Pac-10 honors Sporcich ()rugon senior forward Deb bie Sporcich was named the Hertz Car Kontal/f’ai ifi< -10 Conference Women's Basket ball Player of the Week for Jan 17-23. commissioner Tom Hansen announced Monday Sporcich. from Pasco. Wash . was instrumental in helping the Dm ks sweep the Washington schools. Thurs day night against Washington State, Sporcit h tallied lfi points and 12 rebounds for the game Two nights later against Washington. Sport it h fin ished with l‘i points and nine rtibounds Ot*> ?* jpon J#*f pufchav Foi delivf iy only Campus tana >n)y 687-8600 We’ll Fix It While You Wait! (but we'd rather not!) Why wait7 Bring in your repairs and let us do the work. Fast Service • Reasonable Rates • Right on Campus IrIPaIRSi Campus Shoe Repair 843 E. 13th • Eugene, OR • 344-6613 ORIENTAL MARKET Close to U of 0 on 13th Ave. • I jruc wliUH'it : \m.ui IixhIs p i.i • l hme'e V'Utlu.i'.t \vun ilv • 1 Vinous K.:r. m deli t.■.«!< HVv IikIimc kimchi jiiJ 'ushi. • \u.m video upc' • Parking lot'lc not vi• »r (■1 store We mu rebate tot toll parking (>H ’ l I << U V ! i n - n I. • > tl.Mll s v ! .1 1 •'•ptul \ <. V it ’> IM» im > ‘ M * |' f * t scKfeiaaKiiTassi This Week s Lunch & Dinner Special Rendang Beef with chid pepper served with steamed nee $5.25 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT tty our Omen, too* >79 t. 15tlt • ucHtjHri »tii to uo eoc*.itc*T • J4S J8SJ • Takf out AvatUWf LATE NIGHT with Track Town Pizza Medium Pizzas Discounted After 10:00 pm Daily and All Day Wednesday MEDIUM ONE ITEM PIZZA .95 Additional toppinga $1.00 each TRACK TOWN PIZZA Two convenient locations to serve you: CAMPUS 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. WEST 484-4262 2511 W. 11th & Wilson MARK Me TYRt f-of !h« Oregon’s Sean Schoppe scores a goat tn the Ducks’ 5-4 loss to the Oregon Renegades Saturday. Surprise foe beats Duck hockey By Mark McTyre for ffw Oregon Party t mmakl luisi weekend, the Oregon hockey team contin ued its winless streak against a surprise opponent The Puget Sound hockey team that was sup posed to be the Ducks' opponent (or the weekend announced that its program had been canceled, and to take their place, the Oregon Renegades, a house league team, stepped in for the two-game set The Renegades are comprised of older players with more experience, one of whom played for three years professionally in Europe. From the start Saturday, the difference in ability showed between the two teams The Renegades scored after only 47 seconds had passed, on a rebounded shot by Dave Bergstrom. At the 7XI mark of the first period, the Renegades started on a three-goal scoring streak that took only 1:17 At the end of the first period, the Due ks trailed 4-0 The Renegades started the second period the same way they started the first In the first 20 set onds of the period, they had scored again. Tom Balds, the Oregon goaltender, showed his frustra lion, ns did others, by banging Ins slick against tin: ice. After tiiis fiftli goal scored on Bahls, he became a man possessed to not let anything get hv him. For the remainder of the game, Bahls allowed no goals in It) shots fired on him. The Ducks’ offense began to follow Bahls lead as they went on a four-goal streak for the remainder of the game. The leader of the offensive strike for the Ducks was defenseman Dave Tisiot, who scored two goals and had one assist. The other two goals came from Mark Adams and Sean Schoppe. With four minutes remaining in the game the Ducks were only down by one goal, but they were shutout the rest of the game. The two teams squared off again the next day and this time in goal for the Ducks was Richard Densmore. who played for the Renegades the day before The Renegades brought in Dave Jacobs, the Kugone Blues' goaltender, to make sure the Ducks had no i fianc e of a lug comeback again. Densmore continued his unsuccessful goaltend ing, letting four goals go by as the Ducks fell to the Renegades 4-0. Recommended By Their Grammy* THE MIGHTY CLOUDS OF JOY SUNMY, FEB. 6* 7PH •$«,$» Avxnrd-WtnmngR&B Gospel Sounds. . 687-5000 Hu i p\ i j k BOWL Continued from Page 10 He’s then charged with manslaughter after U) of his teammates break their bat ks try ing to carry him off the field in celebration. • As time’s running out and the Hills are trailing by 4!), that skvdiver with the propeller on his back busts through the roof of the Georgia Dome. As he comes crashing into the end zone. Buffalo quarterback Jim Kelly is getting sacked for the Cowboys' fifth safety of the game. Unfortunately. Kelly's throw ing arm gets caught in the pro peller. Instead of screaming in pain. Kelly leaps to his feet and starts laughing and celebrating. "Thank the Lord,” he yells into Rashad's microphone as he's walking off the field with his severed arm. "1 never have to take a snap for this crappy team of losers again." It could happen. Dove Charhonneau is a sports reporter for the Emerald.