WEEKEND FEAST FOR FOUR 16 »». Only 3 item with 4 sodas Good Friday. Saturday and Sunday $^095 (in« coupon [»*i pui iw Kin (loliviy only Cainpur. •«>-.« only , Kxpiu'. 3/1R/S4 687-8600 ★ ☆ 20 MOVIES/30 BUCKS ☆ snvi psiap vi xo Hi.“ ☆ 344-2691 ☆ 1888 Franklin Blvd. (rwxt to 7-Bavan on VHkarrf) ■- 'Of: fij Open Worn to llpn SnU Itt+liy < *f***HU fsm mm t*n yumr - l w«i 4«U /> m» un yumr K £-"7 VIDEOS rOYS • GIFTS It Jot in'I h,m to lx dirty to bt good. LINGERIE r I166 S. A St.^V Springfield i. o u r i n a r o a ^ 726-6969 ■oi>KN 24 HOURS WT7 i >1H«U taWK«iMW«a»U'WU»’ «*» W » • tn amf?*** _>w:wt »«*>»<>*> <**»*' ttm 4 Sun UM 22* WINNER BEST FILM • BEST ACTRESS - HOLLY HUNTER CANNES FILM FESTIVAL - 1993 “Breathtaking.. EXHILARATING... A TRIUMPH1* the P i a n «***•■ o mm: O ■ J HUS r fNO THURSO A Y. 1 771 *> OS (13) S* M M 2 00 mm mti mmcAmm iu«m»i *«■ | a k i -A i i L M V CONCUBINE: r« is. 1005 Sun UK 1 30. 330 (Ml "AMAZING! Two thumbs up!” iRAHAKA Hannr • TMn> IM t < tM M* MM »» mumt •> *m movci ttmcKrrcxir rmioowmt N«**»iif it« mar mo *oo* ~ Dazed and Confused w * irertgr . r mioor** mifhiiy n«l 1 1*1 LATE NIGHT wiiii Track Town Pizza Medium Pizzas Discounted After 10:00 pm Daily and All Day Wednesday MEDIUM . ONE ITEM / PIZZA f *6.95 i Additional topping!* M $1.00 each TRACK TOWN PIZZA Two convenient locations to serve you: CAMPUS 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. WEST 484-4262 2511 W. 11th & Wilson TOGETHER ALONE ★ ★★ GROUP: Ocwrted Mouse LABEL ClttlOl ho wauls to hear a bunch of middle-age men singing pop music'' Well, the folks m (jnwriotl House are doing |ust that brilliantly They are restoring an nura of nespt*.lability to pop music With soaring harmonies and catchy lyru s, this band has successful ly kept its distinctive style throughout the past det ade Heat hing a bit of prominent e with songs that virtually every one has heard, such as Hotter Be Horne Soon" and "Don't Dream It's Over." they put many pop itiusit tans to shame Don't be disappointed if you art* unfamiliar with them For some odd reason, tliev have failed to gain broad support in the United Stall's They have developed a much lietier recep tion in Australia. Great Britain and their homeland of New Zealand I his trend was (ieariy reflected with their latest effort their new album was released in the U.K and Australia weeks before it reached the States As in past endeavors. Togeth er Alone contains thoughtful lyrics and driving, melodic gui tars They have also maintained the rare talent to make songs that could be sung around a campfire, ill a stadium, and in a velour-sat urated piano lounge Describing them as versatile understates their talents. This alburn is more similar to their earlier efforts, incorporat ing the same the same type of bal lads and i