—Oregon»a,hEmerald Sports Ducks survive mistakes to sneak past Huskies By Dave Charbonneau Oregon D*ty Em&akf Scott Diclrie kson savod Jordy l.yden Saturday night Didrickson l)ri( ked a three pointer off tint front of the run with seven seconds left in the game after l.yden missed an ill advised shot seconds earlier, giving the Oregon men s basket ball team a sloppy fil-fiO win over Washington at Mi Arthur Court on Saturday "1 was sitting on the bench lust praying they wouldn't score," l.yden said. The Oregon fans, coaches und players gave a collective wince as l.yden grabbed a long rebound off a Kenya Wilkins miss and launched a 15-footer that bounced off the bock rim witfi 12 seconds remaining, giv ing the Huskies one Inst shot to upset the Ducks. "The boll came right to me and I was so wide open, I felt I could hit the shot." l.yden said “1 should hnvu had more savvy to bring it back out and let them foul me Luckily, they missed the shot at the end." Lucky indeed After a timeout. Washington guard Amir Kashnd brought the hull up the court and penetrat ed into the lone. He then kicked tile hall back out top to Didrick son. who made a questionable decision and fired up n three pointer. Questionable because although Dldrickson hod hit three of seven treys on the night, the Huskies only needed n two pointer to win the game I thought the shot was in. because he had been shooting well all night." Oregon head coach Jerry Green said. "But I was surprised Amir kic ked it out." Oregon forward Jeff Potter said he expe< ted the shot to go in also "It's always lieen my luck that whenever the other team has shot to win it at the end of the game, it always goes in." ho said "Luckily, it didn't this time." The hall came off the run and a mad scramble for the hall ensued Oregon guard Orlando Williams c nine up with the hall as time ran out An ugly end to an equally ugly game. From the opening tip. it was obvious that it wasn't going to be pretty The Ducks fell behind 9-0, committing turnovers on their first two possessions. After seven minutes. Oregon had only three points and trailed by 10 But the Ducks came back to go on a 12-2 run and tied the game up on t.yden s hack-to bai k jumpers and acrobatu layup on tin* fast break Oregon led .30-28 at halftime and built the lead to 40-41 midway through the second half The Huskies managed to hang close and eventually stole the lead back with a Didrit kson three-pointer followed by a Michael McClain drive to the hoop that made the score 54 53 with under six minutes remain ing Potter and I.yden both hit a pair of free throws to put the Ducks up by three, and Oregon held that margin again when Potter scored on a strong rebound with 1:55 left Kashad v ored inside, but On gon forward Darryl Parker retal iated with a rebound basket of his own at the 1 02 mark Thir teen seconds later, Husky center Maurice Woods scored easily inside, setting up the events of the final 40 seconds. Although Didrickson and l.yden's shots at the end stand out, the game was loaded with rniscues. mental errors and just plain poor displays of basket ball. • Oregon shot a miserable 30 percent from tin; field in the s»« - ond half and finished the game at 35 percent. • The Huskies were equally inept at the free throw line, hit Turn to DUCKS, Page 12 Marti McTyffciO* m« fmwa i Oregon guard Konya Wilkins drives down the lane during Oregon's 81-60 win over Washington al McArthur Court on Saturday. t03 GREEK HAPPENINGS ♦ky* ♦**•* PHI KAPPA PSI Informal Rush Dtnnar Mortoay, January 24. 1904 5 30 pm Call Justin Smith or lmd\ Mohmnn lor MM 483 0071 ♦KY* «t GETTING PINNED SOON? 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