KatfuM Ff Hop Nicole W Good Luc* m tha looming year? v Sigma Kappa GAMMA la meeting Tuesday, f et> i *1 «t 7 30pm *n Cedar F'm trie E MU Afl Social issues Representatives Should attend CLASSIFIED POLICIES Deadlines Line Ads: I p m., one business day prior to insertion. Display Ads: 1 p.m., two business days prior to insertion. Errors!Refunds Please cheek your ad! 1 he ODf will run a classified ail one additional day as a result of any typographical ciror that changes the meaning ot the ad, it reported by 1 PM. Refunds will be hunted to credits only. No cash refunds will he issued alter the ad deadline. Credits must be used within 6 months ol issue. Irsiltn Ifl IF) frJ Ir) IB IE 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS CUT MG PIN NT 0 SOON? C# Wft.'y k» fccoop on 0*«*>0 r*x>f v«^y cw*n pwvrung photograph* Wi*'> Kftmp* A Ancxia’oR 544 6? 60 r*B t *n Congratulations Amy & Chris on your •ngap*nan|t Wo mrr»h you tho bPi 0» hJCfc on your f«w Muft \og&h4#* Sorority Informal Rush Pick up applications in EMU, Suite 5. For more Info call: Jen Owens at 346-3701 So irt you a Fraahman or a Sop ho mofi'?! Wa m«* 1/MM. 2 30f*M « A/t>y s f ugana You ar« A Grad Studani ♦ ? yr» . 30. n*0A, Irnmdry I am no roc* ui soaotai. but hoping lo lafc »o you ®Q»t tociad ns TYPING SERVICES A1 144-0714. ROBIN a ORAO SCHOOL APPROVED ?0 yaw maeo-ptee McL grouno limptppvWnKin'O* VIC* f01-ng l*»«rpr ON CAMPOS! Dial-A-Typlet 465-1010 ION, 01*court! on mi tiuOani twytcM Typing l ttsor Printing (footing Flying Finger4 Typing S*tvlc* Where lo go lo gm « ngM> 161 peg* and up4B4 9036 JO THE TYPING PRO Term Pap*r*Th44**/t>i*4*r1*llone CH BB3 6008 Anytime i IF YOU’RE WRITING EVEN ONE PAPER THIS TERM, YOU NEED US E0»* • wmn§ AaaMra • Typing [ Al m*aig tytaa and autyacta *a*ooma Pre/Edtt 741-7553 ‘Ouarantaad 1 itor ftaa Prajacta* 125 INSTRUCTION frllrilfilrlfrTffYfrilPIfl Ifllppl * f. JAPANESE LANGUAGE • c*«v«v5Wt'0'', *nw(wu| wnHvv^ • cVvU)tre*\ iUrv. mCu*»\c«1 wCmIE • oni-Eo- or*, or* ^wu\(C • C*^«jr\tv\c4twr' (v\<\ttve- Joints t IMovnkjo J\Arwic7tE) 464--Q3&2 jajcmja-fcUcLfaj ns TYPING services rmno/EarnM) f too p<*i.‘pk,42 2990 Doubt* Mon Foam toad w«h purple cow Ufa* now. MKi’Vo a) $100 $86 0311 Full •in coucMuton From*, FiAon. »h**<». p*»*ow* Only 4 month* 0*0 $2/0 346-549/_ Full »ln mam**at»i apnng and mmimt tram* A£ «n good corxMion. $40 060 GaM 683 6086 N*v*r uMd Roc* Shot (mit'o*) Mag 10 $250 343 8688 Snan* WASHER FOR SALE: Medium w*. wo*to«aii $150 060 Cali 686 9516 W*v*l**t King wat*rb*d wer> 6 a*am eft. and podded ?a»fc Great cononon $125 060 CAJB 484 4536 us CARSTRUCKS 63 M*rc*d** B*n/ 190 0 Very w aw© transportation" Low m*t*4 on to tKMfl *ng>n* $1000 firm 343/419 us CARS TRUCKS *73 Cedttlec Coup* DeviU* Run* OOCKJ *i Q'«H»S Y A W*■■'O $630 668 6 766 _ M Ni»**n PuJeer NX. Ail oplon* £» C*H*n| COTXjrtOr M.ifU MWi' (2500 Of Do*! 0*er 34? 3296 iso MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS M Surufci CSX-R 750cc Very lest. greet OOtidi ton (3300 060 Cefl 4H‘> 3628__ 6« YSR 30, low mtl*i (600 OOO Ce* 463 1 334 1SS BICYCLES 1 10-apMd Mka (manal In good condition HO ««•> Mttn 01 W. 4886 21 apaad Mountain Bka EM/at txc. coil I Unify m 485 7/21 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS A tori 520ST computer with monitor, printer A fcohware Great tor wondpracwwung. MIDI $400 OBO CoH 343 3376__ Compeq XT *?C Meg HO. kaytyrci. fnorvflor A *oftw*ve.S?a) Arm 9 pn fpeon dot ma» i pent* (30 Arm 342 2900 IBM Competlbto Portable 286 W Math co proceeeor, 40 MB herd <***. ? MB RAM. Kenner eon** re (400 344 3320 Need help wNh your pereonel computer? I con heip AH quew»oo» nn»we«] Koft&orvtixe ra2m 663 296? MACINTOSH Computer tor eele Compete *y*lem including printer only (300 Ceil Crv .s « 600 2B9 366% _ Mac Ctot *, 4 80 XlerM cond Plus (Mi ryrvg case A more (600 ♦ Style Wn*e# (1000 Ceil wr?n T* 66? 