Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 26, 1994, Page 8, Image 8

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“ Oregon Daily
Emerald Sports—
A guided look through the Pac-10
By Steve Mime
Oegon On-, l "-ixnkl
At the beginning of every Ims
ketball season, the promotions
am) sports information depart
ments at each school get togeth
er to find a catchv slogan, some
< ooI pictures, statistu s and oth
er information atxni! their teams
to put together their media
The core of eat h book is the
same at each si hool: pictures,
statistics past results, player
honors, eti However, what real
ly makes the media guide is
diversity, something that is dif
ferent and unique This year's
guides from around the Pacific
10 Confereni e are no different
DSC has this year’s most eye
catching cover, as forward
l.oren/.o Orr stands in .1 pose
more fit for Playgirl. than a
media guide Orr stands, drip
ping ill sweat with his shirt
hanging over his shoulder
CSC head coach George Rav
eling is almost as famous lor his
one-liners as he is lor i caching,
so the Trojans put a few of his
funnier quips 111 the hook. On
the subjei t of Indiana coach
Bobby Knight. Raveling says.
"Bobby Knight is u very good
friend of mine But if ! ever need
a heart transplant, I want Ins It’s
never been used .”
Another key feature is how
much information irrelevant to
basketball a si hool includes
USC has its fare share Tor
example, did you knoyv Young
M ( John Ritter and Ally
Sheedv all attended tile si hool?
Did you 1 are?
Across town UOI.A's media
guide is more lit for a college
reading class than it is lor
reporters This epic novel fen
luring the history of the Bruins
is impressive, partu ularlv a 20
page section documenting its
championship teams, retired
numbers, Sfx>rtx Mustruteii cov
ers and All-Americans among
other honors
The Bruins' guide also has its
fair share of humor, ini hiding
this note for perspective stu
dent-athletes "L A offers a
perfect combination of climate
and opportunity" and gang
warfare and earthquakes and
smog, etc
However, that takes a backseat
to this quote from sophomore
forward Kevin Dempsey, who
averaged -t rt points per game
last season I try to shoot like
l-arry Bird, pass like Magic John
son and jump like Michael Jor
Arizona inc ludes the most
theatrical cover, with guards
Damon Stoudamire and Khalid
Reeves dressed in fenc ing uni
forms with the words "En
Garde'1 written above Inside, it
is noted that guard Dylan Rig
don "enjoys Beavis and Butt
head." Also'included is a photo
album and diarv from the team's
trip to Australia to ploy last
summer Note: Mav 23, the team
was “catching up on postcards
and doing laundry.”
Arizona State's media guide
features the best photo. It's a
shot of former guard Lionel
Hollins in HJ75, leaning against
a tree while wearing plaid bell
hottorns and nearly platform
length shoes The most informa
tive part of this guide is an
inters ie\s with head cooc h Bill
Frieder, who i bums that he
“invented' the < rodit card dur
ing a college project, and reveals
he was a national champion
howler a! the age of six
Oregon's media guide takes
on ail ominous tone as head
coach jerry Green is pictured on
the i over in darkness with the
phrase “Goai h Jerry Green lead
ing Oregon Out of the Dark
nes* " On a brighter nolo. Ore
gon features the best name of
any ex-Par 10 plover It's former
great t'rgel "Slim" VVintermute,
whose No 22 has been retired
bv the Docks
Oregon State gets the "Oops"
Award for placing forward
Muslapha Hoff, who is redshirt
ing while recovering from back
surgery, on the cover alongside
Brent Barry and Knreem Ander
Give California the "Good
Publicity Only" Award for its
review of the l‘)')2-93 season,
which barely mentions its mid
season coaching change. In fact,
former i oach Lou Campanelli,
whose tiring drew a lot of criti
cism to Berkeley, is not even
rhe cover of the media guide
is supposed to showcase some
thing that is ext iting about the
program So when Stanford put
eighth-year head coach Mike
Montgomery on the cover, there
must not have been much opti
mism on The Kami, With tins in
mind, the Cardinal sports infor
mation department must have
been trying to soften the nega
tive press they would receive
this y ear In including "Stanford
Basketball Is . Excellent Media
Coverage "
A disturbing trend emerged
this year with the apparent
death of basketball slogans.
Only Arizona and Washington
State came up with catchy slo
gans for their covers For this
reason. Washington State must
tm applauded for taking the time
to come up with a slogan, even
if it is the ever dry "Shootin' and
Slammirt.' "
As for Washington, there is
nothing unique or different
about the media guide, but that
is to lie expei ted from a team
whose leading returning scorer
from last year's 13-14 squad
averaged 4 7 points.
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