Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 27, 1994, Page 4, Image 4

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    __——— unminm 'jiiuv. **« i
University dorm residents serve as role models tor local kids In the "Kid Time, ~ a four weak program that
otters tun activities such as campus scavenger hunts.
Students help young kids
By Heatherle Himes
Omgot £ftn#A*.i
Thirteen little voice boxes
lubricated by red punch (.limited
"l*oom chicka boom" in the Bean
hast Conference Room VVednos
day afternoon
The voices belonged to local
third through fifth graders
enrolled in Kid Time, a residence
hall program. Thirteen big bud
dies. all dorm residents, sang too
Rob Campbell, a programming
assistant who helped create Kid
Time a year ago. said that the big
buddies are intended to be role
The big buddies said that they
are planning to have fun despite
this weighty mission statement.
Over the four weeks of activity
meetings, the buddy sets will eat
(rounds of cookies and sna<k mix,
make valentines, sing songs and
hold a m avenger hunt on cam
pus Wednesday they fed ham
burger buns to dm ks at the Mill
I like kids.' said Jacobus
Saperstein. a freshman "My
mom has run a day (.are out of
our hasmnent for all of my life, so
I've always hung around kids "
His little buddy Peter
Schloegel. 10, is new to the area
and is glad to have something to
do after sc hool while his mom
works on her doctorate in Eng
Sarah Rivers, a freshman from
Ijis Vegas, said that she and her
little buddy, Hannah Rogers ('.ati
ter. have the fact that they are
both from one-child families in
"It's like I get a little sister and
she gets a big sister," Rivers said.
Hannah. H. said she was antic
ipating a great four weeks.
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II so, local professionals will treat von to
lum I) 011 February 24 at 12:<><> and answei
any questions that you have about "the teal
world," Applications are available at 2<> I
Johnson Hall and are due |anuan 2*
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E clunker
Religion of ihe l ight and Sound
of Cod. 315-D West I tth Aw.
54T-26S7 Friday 7:00 pm.
Worship Services open to all,
Monday night 6:00-7:50 p.m.
and Thursday altemcxm 12:00
1: H) p m. A sharing of spiritual
experience & insight.
/Restoration Campus
2880 University St., 726-5480.
Bible Roundtables Thursday at
12:00 p.m. A Bible study
Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the FMU
Century Rooms. Praise Gathering
Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. at 809 E.
11th. Exploring world views from
the Biblical perspective.
Christian Science
344-0924. Meetings held I ridays
at 1 :(X) p.m. in the EMU, i heck
room listings, fellowship,
friendly support and spiritual
international Student
Christian Fellowship
1332 Kincaid, 345-5848.
Wednesday lunr heon 11:30-1:30
p.m. Friday Fellowship 7:00 p.m.
£hi Alpha Christian
Suite 5, EMU, 3484)910.
Meetings, Monday night 700
8:30 p.m. in Esslinger Hall, room
Insurance committee approves student'
By Daniel West
Oregon Osify l fr&fikl
Student Senate confirmed Azra Rahim to the .Stu
dent Health Insurance Committee Tuesday night,
commenting that they wore impressed with her
involvement in tanipus activities and motivation.
"Everyone needs health insurance, especially
those that aren't covered by parents' policy or stu
dents with their own families." Rahim said in a brief
Rahim said that liecause student health insurance
was controlled by the administration in the past,
students paid higher prices for their medical care
currently the insurance committee comprise* stu
dents. the director of the Student Health Center,
international students and an insurants consultant
The committee is in the process of selecting* hot
ter health polo v for students I'heyTe consider
ing moving toward a Health Medical Organization
(IlMO) plan An HMO plan is a more comprehen
sive one that includes preventative < are It allows
students the opportunity to see a dot tor for regular
chot k ups instead of nisi when they an* sick allow
ing the doctor to cure the ailment before it escalates
into a serious problem.
The current student health plan doesn't cover
routine check ups. but it does provide coverage for
a wide array of medical costs, including the expense
of staying overnight if necessary. X-rays, lab tests,
medicine, surgeon and surgeon assistant foes, oper
ating room costs and pregnancy are also covered.