3035_ Monitor for Mectntoeh 12“ mono chrome. 2 years old (t50 Ai*o 2400 Dps ealernei modem with cable* A fcoR ».wu (30 Ce» 343 33/6 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS 10" Sony Trinton. $130. Aipno car CO. $i 75 atso oirw car stereo t 196 S 5«h SPf DJohn. 741 8211 170 SOUND SYSTEMS Sony receiver w remote* surround. 100 waits channel Slate of the an $175 Ponear CO P'«iytt7. 3 mo OW $90. 683 6913 175 INSTRUMENTS DtgiTach GSP 21-Pro w pedaiboard Itxne/ RG570. dar* t*ue w/Floyd $400 each OBO Tyaw, 683 8096 __ Gibeon SG Special whard case. $275 Peevy Amp Soo Series' Renoon 40C. $200 Caii Josh (503) 757 1938 Guitar: Charvel MOl #4, cherry piac* wrtwrd case Xlent Cood Paid $800 tor guftar w»« sei w*»*tra pedals. etc tor $335060 Must satn 346 9358 iso RESALE CLOTHING THE CLOTHES HORSE RE SAIL TO SURPRISE TO THRILL TO PLEASE Discover for yourself 720 t 13th Open 7 days f roe partung lower *#vo< 190 SKI EQUIPMENT Roaaignol 3G. Kevlar 207cm with Tyrolie 490 tendings Very good condi Ion $100 M ko 687 -81 SB Salomon equip* boot we 365 (11 1/?) Sued 10 days $275000 Salomon 979 binding never used $75000 683 4005 205 OPPORTUNITIES LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITY! Freshman Intereat Group Leader* Needed Enhance leadership, organ* /atonal and commurucalon twits while helping tre&hman adjust to the U of O Earn 2 upper-division audits and a cash award For app^icaion and intor muon. slop by K>4 Oregon Hail or cafl 346 1079 Application deadline I et> 4 205 OPPORTUNITIES SPRING TERM INTERNSHIPS Orientation Meeting Wtdnaaday, Fab 2. 3.30pm EMU Walnut Room (by Poet Office) The program is open to juniors or se mors m good academic slanting I am upper division credits and profes sooaify related eipenonc© These are jus? a tew of the sites that are available tor spring term 5(h St Public Market Kaufman's U lane O Will In! Trade Center KVAt T V OR Dept of Corrections The Nike .Store Valley River Inn L ooking Glass Shorter l ega! Aide Read position desaptons in 247 Hen ducks Hall starling Feb 1 For first chance at interview s»gn ups. attend On eniaion Meeting (first come first served) Questions??? Cal CDiP 346 6011 There are a limited number of regis tration end or lodging scholarships available tor the USSA Legislative Con lerence The application deadline is Fn day. January 28. 1994 For more infor mation or to apply, piea.se visit the ASUO office m Suite 4 ot the EMU The Cultural Forum is accepting applications lor sluOaot coordinator positions Apply tor a tun. intansnra. interactive erpanence in the following arms Parlormtng Aria National SAjsic F Hm/V kdao Heritage Music Contemporary iaauaa Viauai Arta Evanta Craw Hagional Mraic Positions Pop in Spring Term 94 Deadline is Friday. January ?8in Suae 2 EMU 346 4373 The CF is an EOAA employer 210 HELP WANTED CAPfTOL RECORDS Is Interested In Eugene! Fa* us your r a sums 213-062-640S Child care for Infant end 3 year old In my homa. Mott Tue Thurs-Fn from 12 4 667 0942 CRUISE LINE antry leval on board positions avail Summer or Yr round. ~ benefits, tree travel 714 S49-1569 * "... by Charles Marier YERNICK Kurt SaueR iS The rt«st) (TmTs WoSic ai awmcauY ifJcuutD r'—^Vou cam ?>er PcRSOM HE'S SE£|J OR DoMC I T.^J~ phuTTfitec* cvr ftps dtw The i'pi i'nt‘atomic fiAJofliD U*A OtAMS.'THtY 6°T Ki«pa‘ a njew-wame:, post . Fu*jk.y ypo;. rJ£o-CtAssic (v'Rf6(»Ae squmo.^ Wifrt JvsT A DASH of Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU _ *7.4 lATt* AXrr KVtAA A utf occiOSSKK in cumw IN W2, 7Ht me TtU£> JUSTICE Of-A H£ffOW CHtCK-KSTM SCHtMf VtBN&ITUnUAW*. j ar •w," ' QM 1 >i*V