BASKETBALL Continued trom Page 9 will let you run your halfcourl offense Saturday the Ducks will face Arizona State The Sun Devils have defeated Oregon seven times m u row, but head coach Bill Ffieder is expecting a lough game from the Ducks "They're playing well and they have dei ent balance,” he said "I like their front line players and (heir guards are steady They play n Sot of players wni< h gives them a depth advantage agumst us " Oregon's offense, although far from being where Green would like it to be. has slowh improved in the past i ouple of weeks The Din ks now have three players (Jeff Potter. Orlando Williams and Kenya Wilkins) averaging over 10 points a game m Pai 10 play, and forward Dar ryl Parker is right liehind at 9 4 points per game IMvi ksi i ^ oi San I ham is< o Invite* you incomplete vour Master's Degree while mi work MASTER OE ARTS IN ASIA PACIFIC LIBERAL STUDIES An intqp’aini and Interdixeiplinorv liberal an> ptiyram designed to «ent (he nerd* el profcxsionals and other- ah,** obfeettve is to understand (he culture- and vxicle- of the 'new A-iO’ Ha- emerged in rrvfxm*e to rapid economic development in the A-ta Pacific Region O li\u- on the cultures and micfrclaimmhtpsamongthe countries of i .1-1 Ava O Integrate studv of I'a*l '-i-i'do t.otxwk- htsiotv phtlmophc ic ,-.o” :-m: Yuaiv-x •> rttetn-hip and icseaich opportunities O x omplc'c .1 ?' month ov" t'p p'.yarr a- part ot a \ ohorT id students who wvrl together .1- a com month o’ scholars O language pracit-r with native • p nxiruelors on Saturday mominp Classes begin August i >»M and meet one evening a week (tom n I - to 10 15 pm and Saturday mornings hornUO0a m to ! 11X1 p m Attend an Information Meeting OU'pm in Unlvtt • o c entet tUnldlng Ut W rd Hixw Ihutxd.ii I'chruatv 10. or luevtiv March! . '-f f'0 l vivitm? or Sah ! «*•»< tvo I of VrU .Hid VfclfcV* ji W» I n M«v Sim»1 Sas I *an* tv tt. (.A 1*411' i**Ati iUtvrv-i-ninttut »v? Ctokkfi («ih Kvmuc Nffwers onJ f*orttt StnextM h*f mou infiMm.Hn»n rc^rilin^ UM <\l \ >n \«:.t i'.u i::» IiKm Mi!»!a' m lhe L olkj.v o» Vi\ .imJ NuAo .ii I M > 1orv* <' • '' •*' fW P'!*» V' Informational Meeting Tuesday, February 1 5:00 p.m. Canon Cold Room Applications available at the Walton Homing Office. Applications due February 8. \t\ t-( VAA msiitutHir) omwimici! ui mliurjl divcf'vii) and u ,h AI> \ TOURNAMENT Continued from Page 9 backcourt When Oregon plavs Arizona at 7 p rn. Thursday at M<.Arthur (Jiurt, Missy Croatia* will again star! ai point guard, with junior Karon Healon, who scored 16 points against Wash ington. at tin* other guard spot Kongo expects freshman Gindie Kdamura. who started at the point in 12 of Oregon's first 13 games, to see signihuint play ing time after coming off the bench. "I don't think it’s fair to not stnrt Karen after tin* game she had the other night." Knnge said "After Oregon State. I think Kddie (Kdamura) felt there was a lot of pressure on her. She’s just not physically strong enough to put op with some of the defend ers Washington was throwing at her." The Wildcats. 