jio HELP WANTED Rewarding. Melting lummw to? sophomore anti one.Mr coAege students ccxrvutfmg ST ;h* Cotorado Hoc*.*** Beckpeckng Western ndmg. wafer me: nature* temnem ana ”*ry out door programs Wrt* Sanborn Wo»!r Camps. Bet 16? Ftartsssm COA0 'tuxJs, man d*itntouton* recyebng Bnng resume to oom 2*>QA Computing Center CC is an EOAA empioyor for man A wom«n ttclder Veosy Camp tntarvwwtng f ec ?7vC Uam eppo*ntmers A get further enlo as the Student Employment Office SUMMER JOBS Four American C«mp*ng Association camp* from Washington state on campus mer vwwt February 14. 1994. 9am-4pm Counselors. Un« learlerv l ‘agoanJ*. CooM. Nursas. f*roQ(*n Special**! Adrrur»*trat?ve and Mamtenance staff Sm Student Employment ky ntervew and eppacapn tnlormanpn S O S. Am you dedcaead erf hunastsc. and mtereefad »n helping parents and new students? Wa need 14 stars for the 1994 Student Orientation Staff Earn 3 uppareMv crettts the Spring and $900 for your work July • 29 and Sop* 19 25 The hours work around summer icfioo and second jobs Appa avatabio in 364 Oregon Meu (i 63216} and arm due try noon. Wad. Jan ?6 University Mousing la now hiring Resident Assistants tor ths 1994 9*> academe year Resdent Assistants a/s responsible for student govern mant. hat! programm ng. policy an forcement and other duties in a resu denes hast of 30 70 residents Applies lions and additional information may be obtained at the Mousing Offco ?n Wat ton Compto* Rea dent Assistants (RAs) must be full time students at the U of O who will bo of junior standing by tall term 1994 Compensation includes room and board for a single room, and $600 The deadline for completed ap piicaiions »s Tuesday. February 1st. 1994 at 5 pm to the University Mousing Office An AAEO employer committed to cultural diversity and in compitance with the AO A University Housing is now hiring 10 Program Assistants tor the 1994 95 academe year Program Assistant* work to plan and produce educational, cultural and recreational programs in me residence hails Appleton* and additional information may bo obtained at the Housing OK** in WaHon Com p*ex Resident Assistants (RAs) must be full time students at the U of O and will need to live in the residence hall where they are employed Compered ton includes room and board tor a sin gle room The deadline lor applications is Tuesday. February 8th. 1994 at 5 pm to the Un.vers*y Housing Qhicu An AAEO employer committed to culural diversity and m compliance with the ADA KWVA is hiring a Promotions Direc tor tor the remainder ot the 1993 94 school year Stipend or ESCAPE credit is available Applicants must be current pan or full time students Job descrip tons and applications are available m ASUO Suite 4 Cal' 346 4091 tor more information Applications must be turned m to KWVA s ASUO mailbox by 5 OOp m Friday. January 28th m a sealed envelope Interviews will be held the ***** of January 3isf KWVA >s an AAt O Employer Marketing representative k>r a new Oregon Magazine Commission Sales 1 503 563 5555 NEW POSrMON UO Summer Resi dent Assistant Announcing University Mousing Summer Resident Assistant positions You can earn J1&5 a week during summer. |56Vhr lor Spring term training, room, board, and vaiu abie job experience Nm# to fourteen week full-time positions available For more information, attend one of the recommended Summer Mordent As SiStant Informational Meetings m the Bean Wesi Conference Room at Bean Complex at 4 00 pm on Wednesday. January 26. 