The current policy has restrictions against mental
and nervous disorders. Rahim said the current stu
dent health policy costs about $99 per student per
"I've always known that 1 wanted to be in the
health field, so a friend recommended that 1 run for
the position." Rahim said.
Although she is very pleased with her new posi
tion, she admits that there are a couple of problems
that she plans to address. For instance, international
students must have health insurance in order to
attend the University, but this doesn't apply to
domestii students, even if they arc studying abroad.
Rahim is working on wavs to get feedback from
students in order to serve them better.
MM 11Si.b
\ .rtnnt«*»r Mwlpn! Awn <*
t> JO |i in loti ay tn Room 2 42
Yoi tmM* information tail f*66 9942
Krliiming Mudml Aim* ulMMi « ;
a! n a m 1 -t«Y m Room . • I Ml. Kor moir
information tali 146 4 10$
All M I %* i =-t*> a! K
112 Anyone I* wPitumt* roi war**
information. «all J4t* t J40
ASlJO »%ii! |)ri)Yi’iil tin .MinitMi* llwi':
limiram* CtinimiKM today at 2 p m in th#
Student Health (filler <*f*l**na i of more
information tail 34<i l?02
Student ProjnU. Inc. v%tll tomiutt iti
bwurtt of dirw lor* maehn* from $ 1$ to *• 1$
u m today m I Ml Room (W*f A fw more
information. tall 346 2656
l mini Methodi*! (ampul Mtniatry y*i1!
ft* u* on Ktta Nakadmna * book /ourmn H\
limit a* part of it* winter term reading
group. from <» to ? p m todav at llw Wr*»i«*\
foundation located «l 12 J(> Kincaid St For
more information i al! J4t» 4f»'*4
MtM 1 1 1 ANFOt S
MM hA *iii off'i-r a r»* upturn for environ
.nrntahv! Magdalena Avila m the NAM
ngho.;***. be hi ini the Moveum of Natural
Hut or y at 7 p u» today For more inform*
(ion. tali I4t> jSlitl
Irwith Student In ion will pre»ent lu
H Mia vat, a trw giveaway, from 10 am to 2
p m todav in the f Ml lobby For more infor
mat ion < ail J4f> 4ihh
SfuM-um id Natural IhUory and Aaeooa
tion of Anthropology Cireduate Students will
pnaaeti! it* Thursday lax lure Snrm* from 4 to
to 10 p m toalay at the Muvnum of Natural
History Have Brautwrr, a*s<* lain profrwor of
anthropology al Oregon State ltinversify,
will give « lecture titled Itwtwewi the 14net
Karh French Canedlan Settlement in the
Willamette Valley For mom information,
call 34ft 3024
Health Education Department will offer
an intensive workshop titled (*«t Off the
s< .tie ami On With Your l ife, whk h will
explore food l**ue*. body image ®«d self
esteem The workshop will be from 4 to 6
p m today in Room 225 at the Counseling
( miter l >»r more information, call 34ft 44 56
< hi Id (are Inc n cornmunitv non profit
hool i hild r are center will sponsor a
free Sandwich h Savvy" parent mine at ion
workshop from 5 30 to 7 p m today at lt«S» N
Washington St in Skinner Butte Bark San
dra (one* of Christian Family Service* will
preMuit Child Abuse What to l-ook for and
Mow to Empower Children A free dinner
and child i are are provided, although, i hild
taro spatm are limited f or more information
and to register rail 344-1165
Oregon lair Share will have a table in the
EMC from 10 a m to 2 p m today For more
information tall 346*3235
Just a Reminder
Last Orientation Meeting
Thursday, January 27th, 4:00 pm
EMU, Fir Room
National Student Exchange Program
Applications will bh available on
Monday, January 31, 1994 in
164 Oregon Hait.
Fhukuary 11.1994 —
Visit Academic Advising or cau. Joe or Jilx.
at 346-3211