OPINION Student government resumes entertaining antics . . . > • • . i . i 1 I • L . Kb i\ Tripp It's about time. During the past few montlts. student govern ment has begun to take on a disturbing new trend Members of the various gov erning bodies have apparent!) turned their focus toward real student concerns and interests Elected offic ials from the Inci dental Fee Committee to the EMI' Hoard of Directors and the ASUO have apparently halted their age old battle cry of "student ernpow - erment'' in favor of addressing student tonuirw and better man aging budgets With tint budget season cur rently approaching its second month. my apprehensions had begun to grow Where was the drama7 Where were the petty arguments and pointless squab bles? Where was the self absorbed politicking that I had come to expe< t from an evening in the EMU Hoard Room7 I was at a loss After spending the first half of mv college ( aroer enjoying the zany antes of. among others the i omedy team of Steve Masat and Jason Moore 1 wasn't prepared for the seern ingly efficient nature by which the IFC and EMU board intend ed to run this year's budget sea son I went to my first IKU meet ing of the new year and found it totally devoid of even the small pst squabble Afterwards, even a batch of TaooTime Mexi fries couldn't lift my spirits Only Pah st roil Id. 1 felt as if I had just witnessed a boxing match ringside only to see the contenders sit down and discuss their problems rational ly Mu vim, 1 thought, this largely new group of student gov ernment officials have no sense of their own heritage Maybe they forgot about the men and women who have held the very s«sits they now sit in And. maybe, pist maybe, they forgot about the ear-piemng si reaming mati ties they would engage each other and anyone with three miles in. o< t asionallv needing to cull in the Universi ty Office of Public Safety to set tle the matter Maybe they nev er even knew. Then again, maybe they did On Tuesday. OPS and the r.ugctfUf |>o! ii.t* wow cat loci in to break up mi argument between ncivly appointed IK member Uaitiltn Twain and ASUO Mul tu ulturul Adiih alt* Udeii Ajrian Omari that had apparently tiro ken out in the ASUO of fit «* sometime after a very heated meeting involving Ajrian-t)mari. Twain and several other ASUO members And although no charges wore pressed, and it isn’t even clear who said what, the spat does at least give the upt om mg budget season a bit of spice After reading this news in the hnu-rald last week. 1 was imme diately thrown hack to my bygone days of youth, to waking up to headlines dost ribing pin * ical alien ations lietween ASUO presidents and IK(! i hairmen. to watching the same li t' chainnnn being dragged out of a meeting In ()i’S after Ins i olleagues gave him tin' I mot And, of tours*', the screaming 11 otiltl never lor get that Former KMl) hoard member Jason Mount at I Ml Dirt'i tor Dustv Millar for no apparent reason; former li t Chairman Steve Musa! at anyone for any reason; and everyone at everyone i’Isi' for reasons most hail forgotten And I thought it was all in th« past So them is a ra\ of hope among the murky storm t louds of student government, and it even seems possible that the new fares that have graced its waters mav not have forgotten their long and distinguished lin eage Remember, free entertain ment is onl\ a meeting awa\ Inst i hot k the Intemld I1 Ms kt'vm Tnpp is o columnist foi thr Kmerald LETTERS Dump God I don't think the Oregon Citi zens Alliance, the anti-abortion organizations, and all the plethora of anti-civil rights neo fascist religious right groups would have so much power in this country if they didn't have unlimited money to use to pro mote ignorance, tyranny and tor ture From your campus all the way to the Supreme Court, religion is supported and promoted. Snip ping at the OCA and anti-choice terrorists will not get to tile root of the problem, which is reli gion. Until people dump God with the rust of their garbage, there will he no advancement in the human condition. It's really shocking to know that there is not one politician, not one University professor, no one with influence who dares to speak out against the injustice of requiring all of us to support such silliness as a belief in a "supreme being." Hope you have some use for niv enclosed material My sin cere best wishes for your sui • cess iii fighting the viciously cruel OCA Helen Posey Eugene Uneducated This letter is in response to several coinmonts made by columnist Robbie Reeves in his opinion article regarding armed forc es recruiting (ODK. Ian 20) While I agree with his state ments on the general tendency of rec ruiters to be overbearing. I'm outraged and incensed by several generalities he made in reference to the armed forc es as a whole His statement that participa tion in various ac ts of murder and mayhem is the purpose of the military, shows Mr Reeves to be either extremely narrow minded or completely ignorant Members ot the armed forces provided aid in disaster relief in south Florida after a hurric ane devastated the area, and they provided assistance in flood relief in the Midwest. The Hint ed States Marino Corps helped my mother leave Spokane. Wash., where she was a bank teller. to receive her bai helor’s degree and ascend to the rank of colonel and my father to gain Ins associate's degree and the rank of captain after being a high school dropout. Vos. the military is not for everyone and obviously not for Reeves But. tor mv parents and many others like them, it pro vided opportunities they would not have had otherwise So I would applet into it greatly if the next time Reeves writes ail opin ion. it is an educated one Keith Quebodeaux Political Science Record straight l et me get tills straight I he Emt-mSd accepts letters of iMI words or less, hut if there are words larger than are i ommotily used in a journalism student (two syllables), it will edit lor length — except when they're written bv John Wayne Johnson and mailed in from Mars There's nothing quite like consistency People tend to put a lot of time into tiieir letters, often editing very precisely to get them under 2.r>0 words Hacking out entire paragraphs is kind of cheesy Still, it's not quite ts i heesy ‘is misspelling a letter writer's name Here are some ways that my last name is not spelled (ole Clot, (dam. Colostomy. Mahon II 1 have to show my 1.0. to xuh mil a letter, it only seems logit at that the hmrmtd would get the name right lot identally, please resist the temptation to plat e a witty title on this letter, such as Not ( lose enough or "Hu! no cigar Sly di* tor has warned me that laughing uproariously eii use me, laughing hard may damage my health Oh yeah, stay tuned fur ail upt unnng ( iilmnii on the theo ry of journalism written by biol ogy majors Since journalism students seem to think of them sel\ es as experts in environmen tal theory . somebody has to pit k up the slack Finally, a public service .iiinminc Minimi Motor* \< In police Inn« been liidniK on 12th Avniun*. right pus! Patterson Street, in keting tm \i lists like gangbusters Von have been warned Steve Close English EDITOR S NOTE: TheEmer aki <>(h)lcH)ites lor the spelling error. Human potential (iptni letter iii Unvn Thorn. 1 sen von are receiving guile n Int of i ritii ism fur your opinion i uliiiiin id Inn 12. Well, you have mv support for vour views, l.iheral apologetics is a waste ill human potential Kathleen Cousins Business i LETTERS The Oregon Daily lunrrald will Attempt to print all letters containing comments on loplt s ol interest to the 1 'diversity community The luiurnld reserves the right to edit any letter for length or style. FINAL LIQUIDATION OFFICIAL Uof 0 DUCK STUFF ponwear EVERYTHING! DON'T WAIT! DOORS CLOSE JAN. 31! 720 East 13th Ave. CAPS T-SHIRTS SWEATSHIRTS SHORTS -JACKETS BAGS GLASSWARE MUGS DECALS SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS COMPUTOR SUPPLIES BATTERIES & MORE! OPEN 12 00-5 30 Monday-Saturday, closed Sunckr AIL SALES AWf l INAL AND iMlTIO TO STOCK ON HANO In the University Center Dusamg Across frorr* Sacred Heart Hospital