12 and 9 4 overall, hear some resemblance to the Dm k*. The two teams are tied for fourth plai e in the con ference Both teams are senior dominated and led by and underrated forward Arizona’s Kim Cion wav leads the Pac-10 in field-goal and free-throw per ‘We’re back on track for the goals we set at the beginning of the season Jody Runge Oregon women's basketball coach rentage and is eighth in the con fere noe m st oring and rebound ing Kunge called Arizona "very similar" to Washington in its style of play and intense defen se "They change defenses more hut they play very aggressively," she said "They look to shoot a lot. so you have to be ready to defend at every opportunity. They like to run, they like to pressure They're a very talented team." she said. Oregon plavs Arizona State on Saturday. The Sun Devils are last in the conference with an 0 5 record and are 2-11 overall RIM RESULTS Haftkrtball Swr ufld 2 None 55. f'hi P*i A 43 Huthww ketrt '»4 BrU 1 47 SUkPak 59. Mm>U Chi *47 Bad Shorn-45. ratios like Ghlcken 4 I JUngtiitM* baat Moum'4 by c onflation W«i * 2 Blind Deaf Zabra % cinfaat Sigma Nu l by The Ground Bound B«>>* 32, Bela .3-30 Phi Pm B? 4‘* Spango * 14 G P 411 Hold II 2 I Phi Pt» III 4 5. loop 29 VViid-i Mo?. 5 5 V•*!;(iw l.ex.Owlter 17 Unit a T»u Doha 30, Catwail t.uddia 25 Th«* |«di KmghU-46 SAF 2 40 Phi Team A 63. Kngm Boat 28 Br«.k l>m!» 42 The Monad* 8 Tlw Bomber* Mi. Pike** 1 5'* Thru (.hi H '»« Tlu* Padw «■ Mon 14 MBA 63. MISSA H 4 i KGB 57. |! White* * 42 SAI I 69 Sharp* 37 M«nd«?r*<>:i 47 Wofofoot Warrior-. 32 IM« 2 A 60 lambda 1 53 Skid Mack* 45 Httlii h kidltff 1*3 K.i|jj>rt .Sigma 2 A 5 3. A TO 2B 1*> Back dtHictmrn 52. Ahtolul lh-meant 36 Hedgehog All Start-62. Owuihiwl Pack or* 40 Boy * 11> Mpu 34 X Mrli • 1 Aaftivark* 59 Delta A 58 in Over Sift Tp 1 54. Phi P*i B4 33 (.hi P*i 16. The \ - Name* 24 Storm lrcwijar* B> Warrior* 24 Men \ 1 Bmtnio Prom (TtiP* 56 lambda (.'hi 2 31 l Iomt BulNot ig*c 5'i Bobbin* N«l 2ft 2 14 Phi Pti C 25 Basketball fonm 4 i Sigma Nu V 1.1 Trip and Bric k 42 4 | * and a Squirt-39 Mnat Mon 6h, Theta <‘h* C 10 Wain n Baker* 49. Kappa Sigma 3-33 Vietnamese Students 35. Tough 1) 21 VVMVVA 44. Sky Dog» .19 Superior 7 JH. t> Average Joe* and a Mira do 2H Sigma Chi 2 41. Death Knights 13 Dntnmk 37. Doha U pm inn ( 32 The Clap 58. Sig Kp 23 W omen » Hoops 44 Sigma Kappa 11 Bulldogs 4fi. 1.DSSA 2b Coed Tho Hombediers SO. Fresca-32 Juft Do l! 4-*. Improper Grammar 13 Team Name *>2 Res cun Rangers 4 1 Blind Deaf /Miras 2 43. ('.as well 22 19*'. Kappa <>'■ M< Clam Highlanders • Kai qurthall Division I Joshua Hodman defeated Michael (j !y. 15 2. IS 9 Scott Manos defeated Judah Feher hv for fwit Andy Rader defeated Mark Wenru k. IS 3 IS 2 Andy Zimmerman defeated Jordon Smith bv forfeit Ryan l-e Vogue defeated Chris A.1. -. 1 IS 8 K Range defeated S 1 11. IS 4 Division J Man u* Mai. OU defeated Josh H I > h IS 12 Ci OHoii defeated H* by forfeit G S*a< defeated K lodiuirt t»> forfeit J hulutnkfc deflated | Roiwn by forfeit i) VV .»:• • defeated I Han d by for fed Women » K .*!*«•<« 1 u khari defeated Megan Travel. IS 11. IS 4 /*st.r tMwauaf r/u« The Heidi Chronicles h\ Wendy W«i\*cn4cin A1:. W»*.r» IV*** SCHOLARSHIPS Ft IN DING FOR COLLEGE IS AVAILABLE CALX. 1 LNFOKMATIVE RECORDING WUNDERLAND 5CVIDEO GAMES 5th STREET PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 r. _. VIDEO ADVENTURE VALLEY RfVER PL A2A •c*ni i»* «• LONELY? FIND A PET TO KEEP YOU COMPANY IN THE ODE CLASSIFIEDS.