WORKSHOP Continued from Page 1 Nancy Deans, a chemistry instructor who (ami* to the University from a collide of -1,000 students, said she thinks the work shops are especially helpful for teachers who ore new at tent hing large classes "I didn't want to teach the way that I was taught, where the tear her lectures for 50 minutes. and you go harm* and read the hook and came hack for another 50 minute lecture," she said Instructor Anne Leavitt attended the workshop to dis< uss teat hing hi hniques. even though the freshman exponent » classes she teaches enroll only 25 students Most of us use only two different meth ods when we teat h." she saitf, either le< tun* or tfist ussion 'That's ail that happened to us when we were students, so that s all we know how to do." site said "There's at tuallv a lot of was s to teat h. hut most of us onls know a rouple Steve Ongena. a (• IT in the et onomics department, said that although a good leat her is horn of exponent e. swing oth er teat hers at work is inspiring "It s as if vou are sitting in their < lass. which is something you wouldn't do nor mal]} " he said "It doesn't come in rtn mind to go and see what other people an* doing " Deans agrees that discussing tern long with other teachers is enriching. "Teaching chemistry and teaching his tor\ are different." she said, "but it’s nit e to talk to people from different fields Plug into a partnership for efficiency. Join Lane County's Public Utilities in Promoting an Energy Efficient Future. “The Energy Outlet"—a new energy conservation information center sponsored by Lane County’s public utilities and the Bonneville Power Administration—will open in down town Eugene in spring, 1994. The store will help Lane County electnc customers make wise energy choices by promoting energy conservation, energy education and electrical product efficiency Bonneville is working with Eugene Water & Electric Board, Springfield Utility Board. Emerald People s Utility District and Blachly-Lane Electric Cooperative in developing and constructing the new information outlet. The outlel will look much like a standard retail store However, unlike a retail store, the outlet will not sell products, but will inform customers about where and what to buy for energy efficiency The Energy Outlet will display and promote energy-efficient products — many of which are not commonly offered — and show how best to use these products and where they can be purchased In an effort to forge a “partnership for efficiency," Lane County's public utilities are looking for donations of items to be used in the displays such as building materials, lighting, and the most energy-efficient products sold by local retail businesses. Sponsoring businesses will be featured in a display at the Energy Outlet when the store opens next spring To learn more about how you can contribute, call EWEB Energy Management Services at 484-1125 for a complete packet of information the Energy Outlet ECKANKAK Religion of the Light and Sound of God Worwhip •errice* open to all every Friday night at 7.-00 fyatw**mS by tm fujmw btete SocMy Ji«>C Awe M1X&7 [WUNDERLAND 5CVIOEO GAMES . -_ 5th STREET PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 r VIDEO ADVENTURE ) © VALLEY RIVER PLAZA ROSES '9.99. phtHk or dm wtfcomc • driven available sZMwfctotUs I l OV'l ns \N!H.»lf TS MT K l.VH Kvfnr.Or r*40l • 4S5-IW2 P10( Hrrs. l <>r 9"402 • 4*M2M WORLDWIDE For plasma Increases everyday. Come A help J Mar Biological* Plasma Donor Center meet the world need with a plasma donation Earn $20 on your lirsl donation Open Tues. thru Sat. Call 683 0430 1901 W. 8th Ave. Now Open Sundays Open for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner ❖ Rice Bowls ❖ Korean Buffet 4-8 Mon.-Sat. ❖ Daily Specials R^Cuiii 1689 Willamette St. 7-8 Mon.-Fri., 7-2 Sat. 343-1542