Searo, M • pUtlljOj • put*!*’*' l January 25, 1 994 Volume 95, Issue 83 A stunning natural attraction lies on Oregon's front door step. The Col umbia River Gorge is one of Oregon's best kept secrets. 2 Tired of the small city with the night life of Mayberry? Why not heod to the medi um-sized metropolis ♦hat's less than two hours away? From the coast to Montana, the Emerald runs down 15 places you can drive to in less than 10 hours from Eugene. 5 Need to find cre ative ways to pack your travel clothes? Colleen Coe, manager of Triple A, has a few suggestions. 6 If you don't have a lot of money, you probably won't be staying at the Hilton for spring break. But S350 and a little creativity will get you a long way.