1994 or Thursday. January 27, 1994 Position Description and Ap pkcaton av a table at University items mg Conference Services. 101 Doug lass Mall. Walton Complex. 346 4265 Application deadline is 12 00 pm. Feb ruary 11. 1994 EOAAADA .nstsuton committed to Cultural Drversily Qualified Tutor* needed immediately for 1st and 2nd year German. B*>>ogy Chemistry {organc and Mineral) and Physics Must have A or B* m course and Da able to obtain faculty recom mendations Good pay and ftaxibie hours Contact Academe Learning Ser vees. 68 PIC. 346 3226 210 HELP WANTED CWJISC l Ml entry level on board potion* eve« Somm#* U cauoe sh**>s now miming c*m up lo *2000 • mo wortung or crv>4© tnto* or tend tour compere* Word travel Summer A F T ©mp*oymen4 *v No wtxir^rai neceeaery for -**• irt>0 • 206634 0464 I C6069 Don't Forgot* Ary Modem rxereeted tn wortung or ASUO f aaon* needs to pcfc up or oppAcdlior Su*o 4. fUU Oeedftne Jar ?/, 5 0Cpm AAf O-ADA Cepreeeo High drvethru taA •ng appacdJor* lor Ft f»T aounbr po* torn* to began #a"v I «o Po**too r© Qoitm Ng*' onorgy. outgoing person. Eiceflem Mmr ng wege Cover tere* A to F«*t Lane Co«ee PO lifliQ. Eugene, OR 9/440 FANTASTIC BUSIN CSS OPPORTUNITY International marketing Arm need* salesperson and monogara E rt'o-mefy ertracj-ve compensator pi*n Fufi or pan tffla You carl altord to mw tnai opponurffy Call 464 2665 __ Greenhouse work FT reputed March July Tram«ng ? 3 days** Jar A Fat) Active work Respond w*n re luma to PO 632. Cottage Grove. OR 9*424 We ail than send you »n appkaAor Miring Summir Management Now Cc«agu Pro Painters i to esiabiisned 1971 700 ♦ franchaes n North America L ugene. Salem and Portland posit tone Average first summer prod 16000 Carl i 600 392 1366 lor irYormatwn --, Naad Ha ip pari time on toe af route do tjvary I! responsible write Richard. P O Bor 3571. Eugene, OR 9/403 Atlantion Political Science Majors Join a m*k)«k »n grassroots pc*cs Oregon Fair Snore 4 looking tor a lew dedicated >ndiv duals to )o«n our aducatonaitoutraach. fundmamg team Our goal 4 a nanoral health care lor consumers. not tne msur ance industry Paid training, than $300wk. bona'--;* travel. axe career advance Full time only 344 0650 E0€ We wrifl nave a tabto m in© EMU Jan 201 n A ?1SI from I0?pm and Jan. ?/t* A ?»ft from 10-2pm_ 280 MEETINGS r 2! s WORK STUDY Coordinator urganfty naadad tor U of O ftg Brothar ft*g Ssiar program Must C># work *tudy qustftod (10 rwMa*) Aoadamc crad* at*o av*ki*tya Csfi Mam# /4 7 6632 Offtca Assistant rwadsd -mmaduB-afy m !«*! pacad Duly o*ng tae* ng a tiudant tor racyc&nQ op aranona Saafcmg mocvasad. anargat*; •iudsnt with mtaraaf «n 'acycftng a p*ua fworwudy pratorrad). Contact Karyn m 34# 1529 220 HOUSES FOR RENT 1 Block South of Campus 2 Radroom (t ams^ar artth tot) *n 4 un* compiai A] 1452 E i»h 0 3. $470 343 6000 not 72nd ? OSdroom houaa HffffWOOd floor*, garaga Partly tomtthsd 1700 1117 W 6th Smal 1 padroor" Apt Vary dS*n 1375 You ars waicom# lo *Jop Dy our ot&cs tor a frea '-'*1 of praaarM a/xl Mura vacant441 HO? tt*i«K 6 00 pm Cut# 2 badroom dupiai <■*>*# to campus 0157 M-t} I4*ft >45 H563 AvaAl«ft*a now Daewoo thrt »mw Not Ranting 6 brand maw Urwarsrty F*n0y Mousing* Apartment ,>n*» «va.-; *Ma tor occupancy *n tha amt campu* naghlwrtioad E». «d% energy «?t oency standard* Wonderful neghbar rood Smafl community salting Re ♦atved parking Only 3 btock* from campus Man coat* lira awiatxa through tra urwarsty Hows *na Apartment* dark at >4A 4?BC 1 Q.