High-tech musicans make Birdsongs By John Fletschli for thtf tki'iy t fht'tiVi-f ;s nving heard of the Boston v -<* based group Birdsongs of I the Mesozou I u,is eager to see tile hand when 1 found out the\ were doing .1 show .it John Henrv s When I phoned the memhers of the quartet lor an interview, they wore kind enough to sav i could hung out with them lor most of the Friday evening lead ing up to tin* show It was quite an evening Following the group around gave me an inside look at the workings of a touring band and an opportunity to observe a night in the lives of some professional niusii ians Although the expon ent® was not all new to me - I'm proud to sav 1 was once in a rock hand that actually got to piny a lew real gigs - it was unique and worthwhile nevertheless. I caught up with the Birdsongs o! the Mesozoic late in the after noon at the door ot the FMU. where they had just done a live interview with a 1)| at the KWVA studio. - arlier in the day the hand r had been interviewed at ife» KLCC. Lane Comm unit y College's radio station The hand tried to hit a hunch of media outlets, hoping to gener ate a good turnout that night Driving to campus, I was wor ried that I wouldn't he aide to hud them because so many peo ple on campus dress, look and act like musicians However, shortly after arriving at our Kscheresipie KMU. 1 recognized the face of Mr. Lindgren. I say Mister because although Lind gren is in a band and can get downright silly sometimes, he is married and nearing 40, the age that marks definite immersion into middle age Lindgren introduced me to the other members in his hand, except for the sax/flute/synth/percussion play er, Ken, who had gone off some where with his wife Det ent and multi-talented lelloyys all. the COUHTESV PHOTO Birdsongs of the Mesozoic, brought their unlqure mix of high-tech worfdbeat music to Eugene last week. Reporter John Fleischli got acquainted with the band before the gig. thru*' present Birdsongs worn ra\ nling around from plai n to plat o in a rented van pat ked full with equipment The fourth member had driven off in a car they apparently had also rented upon their arrival to Eugene from the East t he Birdsongs originally stall ed in 1980 when l.indgren and Ku k Scott got together w ith a couple of members of the now-defunct, legendary Boston hand. Mission of Burma Sim e then the hand has gone through some changes and earned a reputation as a Cham ber Kix:k quartet with a sense of humor. hey i urrentlv are enjoying a grant given to them by the New England Foundation T um" C BIRDSONGS Page 8 ' BUCK REIGN_ 2 ~ SAVORY ^3 3 RAINBOWS TROM ATOMS 4 TOREADOR OF LOVE 5 ENTER WU TANG 6 SNAP YOUR f INGE RS 7 FORE 8 THIRTEEN 9 STRAIGHT UP SWEAOPe 10 MY VOICE 11 OOGMAN 12 LASH _~ 13 fHE ORGANIZATION 14 UNPLUGGED 15 VI RYNt Cf SSARY 16 BLACK BUSINESS 17 THE EVERLASTING IB AQD EATERS 19 THE BURIED LIFE 20 DON'T FORGET THE QUEEN LAI If AH_ JAWBOX _ IDNGFlSM “ ~. HAZEL WU-TANG CLAN_ PRONG __ PEGBQY_ JFFNAGE FAN CLUB DAS EFX KAJA KINGS X __ JC.SUS U/AHO __ I HE ORGANIZATION_ 10. U00 MANIACS_ SALT &PEPA PCX^R RIGHTEOUS TEACHERS EDSEl RAMONES MEDICINE GRENADIRE • YAPS & :'u Y; ■ "Y, o t'J.j.: • -uDuc; s i1. tN; ''y j s -y • BO'lO V: • Y : • • kinko's the cop\ center 344-7894 860 E 13th Avu Across from the U of 0 Bookstore -poppiV-v _yina4olia. "The Land Cast" TrjKJttkxwl Grttk t> Indijn Food Lunch Monday through Saturday Dinner 7 Nights a Week 99a Willamette 6ugenc Or 97401 343-9661 PLK.VSIi RKl'Vl'l.K! Cash For Textbooks Mon Sat Smith Family Bookstore 76$ E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 1 # J * The Lesbian and Gay l aw Student Association Presents: . (su/c/a woe// Time: 1 1:00 am Dale: Saturday. January 22, 1994 Plate: Room 129 l aw Center on the II of() ( ampuv Angela Rowrn works at pulling people together u roc* dificiciKO of ia» class age. sexuality ansi gender with spirit, verve and visum ! h. immediacy of her approach, in which she Mentis live experiences history. I politics atul down to earth humor makes tlear tile Connections Mtsvi , n our oppressions Siu* brings theot v ro hie. raivo thallcngmg ami complex issues while speaking .n ross JiHcteturs Angela leaves her audiem h elmg closer to the possibilities of solutions, rather than separated and confused •Rftrtihrrtf’nli uill bt tfttYt/. ul*fL f'air uneuiblr UO School of Music's World Music Series presents Folk Music of Greece ZIYIA is a five-member ensemble specializing in the diverse regional styles of rural and urban Greece. Members of the group are Christos Gov etas, Beth Cohen, George Chittenden, Use Liepman, and Dan Auvil. Greek folk dance party after the concert! Friday, Jan. 21 8 p.m. EMU Ballroom TICKETS: $10 Gen Admssion. $0 Students / Seniors, available at EMU Main Desk or at the door FREE Lecture-Demonstration Friday, Jan. 21 2 p.m. Beall Concert Hall Co-sponsored by UO Office of International Affairs, Oregon Humaniies Center, EMU Cultural Forum. Veselo Community Foil Dancers, and Eugene Folklore Soaety For more information, cal 346-2852