-AA ADA snsMuHon convened to CuSunM d>yarvty _ _ Room aval labia «n baautPul historic houM wa :*an t twock from campua $27Vmo. *u lAaaa* pa*d C*>; hairy ar >44 .T^ft# or 4P1 01 99 A<*o 1 bedroom *v(i4Ni w5aa cab*a TV or bu**na A4«0 >43 4294 ? Bad'OOm f arty Si Bndge araa Or busftna. i \>2 "^«aa trom campus Water cab*a TV prut 1550 465 05? or >44 o VXJ? Isr'y On torched 2 bedroom i?tO Coburg *A1 friftflynp No Pats 45ft 7Kn 1 BEDROOM |]7ft 10 block* to campu* l Sundry. park ng. near Saiawnay OtfUmahad no pat* leas* thru August 204ft W'»am«tta >4ft 790/ 2 BORM Batamanl APT M»ar cam pus A • utr.' ( " I he Wedding Banquet" 2. "Strawnun", Feb. 6 2:00 p.m 4:00 p.m Director Wang, long Dinner (5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Fountain Court I lining Room) First 200 guests can get a small Chinese gift (starts at 6:00 p.m. at Ballroom entrance) Tickets; Adult SHOO Child $5.00 (at the EMU main desk) YERNICK bv Charles Marier T>oq, D*ve. what's His Mane: ^Black. Sam^e] OeATHJ ,s fM£45 W4» Yafca ovar my laaaa • t>i* m cam pu* (Woman) Avawtto fat> 8 | (all ut»**** pa«ft Cad 4(U 4406 250 DORM CONTRACTS A Dorm Contract and fM car txa youm C«* 341\ mm 255 ROOMMATES WAWTED larga 2 Bdtm Apt S-Nru w*th 1 pa* »or. Surry pfftoafca dot* 1 ? '«r* $23;* 30 & i? ut **.***) i?62 taw '•rxai #14 Ca* l area e‘rfi3 .*MlJ Mata room mala to ahara 2 Bdrm opt 6 txM vo camp-./* r«wr 0 jou 1257-tno A».» I *»o • W» i.*H*> Sam or fc*«ga/’ Roommata want ad to tfwa Ig *ory «ktn ? Btfmt Apt a ’' <*» COurTy *nJ i r'«.« roomr'aio $262 50 "'O Pk n ,* x Oop Mo SrnoMn 465 3J?5 1 room tor mat# in 2 110MM houaa |24 Vm© pi,.* *2 wt *. Nww-y ramoct aAxt, My tjw*i*na»r ?)•*« JTai> *26 3602 2 lamala roemmataa rtaadad ’ v t»a htot 4 tktrm hoviaat 260* mo * uM GnNH v«« campfrt. ia unify 34.1 Vr* 285 CLUB SPORTS AH womin intaraataiJ in playing t a CrOftft* COnUlLt Mw fiafi ;*J6/ ot Saron 54% WOS G#r «'4i Mewt^g l .«r.a*»y Jan fl ’JOpm,. Oaf AAna* )S0 Now play*** w«<:om« No Aipifiiooi n«c«fc*ary CYCLING MEETING / 30 pro T rutfwJay Cotter Room A Now mom bon wox.xyn« SCUBA CLUB Important Maating’f All Wotoomo Thun ?fth 4 00pm Oak Room, £ MU SNOWBOARD CLUB MANDATORY MEETING 7 30pm Tup. -Jon 24 f MU C.MMr l QUt S’ C4tf Kftsl S> 34i 5-00 IMPORTANT!! New Members Welcome 320 SERVICES 295 ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT 492 E 13th • 686-2458 OWCOtfft iKWi 14 IwMMU 1 i—— 14y+tm t—«a»T| M«M» 4 45 fU» MO » ad ^ HeTpIANO J THE S « (U) MAM1 4 04 rtf farcwftl My Concubin MM ft l 1001 BARAKA i BIJOU LA1E NlTE 3 MONDAY NIGHT at tha MOVIES! AHA rntUrtHTf * a tacNCC fiction k I CLASSIC FANTASTIC IN Hi COUNSELING Ml N S GROUP ION SURVIVOR S Of Sf XUAl ABUSt A group t* rxm o^wd t%t tho UWVWfrfy l «»/>{*»•'’ to# HM*n w'x) rv lupport m final from child hood Mtaujs* Abuta I h« g>'CK

« ;*v u-'v u itrvd tou' 'vgi w*th oth-**# to# » vw to g«*#x tupped to i/Hught, ton! to u«;hh o^v u tfuttMQ. cubing r>o#i a-« lu# vsvtxtt *n mk$vk)uBI 0hd group thtwupy f CK todft*f tf»k)fm»ltoO OtM !#>* Gouo HHing Canimr ill 146 3??/ to tort up «/' appo*n:?Tm#it to m««( John ft/Hi d;*cut* th# g/Oup_ 320 SERVICES IS DRINKING A PHOtll I M? Wu r am r*»

diy Prtvat* h*lp trom irtend* f rm p#*gr4rcy I *rty <*•*»<* C4l t« W*y 64/ 4061 320 SERVICES PLEASURE? ROMANCE? SOULMATE? SUCCESS? VACATION? TALK LIVE TO ASTROLOGERS LEARN SECRETS OF YOUR LIFE HAVE YOUR DESTINY REVEALED 1-900-476-7500 Ext 334 S2 99/mtn Avg call 8 mm. Avg Cost per call S24 Must be over 18 Touch tone phone requited Cust . Strauss Comm , Carmel. CA (408) 625 1910 THK FAR *IDI By GARY LARSON "Crack tha wtiip!